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Mollie Berger


Literature Review

The topic question that needs to be answered is are politics pulling us apart? This was

a question I decided on because I found the people around me in my life were affected by the

aftermath of politics. The surprising part about this topic question is many others have

experienced the same problems. And this is not just a new issue, it has been happening for

years. The next 5 paragraphs will be discussing the websites that were found to be the most

credible and the best ones to help support this claim.

 “Dude, I'm done. Lose my number”, is not only the name of this first article but actually

a quote said by Shama Davis to someone she had been friends with for over 25 years. This bit of

information should reveal just what this article is going to be about. Throughout this article they

go into detail about different instances where people are torn apart because of politics. They even

mention family members that no longer speak to one another because of politics. This website

gives great information that will really add to the essay, because it covers the main points to my


In the second website Avraham Daniels adds a new view to my topic question. Avraham

is a Jewish man writing for a mostly Jewish audience based newspaper. His article implements

religious beliefs and how they are affected in politics, and how some believe he has to follow the

Republican party to be accepted. He also mentioned how he was unjustly reported and attempted

to be fired because of his political preference. This adds to the paper that not only family and

friends relationships can be affected by politics, but also working environments.

Article number three is titled Welcome to the Fractured States of America and this article

starts off with a bang. The first sentence explains how a father did not even attend his own

daughter’s wedding because she was against Donald Trump. This article is a lot like article one

because it also gives examples of bonds that become torn because of politics. Although this

article goes into more detail about how our country got this way and why we are more divided in

politics today. It also gives possible solutions as to how we can fix this division in politics, which

contradicts many beliefs that politics cause a division and that is just how it is no fixing it.

The fourth article that is valuable for the research paper is from a New York Times article

titled America Is Being Pulled Apart. Here's How We Can Start to Heal Our Nation. This article

ties in with article number three because it also gives solutions. This article also mentions how

people will always fight one another on different sides because they always have. They brought

up examples of the cival war and the revolutionary war. These examples could be implemented

to this topic to reveal how long this has been an issue.

The fifth and final article is called The Divisions That Are Destroying the Country. This

article explains that not only are politics pulling people apart, but also our country in its entirety

is affected. It mentions the disputes between the state and federal government. Which is an eye-

opening message that political disputes can really affect all Americans drastically because of the

different government officials’ views. Now although this is a good source there are facts that

seem irrelevant to this topic. One being information about France’s policies, which ties together

with political disputes but does not really work for America because they are two very different


Overall this topic sentence has many different sources that all relate to this question. And

while all are different all the articles seem to make the same claim. The main claim is yes,
politics do tear things apart. These torn things include friendships, families, work environments,

amd even countries if we stay on this same path. Something that may help strengthen this

research question would to be able to find contradicting articles that claim politics do not tear

people apart.
Works Cited

Daniels, A. (2020, October 28). DON’T LET POLITICS PULL US APART. Retrieved March 7,

2021, from Mishpacha.

Fredrick, Y. (2019). Welcome to the Fractured States of America. Retrieved March 7, 2021, from


French, D. (2020, September 10). America Is Being Pulled Apart. Here's How We Can Start to

Heal Our Nation. Retrieved March 7, 2021, from Time.

Kirchick, J. (2020, September 22). The Divisions That Are Destroying the Country. Retrieved

March 7, 2021, from New York Times.

Smith, T. (2020, October 27). 'Dude, I'm Done': When Politics Tears Families And Friendships

Apart. Retrieved March 7, 2021, from NPR.

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