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Zvoristeanu Yasmine

Great Expectations
Charles Dickens
Chapter Summary
1. Chapter ONE
Pip is a boy whose parents both died and who was brought up by his sister who had a
good reputation. One day, Pip runs into a prisoner on the marshes, who tells him to bring
him a file and some food.
2. Chapter TWO
Because he had been missing all day, Pip was looked for by his sister and her husband.
When he finally got, his sister wanted to beat him, but Joe(her husband) put himself
between the two and prevented a disaster. The next day, the boy snatched bread, cheese,
sugared fruits, some whisky, a meat pie and the file.
3. Chapter THREE
As soon as he woke up, Pip made his way to the man he met on the marshes, but came
across another man, dressed just like the one he was looking for. In the end, he met the
prisoner and gave him what he had to.
4. Chapter FOUR
The same day, some relatives were supposed to come round Pip’s house for a meal. Pip’s
sister served uncle Pumblechook some whisky, which was diluted by Pip with some Tar
Water and the uncle almost choked because of the terrible taste. Soon, to get over this
incident, Pip’s sister wanted to bring the pie, but had the surprise that it was gone. At that
point, Pip raised from the dinner table and ran to the front table, where he was
approached by a group of soldiers.
5. Chapter FIVE
The soldiers were looking for Joe, who was a locksmith, in order for him to help them fix
some handcuffs to finally catch the two prisoners. And they were caught and put on a
ship that would take them back to prison.
6. Chapter SIX
Pip started to learn being a locksmith from Joe, but he also frightened birds, picked up
stones or any other jobs when needed. One day, Miss Havisham, who was a very rich, but
lonely lady, invited Pip to go everyday at her house for a playdate with her niece.
7. Chapter SEVEN
Pip was welcomed by Miss Havisham’s niece, Estella, who seemed very polite and well-
brought up, but she turned out to be a very mean child, despite her unique beauty, They
played cards and Pip always lost and when it was time to go, he bursted into tears and
left. He didn’t wan to go back, although he had no choice,
8. Chapter EIGHT
After he got home, Pip told his family what happened, but nobody believed him and said
that he made it all up.
9. Chapter NINE
The next week, Pip returned to Miss Havisham’s house and got into a fight with a man,
who he beat up easily, although he was an adult.
10. Chapter TEN
As Pip returned to the mansion, Miss Havisham asked him to bring Joe as well and when
it came the time for his visit, she gave the boy 25 pounds and that was the final deal
between Pip and Miss Havisham before he started training as a locksmith.
11. Chapter ELEVEN
As Pip started working as a locksmith with Joe, it seemed like he was favorised and
Orlick, another apprentice, felt wronged and almost got into a fight with Joe. The same
afternoon, Pip went to Miss Havisham, looking for Estella, but he found out she has gone
to study abroad. When he got home, he found out that someone had broken into their
house and injured his sister badly.
12. Chapter TWELVE
Biddy is an old friend of Pip’s, that had moved in with him when his sister got sick. He
confessed he wanted to become a gentleman, in order to impress Estella and to make her
want him. Biddy also confesses that Orlick has a crush on her.
13. Chapter THIRTEEN
Pip was offered an opportunity to become a gentleman by an attorney named Mr Jaggers.
All he had to do was to move to London, so far away from his family and Biddy. He
finally accepted, said his last goodbyes to Miss Havisham as well and the next morning
he was gone.
14. Chapter FOURTEEN
Pip finally landed to London, where Mr Pocket Junior was waiting for him. He
recognized him as being the man who he got into a fight with a few years ago. Mr Pocket
told Pip the story of Miss’s Havisham and the reason why she brought Estella up to be a
woman that breaks men’s hearts.
15. Chapter FIFTEEN
Joe came to visit Pip to London and he is not accustomed to the ,,luxurious” life his
wife’s brother was living.
16. Chapter SIXTEEN
Pip visited Miss Havisham, where he also met Estella again. He was amazed of how
beautiful she still was and couldn’t keep his eyes off her. He soon realized he loved her
and she didn’t have a heart at all, because of how she was brought up.
