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Free amino acids: an innovative treatment for ocular surface disease

Dario Rusciano a,n, Anna Maria Roszkowska b, Caterina Gagliano c, Salvatore Pezzino d
Sooft Italia SpA, Scientific Department, Via Salvatore Quasimodo 136, 00144 Rome, Italy
Cornea and Refractive Surgery Section, Ophthalmology Unit, University Hospital of Messina, Italy
Ophthalmology Department, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
Sooft laboratories, Viale Andrea Doria 21, 95125 Catania, Italy

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Amino acids are the basic constituents of living organisms, and have both a structural and an active
Received 18 December 2015 dynamic role in tissue and cell physiology. Human tears contain 23 amino acids, the relative proportion
Received in revised form of which may change with the different physiological states of the eye surface. In this review, we present
1 April 2016
a collection of data from the published literature that indicate an active role of amino acids in the
Accepted 14 April 2016
maintenance of eye surface homeostasis. Moreover, another series of published clinical data indicate that
supplementation of amino acids, either as food supplements or as a topical treatment in enriched eye
Keywords: drops, is beneficial to the eye surface, and may improve its healing in cases of eye surface disease due to
Dry eye different causes.
& 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction increases the stability of the precorneal tear film and improves
ocular surface wettability and smoothness thanks to its water re-
Dry Eye Disease (DED) was defined in 2007 by the Dry Eye tentive and viscoelastic properties (Foulks, 2007; Aragona et al.,
Workshop (DEWS) as ‘a multifactorial disease of the tear film and 2002).
the ocular surface that results in symptoms of discomfort, visual Dry eye treatment by tear stimulation can be achieved by orally
disturbance, and tear film instability with potential damage to the administered cholinergic drugs, such as pilocarpine that is used for
ocular surface’. It is usually accompanied by increased osmolarity severe dry eyes in Sjogren's Syndrome. The improvement of ocular
of the tear film and inflammation of the ocular surface, and is surface epithelia results from the stimulation of muscarinic re-
considered one of the most frequent ocular disorders leading to ceptors and of the secretory function associated with the increased
visual impairment (Foulks, 2007). Current therapeutic approaches number of muciparous goblet cells (Foulks, 2007; Aragona et al.,
are aimed at improving signs and symptoms of DED and are re- 2006).
lated to its etiology due to either increased tear film evaporation As regards anti-inflammatory treatment, the efficacy of topical
because of a deficiency of the lipid layer, and/or decreased pro- corticosteroids has been reported (Foulks, 2007; Aragona et al.,
2013b, 2015). The topical use of cyclosporine was also effective,
duction of the aqueous phase by the main and accessory lacrimal
but its use is still limited to the US and is under continuing in-
vestigation (Foulks, 2007; Aragona, 2014; Stonecipher et al., 2013).
Currently, therapies can be systemic and/or topical, and they
Interestingly, oral tetracyclines have demonstrated therapeutic
are focused on tear supplementation, retention or stimulation,
properties in the management of DED. They have been shown to
coupled to the control of the underlying inflammation (Foulks,
reduce MMP expression, lipase production and collagenase activ-
2007; Dogru et al., 2013).
ity, and have been successfully used to treat chronic blepharitis,
Tear supplementation is obtained with topical lubricants,
rosacea and Meibomian Gland Disease (Foulks, 2007; Hessen and
which can be hypotonic or isotonic and differ in their content of
Akpek, 2014; Doughty, 2016).
electrolytes, surfactants and viscosity agents. Sodium hyaluronate
The use of oral supplementation with essential fatty acids was
is frequently used as a hydrating and mucomimetic agent since it found to be effective as an additional therapy in DED management.
Such treatment has been clinically shown to significantly reduce
Corresponding author. conjunctival inflammatory marker expression (Foulks, 2007; Ara-
E-mail address: (D. Rusciano). gona et al., 2005; Brignole-Baudouin et al., 2011).
0014-2999/& 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Rusciano, D., et al., Free amino acids: an innovative treatment for ocular surface disease. Eur J Pharmacol
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Finally, supplementation with amino acids, topical or systemic, affected by ocular dryness (Nakatsukasa et al., 2011) (Fig. 1). The
is a relatively recent strategy that will be the subject of this mini presence of free amino acids in tears and their dynamic fluctua-
review. tions suggest that they may play some relevant physiological role
in this specific and special environment. For instance, amino acids
may have antioxidant properties: methionine and cysteine work
2. Amino acids in tears as antioxidants through reversible protein oxidation (Kantorow
et al., 2004; Njie-Mbye et al., 2013). In the musculoskeletal system,
Amino acids are essential nutrients as they constitute the main amino acids are required to increase bone and muscle mass, and to
elements of which proteins and peptides are made, and thus play reinforce tendons and joints (Gibala, 2000). In the epidermis,
an essential part in the regulation of the whole metabolism of amino acids (more specifically glycine, proline and hydroxypro-
living organisms. Amino acids are naturally present in human line) are required for the synthesis of tropocollagen by stromal
tears. Their nature has been investigated in two different studies, fibroblasts, and for the building of collagen fibers (Wu et al., 2011).
both of which reported that their relative concentration differs A healthy stroma is also the key to a healthy epithelium, and ef-
from what is found in serum (ChenZhuo et al., 2002; Nakatsukasa ficient wound healing depends on a proper cross-talk between
et al., 2011) and that this concentration changes in patients fibroblasts and epithelial cells, which can be implemented by the

