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In this scenario, I'll be continuing my care

of the patient. I will be helping her

from the bed into a commode chair, and assisting
her to have a shower.
Hello, Sue.
Hello. How are you?
I'm good thank you. How are you going?
Not too bad. Gretel, isn't it?
Yes, that's right.
Yes, yes.
Now, I was just wondering
do you feel up to having a shower?
Oh, that would be good, yes.
Oh fantastic! Fine, no worries
well, firstly, did you bring anything that
want to change into, or any toiletries?
I've got pyjamas in the cupboard there, and
there's a bag of toiletries too.
Fantastic. I'll just get that ready there...
Now, Sue, I understand you've had
some surgery on
your spine, so I can imagine you'd be quite
anxious that you
don't experience any discomfort or do anything
It's pretty painful
it's quite hard to move.
Not a problem
so what I'll
I'll just explain to you what we'll be doing.
I'll sit you up into the bed, and then I'll
lower the bed down so that you can
get comfortably out of it, and if at any time
you experience any discomfort or
pain, just stop and you can take a break,
or we can just take it from there.
OK, yep.
Just winding you up a little bit... there
we go... now I'll just lower the bed
down for you. How are you going there?
Alright, it's OK.
Good, I'll just bring you down now.
I'm just going to pull back the bed covers.
There we go...
I'm here for you if you need a bit of a hand.
That's good, that's good. Alright...
OK, fantastic.
I'm just going to help you pop on some shoes,
so that you don't accidentally
there we
These look really elegant, don't they!
Oh they're not too bad
just wriggle your foot in there.
I should have brought some slippers.
I'll just do your laces up so you don't trip.
There we go...
Thank you. You're so used to
being able to reach down and do it, you know.
Thank you.
Alright, so what I'm going to do
I'll just bring the commode chair over here
and pop the brakes on
is that close enough for you to reach there?
Yes, that's good, yes.
Let me just put the brakes on. There we go
and if you just then want to slowly get up,
and then you can just swivel around. There
you go, good.
and just reach behind you there
Good on you.
You alright?
Yes, yes.
I'll just put the footrest down
there you go. Are you comfortable there,
It's OK.
Lovely, that's just your towels. Alright,
now I'll just take you with me to go
and have a shower.

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