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Chelsea Dickey

Prof. Sandra Riley

ENG 1201 – English Composition II

January 31st, 2021

Summary of Your Songs Article

Beyonce and Jay-Z know whose work has long been left out of the canon, and they won’t let it
happen to theirs.

Jenna Wortham wrote “Beyonce and Jay-Z know whose work has long been left out of the

canon, and they won’t let it happen to theirs” published in 2019 in the New York Times

introduces the idea that the Carters are fighting for recognition of what they worked hard to earn.

The article states how people of their color are depicted as servants and domestic workers. The

article adds the history of blacks and how it has impacted Beyonce’s and Jay-Z’s opinions. The

Carters don’t appreciate the lack of recognition from their success and confront it in their music.

The Carters are fed up with how they have been treated. The article states the lyrics of

“Gimme my check, put some respect on my check. Or pay me in equity, pay me in equity”. This

about money but it’s also about how the Carters want more respect and recognition for what they

have accomplished. They want to make it very clear to others that they have accomplished much

and are very wealthy.

Beyonce and Jay-Z are simply fighting for the history of how people their color have been

treated. They have created an empire for themselves and want other people to know that. They
have a combined estimated net worth of more than a billion dollars between the both of them.

What they are writing in their music is a mission for recognition of what they have worked hard


Abebe, Nitsu. “Introduction.” 25 Songs That Matter Right Now. New York Time Magazine. 26
Jan 2021

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