Fig. 1. Concentration of each amino acid in basal and reflex tears (Nakatsukasa et al., 2011).

Please cite this article as: Rusciano, D., et al., Free amino acids: an innovative treatment for ocular surface disease. Eur J Pharmacol
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presence of amino acids (MacKay and Miller, 2003). Essential 2005).

amino acids have been successfully used in several systemic dis-
orders proving their positive effect on healing processes. In me-
tabolic pathologies, the oral supplementation with amino acids 3. Amino acids and inflammation
together with conventional therapy, improve muscular protein
metabolism and cell function maintenance, promoting protein Some amino acids can reduce inflammation. Glutamine reduces
synthesis and energy production both in peripheral skeletal IL-8 production in human intestinal epithelial cells by limiting
muscles and in the myocardium (Pasini et al., 2008; Aquilani, IkBα ubiquitination and disposal, thus inhibiting the over-ex-
2004). The role of the systemic use of amino acids in cardiology pression of pro-inflammatory genes and promoting the down-
was demonstrated by an improvement of muscular metabolism regulation of the pro-inflammatory nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-kB)
and function in the elderly and in chronic heart failure. Additional pathway (Hubert-Buron et al., 2006; Fillmann et al., 2007).
evidence in elderly patients has shown an increase of exercise Glycine, histidine and cysteine administered to human cor-
capacity by improving circulatory function, muscle oxygen con- onary arterial endothelial cells can each inhibit NF-kB activation,
sumption and aerobic production of energy (Scognamiglio et al., IL-6 production and expression of the leukocyte adhesion mole-
2008; Aquilani et al., 2008b). cule CD62E (Hasegawa et al., 2012).
Dietary supplementation of arginine can enhance wound CD62E (Hasegawa et al., 2012). Moreover, cysteine and histi-
healing, regulate endocrine activity and potentiate immune ac- dine exhibited anti-inflammatory effects in a human monocytic
tivity (Efron and Barbul, 2000), significantly lowering catheter- leukemia cell line (Hasegawa et al., 2011). Oral supplementation of
related sepsis rates (Caparrós et al., 2001). Arginine improves re- the branched-chain amino acids isoleucine, leucine and valine
productive, cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, liver (Efron and reduced inflammation and soreness in healthy subjects, likely
Barbul, 2000) and pulmonary functions by influencing pulmonary decreasing cytokine inflammatory chemicals released by the im-
hypertension (Mehta et al., 1995; G. Wu et al., 2009). Supple- mune system (Holecek, 2010). Orally administered L-isoleucine,
mentation of glutamine may improve protein status and im- DL-isoleucine and L-leucine exhibited anti-inflammatory activity
munocompetence, enhance nutritional management, reduce the in many test models of inflammation, except formaldehyde-in-
number of infections and augment recovery of the seriously ill duced inflammation (Saxena et al., 1984). Taurine may play an
while minimizing hospital stay (Jones et al., 1999; Lacey and important role in inflammation associated with oxidative stress;
Wilmore, 1990; Houdijk et al., 1998; Bollhalder et al., 2013; At- the taurine haloamines, TauCl and TauBr have antimicrobial and
kinson and Worthley, 2003; Platell et al., 2000; De Bandt and anti-inflammatory properties (Marcinkiewicz and Kontny, 2014).
Cynober, 2006). Moreover, amino acids are necessary for the Amino acids can also be the source of relevant secondary
functioning of organ systems such as the nervous system, in which physiological products. In cases of inflammation, arginine is de-
they may act directly as neurotransmitters or as neurotransmitter graded by intracellular nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) into citrulline
precursors (Fuchs et al., 2005). Amino acid imbalance can be the and nitric oxide (NO), which is then used to sustain the in-
cause of neurological diseases, such as Parkinson's (Luong, 2012) flammation process. NO has important physiological functions on
or Huntington's chorea (Oepen et al., 1982), and oral supple- the ocular surface: it is involved both in the process of wound
mentation of amino acids may help in fighting these metabolic healing after excimer laser ablation and in the protection against
deficiencies, also at the retinal neuron level (Fernstrom and allergic inflammation (Kim et al., 2002). In fact, during the in-
Fernstrom, 2007). In patients with severe brain injury, the sup- flammatory process there is an increased need for arginine, which
plementation of branched-chain amino acids enhances the re- is imported into the cells by means of the cationic amino acid
trieval of disability rating scale and improves recovery from a transporter (hCAT), so that there is enough arginine that can be
vegetative or minimally conscious state (Aquilani et al., 2008a, used for the generation of NO as a defense mechanism (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Amino acids arginine and lysine have an important role in many ocular physiological processes and can improve the clinical condition of diabetic and IOP patients.