17. Chapter SEEVENTEEN
Pip confesses his undying love for Estella to Herbert, who told him that it was crystal-
clear and anybody could see that by the way he was looking at her.
18. Chapter EIGHTEEN
Pip met Estella again and decided to take her to Richmond, where she was supposed to
live with an influential woman, Mrs Bradley. The two of them drank some tea, got some
rest and then hit the road. When they got to Richmond, Estella disappeared and left Pip
with the realization that he could never be happy with her.
19. Chapter NINETEEN
Because of his luxurious life, Pip and Herbert got into debt and disturbed the peaceful
way of living of Joe. He soon found out from Biddy that his sister passed away.
20. Chapter TWENTY
Knowing that Pip was in debt, his benefactor gave him 500 pounds, from which Pip used
250 to start a new business.
21. Chapter TWENTY ONE
Estella and Pip visited Miss Havisham and the two women argued because of Estella’s
cold behavior. Estella’s argument was that this was the way she was brought up and she
knows nothing but this. After they left, Estella and Pip went to a ball, where there was a
man that kept talking about Estella, that annoyed Pip. He immediately told her what he
was saying and she said it’s not his fault he couldn’t help it.
22. Chapter TWENTY TWO
In one night, Pip had a visitor at his place, and he recognized the stranger as the prisoner
he had met when he was a child. He openened Pip’s eyes and told him to stop wasting
time with Estella and move on with his life.
23. Chapter TWENTY THREE
24. Chapter TWENTY FOUR
Pip went to see Estella and Miss Havisham before he went to Provis. He confessed his
undying love to Estella, but she announced that she was going to get married with Drummle
thanks to Miss Havisham. Pip couldn’t believe that, because he knew Estella wasn’t able to
love someone and if it were for her to love someone, it would be him.
25. Chapter TWENTY FIVE
Provis remained hidden at Herbert’s, where there also lived his wife and her father.
Herbert and Pip plan to cross Provis the river.
26. Chapter TWENTY SIX
At a dinner at Wemmick’s, Pip spotted a woman that reminded him of Estella and then he
realized it could have been her mother. So, the next day, he went to see Miss Havisham
and she told him that she couldn’t tell him for certain who Estella’s mother is. Pip stayed
convinced that he actually met Estella’s mother.
27. Chapter TWENTY SEVEN
Herbert told Pip the life story of Provis. He connected the dots and he realized that Provis
is the father of Estella and that housekeeper at Wemmick’s house was her mother.
28. Chapter TWENTY EIGHT
Pip received an anonymous letter from someone, saying that if he wanted new
information regarding Provis, he had better come to the marshes. It turned out that it was
a trap that Orlick set up, in order to kill Pip. He was on the verge of killing him, when
Herbert found Pip and saved him.
29. Chapter TWENTY NINE
Herbert and Pip wanted to cross the Thames and find a house where they could hide
Provis and everything was going as planned until there have come some officers that
recognized the convict and took him into custody.
30. Chapter THIRTY
Soon, the time for Provis’s trial came and Pip was allowed to stand by his side, because
he was very ill. The sentence for his return in England was death and Pip prayed that he
would die from his illness, not from his sentence. And so it was, after giving him the
advice he needed, Provis took his last breath and died.
31. Chapter THIRTY ONE
Miss Havisham died soon after, lonely, and left most of her fortune to Estella and Mr
Pocket. Pip was very happy when he heard that. After Provis’s death, Pip got sick too and
Joe took good care of him until he felt stronger. Joe announced him that him and Biddy
are getting married soon.
32. Chapter THIRTY TWO
Pip moved to Cairo with Herbert, but he often texted Joe and Biddy and, one day, he
came back to the old forge and thought of stepping by Miss Havisham’s house as well.
There, he met Estella again and he found out that her husband treated her badly and died,
so now she was a widow. They stayed friends and Pip forgave her for all the pain she
caused him.

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