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Have a cordial greeting sent answers of the questions

1. Where is the student manual locatel, Mention three student rights and three
student resonsibilibilities sttend in the manual the manual The student
manual is located on the platform of the unad in the main menú as student
Rights (Derechos)
 Expresar y discutir ideas dentro del orden y el respeto a las personas, a la
institución y a las opiniones ajenas.
Express and discuss ideas within the order and respect people, the
institution and outside opinions.

 Ser evaluado en forma justa, conocer previamente los criterios de

evaluación de su trabajo académico y recibir oportunamente los resultados
Be evaluated fairly, prior knowledge of the criteria of evaluation of their
academic work and receive the results appropriately.

 Presentar solicitudes y/o reclamaciones, respetuosas, de tipo académico o

administrativo, siguiendo los conductos regulares.
Submit applications or claims, respectful, academic or administrative type,
following the regular lines.

Duties (Deberes):
 Cancelar los derechos pecuniarios y legalizar la matrícula de cada periodo
en las fechas establecidas en la programación académica.

Cancel the pecuniary rights and legalize the registration of each period by
the dates specified in the academic program

 Comportarse respetuosamente con todos los miembros de la comunidad


Behave respectfully with all members of the University community

 Respetar las opiniones y puntos de vista de los demás y permitir la libre

expresión, divulgación y circulación de estos.

Submit applications or claims, respectful, academic or administrative type,

following the regular lines.
2. Where do you have to uploat your final product Ford this activity.

The final product is loaded into the evaluation and monitoring everironment.

3. What is the main purpose of the initial information environment?

The purpose is to know the course, show the agenda and se the agreements that
are made.

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