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Accordingly, it has been shown that hCAT transporters in ocular increased expression (35%) of TGFβ, again suggesting decreased
tissues are up-regulated during inflammation (Jäger et al., 2009). keratocyte proliferation and increased motility of epithelial cells
hCAT transporters are also required for the intracellular transport (faster re-epithelization); and a dramatic increased expression
of arginine and lysine that are used for the synthesis of beta de- (450%) of polyamines, suggesting regulated differentiation and
fensins in tears, which are essential components of the local innate proliferation. Consistent with these results, a second study (Fig. 6
immune system and the first line of defense against eye infections (b)) showed that oral amino acid supplementation improved ker-
(Jäger et al., 2010a, 2010b). atocyte growth and repopulation, thus improving the healing rate
of PRK patients who had shown re-epithelization defects (Vinci-
guerra et al., 2002).
4. Amino acids and surgery Finally, reduced levels of amino acids in the lens may lead to
decreased synthesis of lens proteins such as the antioxidant en-
All regenerative processes require new protein synthesis for zyme glutathione (GSH) (Wu, 2009; Reddy, 1990; Berthoud and
cell replication and new extracellular matrix (ECM) production. Beyer, 2009). The effect of amino acids on mammalian eye lenses
After mechanical or surgical traumas, wound healing will be more against oxidative stress was investigated (Rathore and Gupta,
efficient when all the necessary components are readily available 2010), and the results indicated a significant protective role of
(MacKay and Miller, 2003). This is also true after eye surgery. In selected amino acids in the H2O2 induced cataract model in vitro,
ophthalmology, amino acids are used mainly in corneal surgery with a prominent role especially for arginine and proline.
and surface disorders. Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and laser
in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) are surgical procedures that perturb
the ocular surface homeostasis (Wilson, 2001) and can result in 5. Pre-clinical and clinical evidence
dry eye syndrome (De Paiva et al., 2006; Huang et al., 2012). Ne-
jima and collaborators found that indeed both procedures de- Given these results, topical eye drop formulations containing
creased the epithelial barrier function, reduced tear secretion, and amino acids with or without hydrating agents (such as hyaluronic
deteriorated tear film stability (Nejima et al., 2005). The efficacy of acid or hydroxy-propyl-methyl-cellulose) have been designed and
cysteine oral supplements has been evaluated in corneal wound are currently available on the market. Four amino acids have been
healing after PRK (Fig. 3): all the eyes of patients treated with chosen in the topical formulation: proline, lysine, leucine and
cysteine oral supplements, in a daily dose of 200 mg, showed glycine. Proline and glycine are the main components of type I
