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The way a mentor leads you to

your goal is to know how

to reach your goal,
as well as know
where you are right now.
How well you receive from your
mentor is dependent on
your own mindset of learning,
teachability & discipleship.
Without building your own
your learning will be limited.
You must be open to all learning in
order to truly benefit from the
knowledge you're seeking.
How teachable are you
as a student?
How coachable are you?
It'll determine how fast you'll receive
new knowledge.
Accountability is an
important component of
achieving success.
A mentor must
understand & impart
knowledge of two journeys;
the outer & the inner.
You can take forever to learn &
trying to find out how if you don't
have a good guide by your side.
Life is quite complex & the knowledge you'll
need to attain success in your field &
vocation may just be too complicated to
figure out all by yourself.
You can probably figure it !
out all on your own. !
But it will require the !
time of your life.

Time is a great teacher.

Unfortunately, it kills all
it's students.
If you have money,

you can spare your

effort & time.
If you lack the money,

use your time & your effort
to get what you want.
Winning is wonderful.

Go for it!
Money is essential.
Build your assets.
Money is a
great servant.
We each have a different
Get to know your own;
strengths & weaknesses.
Nature or nurture?

I will do my part to help myself

reach my goals & live my best life.
Seeking good mentors is an !
essential part to faster success.
Reflection is a
great way to
get better life answers.
Learning to think for our own is a
great way to become
happier, confident &
I am responsible for
my own life.
Knowing my passion in life helps
me focus on a narrow path for
my contribution & fulfilment.
Leonard Lau
Trusted Adviser, Motivator, Mentor!

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