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Source 1.

Farquhar, Brodie. “Wolf Reintroduction Changes Ecosystem in Yellowstone.” june 30, 2020

Summary of the source. This source talks a lot about how reintroduction of the wolf into
yellowstone national park was a really good thing because it affected so much of the
environment. Starting out with the beaver because the beaver population was going down hill
because the elk were eating the beavers habitat. So with the reintroduction of wolves it has
been able to balance the elk herds to the point that the beaver is thriving going from one healthy
group to 9 healthy groups which is a lot since 1995. However, there is a lot more changes that
the wolves brought and it will take decades to figure out the pros and cons for reintroducing the

This source is extremely credible because it is on the yellowstone national park news page. This
means that the research is correct and has actually been made and is a primary source on how
the wolves are infecting the environment. So it was really cool to see the evidence that they
brought forward from doing their own research in the park with how relocated wolves are going.

My response to this source is quite surprising because I never really considered the benefits
that could come to the plants and smaller animals from the reintroduction of wolves. I have
really only looked at how it would affect the safety of hunters/ So it is cool to get another
perspective and for someone who is really passionate about the wilderness and nature I am
very surprised about the positives that this article has brought up.

Word count 279

Source 2

Mckee, Spencer “The Key Arguments for Both Sides of the Wolf Reintroduction Debate in
Colorado.” 2019

Summary of the source. In this article it brings up very valid and reasonable arguments to both
sides of the wolf reintroduction into colorado. In his arguments for Reintroduction he talks about
the restoration of the ecosystem, saying that humans cannot be the only population control for
certain animals such as elk and deer. Saying that this could be an answer to some dieseases
that are in the herds of these animals from over population. For the Arguments against
reintroduction is the impact that it has on the livestock and hunting industries as well as some
negative impacts on the ecosystem.

Analysis. I think that this is another great source because he is another journalist who is actually
out doing field research and looking for answers. Also he lists really good and reasons for both
sides of the argument so he isn’t biased or one sided at all which is always a plus when they are
just trying to get information out to the public about pretty important topics.

Response to the source, I really like this source and I will be using it a lot because it gives some
really good information and really good arguments for both sides of the wolf debate. For me I
feel like the impact of livestock and the hunting industries will hurt the state and or country more
than they would know. However it is still really good to hear both sides of the argument.

Word count 543

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