shorter times to re-epithelization compared to the eyes of the collagen (Panjwani and Harding, 1978), which is the most abun-
control group (Meduri et al., 2009). dant protein (70% of dry weight) in the corneal stroma (Polatnick
Cataract surgery may also disrupt ocular surface homeostasis et al., 1957). Lysine, which is present in collagen as such or as
and alter Meibomian gland function, thus leading to the devel- hydroxy-lysine, although not a prominent amino acid, is critical for
opment of dry eye signs and symptoms (Kohlhaas, 1998; Cho and the arrangement of the triple helix of collagen fibrils (Fietzek and
Kim, 2009; Han et al., 2014; Li et al., 2007). Clinical data have Kühn, 1975) and in corneal collagen is also heavily glycosylated,
shown (Torres Munoz et al., 2003) that oral supplementation with thus further contributing to the spatial arrangement of the fibrils
a mixture of 13 different amino acids (Fig. 4) in patients under- (Panjwani and Harding, 1978) and the transparency of the corneal
going cataract surgery favors the remodeling of the stroma, de- stroma. Glycine and proline are also important respectively in
tected as an increase of stromal keratocytes, and induces changes desmosomes (Kapprell et al., 1985) and tight junctions, in which
in the distribution of stromal cells and the ECM suggestive of an ZO-1 proteins contain a proline rich domain that interacts with
active healing process (Fig. 5). cytoskeletal F-actin (Fanning et al., 1998). Leucine is highly re-
The same oral supplement with 13 amino acids has also been presented in lumican, a proteoglycan with keratin-sulfate side
used in PRK patients. In a first study (Fig. 6(a)) the corneal epi- chains, which is responsible for the regulation of the collagen as-
thelium, removed for PRK purposes, was analyzed for cytokine sembly into fibrils, and necessary for corneal transparency (Amjadi
(EGF and TGFβ) and polyamine expression (Roszkowska, 2006, et al., 2013; Chakravarti et al., 1998). Along a similar line of
personal communication). Results showed that in amino acid thought, however, in the field of dentistry, it has been reported
treated patients vs. untreated controls there was a decreased EGF that the supplementation in vitro of these same four amino acids
expression, suggesting decreased proliferation of epithelial cells (proline, glycine, lysine and leucine) may enhance collagen and
and keratocytes (decreased risk of hyperplasic reaction); an fibronectin biosynthesis by human dermal fibroblasts (Favia et al.,

Fig. 3. Oral cysteine supplementation, in a daily dose of 200 mg, reduces mean corneal wound healing time in patients after PRK (Meduri et al., 2009).

Please cite this article as: Rusciano, D., et al., Free amino acids: an innovative treatment for ocular surface disease. Eur J Pharmacol
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Fig. 4. (a–b) Chemical composition of the mixture of 13 different amino acids administered orally to patients undergoing cataract surgery or PRK (Torres Munoz et al., 2003).

2008). The results were also confirmed in vivo, after topical ad- free conditions with a mixture of these four amino acids at the
ministration to the gums of human patients (Favia et al., 2008). A same concentration (0.01%) present in artificial tears, was analyzed
conjunctival epithelial cell line challenged in vitro under serum- at 24–48 and 72 h. Results showed no effects on cell survival

Fig. 5. Clinical data show that oral supplementation favors the remodeling of the stroma, detected as an increase of stromal keratocytes, and induces changes in the
distribution of stromal cells and the ECM suggestive of an active healing process (Torres Munoz et al., 2003).

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Fig. 6. Effect of oral supplementation with amino acids on the corneal epithelium of PRK patients in two studies (a: Ref. Roszkowska (2006), personal communication; b: Ref.
Vinciguerra et al. (2002)).

(apoptosis monitored by Hoechst 33342) or proliferation (Ki67 communication), suggesting that an improved trophism of the
proliferation marker), and a normal amount of Goblet cells, how- ocular surface may exert a positive effect on the whole lacrimal
ever, there was a slight increase of Muc5 mRNA and no change of system. Consistent with these results, a pilot clinical study on 20
Muc1 mRNA (Micera et al., 2008, personal communication). In a patients affected by mild to moderate dry eye (Sacchetti et al.,
different in vitro model system, a multilayered corneal epithelium 2012, personal communication), showed that treatment with -
was reconstituted on transwell filters in a serum-free medium saline eye drops enriched with amino acids vs. saline eye drops
(Meloni et al., 2011). After mechanical scarification of the epithe- alone resulted after 1 and 3 months of treatment in a better re-
lium, the kinetics of re-epithelization was found to be improved sponse for some symptoms, such as burning, itching, dryness and
after topical addition of saline plus the four amino acids, in cor- tearing, in the amino acid treated patients (Fig. 7(A)). Another
relation with a higher expression of MMP9, a metalloprotease that clinical study compared the response of patients affected by dys-
is involved in cell migration (Meloni et al., 2011; Rusciano et al., functional tear syndrome treated with an artificial tear containing
2009, personal communication). Similarly, re-epithelization of the either hyaluronic acid alone or hyaluronic acid plus amino acids
rabbit cornea after trephination showed a faster recovery after (Leu, Gly, Pro, Lys). After 1 and 3 months of treatment, all patients
treatment with topical eye drops containing hyaluronic acid and showed improvements of signs and symptoms. However, those
amino acids (Rusciano et al., 2009, personal communication). patients treated with eye drops containing amino acids had better
Dysfunctional tear syndrome is accompanied by alterations of corneal staining and observation at the confocal microscope
ocular surface epithelia and tear film, such as increased production showed less hyper-reflecting cells (a sign of metabolic damage) in
of inflammatory cytokines and the remodeling matrix metallo- the epithelial corneal layer as compared to those receiving hya-
protease MMP9 (Chotikavanich et al., 2009; Lam et al., 2009). luronic acid alone; nerve tortuosity was also improving faster and
Treatment of rabbits’ eyes (in which an insufficiency of tear pro- better in the presence of topical amino acids (Aragona et al.,
duction had been induced by ConA intraocular injections) with 2013a). Artificial tears containing hyaluronic acid plus amino acids
saline alone, or saline plus amino acids (Leu, Gly, Pro, Lys) showed (Leu, Gly, Pro, Lys) can also modulate the expression pattern of
a significant increase of tear production, and a decrease of MMP9 inflammatory proteins in the tears of patients affected by dys-
expression in the amino acid treatment group after 3 days of functional tear syndrome (Gagliano, 2013, personal communica-
treatment (Marrazzo G and Platania CBM, 2012, personal tion). Starting from the first month of treatment, tear film protein

Please cite this article as: Rusciano, D., et al., Free amino acids: an innovative treatment for ocular surface disease. Eur J Pharmacol
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Fig. 7. (A) Treatment with saline eye drops enriched with amino acids improved the signs and symptoms of patients affected my mild dry eye better than treatment with
saline eye drops alone (Sacchetti et al., 2012, personal communication), and (B) resulted in a significant decrease of inflammatory cytokines in tears (Gagliano, 2013, personal

level expression of IL-1beta, IL6, TNF-α and IFN-γ was decreased taurine deficiency on photoreceptor survival was confirmed in
compared to those receiving hyaluronic acid alone (Fig. 7(B)). monkeys fed a taurine deprived diet (Imaki et al., 1987), in rats by
administering an inhibitor or competitive substrate of the taurine
transporter (Pasantes-Morales et al., 1983) and finally, achieved in
6. Taurine mice by knocking-out the taurine transporter (Rascher et al.,
2004). Retinal toxicity of the antiepileptic drug vigabatrin, widely
Taurine is an amino-sulfonic acid which, differently from all the prescribed for the treatment of epilepsy (Wilby et al., 2005), is also
other amino acids, contains an amino group and a sulfonic acid caused by taurine depletion (Jammoul et al., 2009). In glaucoma of
group instead of the classic carboxylic group (Fig. 8). the dog, the taurine concentration seems to be markedly de-
Taurine is involved in cardiovascular function, and the devel- creased in injured photoreceptors (Madl et al., 2005).
opment and function of skeletal muscle, retina, and central ner- A 3-year follow-up study highlighted that treatment with
vous system (Huxtable, 1992). In the adult's eye, it is heavily re- taurine, the calcium antagonist diltiazem, and vitamin E retards
presented in the retina, vitreous, lens, cornea, iris and ciliary body the progressive visual field reduction in retinitis pigmentosa, likely
(ChenZhuo et al., 2002; Heinämäki et al., 1986) with numerous through a protective action from free radicals in affected photo-
protective bioactive functions (Ripps and Shen, 2012). receptors (Pasantes-Morales et al., 2002).
Experimental studies in different animal model systems have The beneficial effects of taurine are, in part, a result of its an-
shown a correlation between aging, taurine availability and dis- tioxidant properties, as well as its ability to improve mitochondrial
ease occurrence (Militante and Lombardini, 2004; Yildirim et al., function by stabilizing the electron transport chain and inhibiting
2007). In the rat, taurine levels were found to decrease with aging the generation of reactive oxygen species (Jong et al., 2012). Ex-
in the retina, lens tissues and cornea (Baskin et al., 1977). Taurine perimental results demonstrate that taurine attenuates hypergly-
induced the increase of the number of rod photoreceptors in rat cemia-induced apoptosis in human tubular cells via an inhibition
retina cultures (Altshuler et al., 1993) and it appears to act on of oxidative stress (Verzola et al., 2002), inhibits the formation of
retinal progenitors via the glycine receptor α2 subunit (Young and the Apaf-1/Caspase-9 apoptosome in cultured rat neonatal cardi-
Cepko, 2004). Cats fed a taurine deficient diet developed central omyocytes (Takatani et al., 2004), inhibits the m-calpain and cas-
retinal degeneration (Hayes et al., 1975) and exogenous taurine pase-3 mediated cascades in an animal model of ischemia (Sun
administration may be helpful in preventing age related changes and Xu, 2008) and reduces Bcl-2 in ethanol-induced apoptosis in
in the retina (Militante and Lombardini, 2004). The effect of the developing cerebellum (J.-Y. Wu et al., 2009).

Please cite this article as: Rusciano, D., et al., Free amino acids: an innovative treatment for ocular surface disease. Eur J Pharmacol
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Fig. 8. Chemical structure of taurine and some of its beneficial effects on the eye.

Moving from the CNS and the retina to the epithelial surface, rabbits, taurine effectively protected ocular surface tissues from
topical taurine application contributed to epithelial wound heal- chemical damage induced by HOCl, and arrested the progression
ing. A chitosan polymer of taurine (Tau-Gel) applied to full thick- of tissue damage (as measured by the level of lactate dehy-
ness skin wounds of mice once a day for seven days, decreased drogenase activity) that had already been initiated by HOCl
lipid peroxide and malondialdehyde formation, and increased (Koyama et al., 1996). A mixture of taurine, alpha-ketoglutarate,
hydroxyproline levels (Değim et al., 2002; Ozmeri,ç et al., 2000), pyruvate and pantothenate prevented corneal damage induced by
thus improving wound healing. Taurine and derivatives also pos- 2-chloroethyl-ethyl sulfide (Varma et al., 1998).
sess anti-inflammatory properties (Marcinkiewicz and Kontny, Several studies have shown that the levels of taurine and GSH
2014; Marcinkiewicz et al., 2006). A clinical trial on patients af- were significantly reduced in the diabetic cataractous lens (Kilic
fected by severe epidemic keratoconjunctivitis showed that et al., 1999) and dietary supplementation with taurine reduced the
N-chlorotaurine, a derivative of taurine, was well-tolerated, shor- tissue damage and the mortality rate resulting from diabetes
tened the duration of illness, and appeared to be a useful causative (Obrosova and Stevens, 1999; Di Leo et al., 2004).
therapeutic approach (Teuchner et al., 2005). These regenerative
properties of taurine have been exploited for the formulation of
protective polymer-based ocular surface films (Kedik et al., 2011). 7. Conclusions
Taurine has been included in contact lens cleaning solutions be-
cause of the regenerative effect on the tear film of contact lens In conclusion, there are still several unanswered questions
wearers (Grus et al., 2005). Taurine could protect corneal stroma about the occurrence and the role of amino acids in tears and the
and epithelium from lactic acidosis caused by contact lens wearing reason why their relative concentration may fluctuate with time
(Bonanno and Polse, 1987) because of its acid buffering ability and with the pathological state of the eye (they have been pro-
against lactic acidosis (Nakada et al., 1991). Tear proteomic studies posed as a sensitive marker of eye conditions). However, there are
revealed distinct similarities between contact lens wearers and enough encouraging preclinical and clinical data suggesting that
dry eye patients that correlated with the finding that contact lens an additional supply of amino acids, either systemic or topical,
wearers often develop dry eye symptoms. Taurine treatment may be useful to help the eye to recover its homeostatic equili-
modifies the tear proteome of contact lens wearers and dry eye brium, and a better functionality of the integrated system ocular
patients shifting it towards the profile of healthy control subjects surface – lacrimal glands. More studies are certainly required, both
(Funke et al., 2012). on experimental model systems and on human patients, to un-
Human corneal epithelial cells express Naþ -dependent os- derstand better the pharmacokinetics and the pharmacodynamics
mosensitive taurine transport activity, thus under hypertonic of topical amino acids and their effects on different eye compart-
conditions there is an increase of intracellular taurine transport ments, such as lacrimal glands, corneal epithelial surface and
that enhances cell survival, perhaps through a membrane stabili- stroma. Some of these studies are already running in laboratories
zation and/or an antioxidant effect (Shioda et al., 2002). In albino and clinical settings, and will certainly be the subject of

Please cite this article as: Rusciano, D., et al., Free amino acids: an innovative treatment for ocular surface disease. Eur J Pharmacol
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forthcoming publications on topical amino acids in the coming Brignole-Baudouin, F., Baudouin, C., Aragona, P., Rolando, M., Labetoulle, M., Pisella,
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double-masked, randomized, controlled trial assessing the effect of oral sup-
plementation of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids on a conjunctival in-
flammatory marker in dry eye patients. Acta Ophthalmol. 89, e591–e597. http:
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traoperative risk factors. Korean J. Ophthalmol. 23, 65–73.
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