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Prewriting (not a rough draft)

I remember back when I first moved to Ohio from New Jersey I was so nervous; I was in 6th grade.
School has never been my thing I have always been slower when it came to learning new things, for gosh
sacks I was last to get my baby teeth in my daycare even though I was one of the oldest. At the time I
thought it was an awful and an embarrassing thing to have an IEP, and that it was so embarrassing to get
taken out of class to go into small groups. I learned after a long time and a lot of amazing teachers later
that I was one of the best things to happen to me. It might seem little to some people just a couple
accommodations, but I have been on my IEP since the first grade and don’t get me wrong the
accommodations were nice. But what was the most amazing thing and most take away from have an IEP
all throughout school, was knowing and meeting all the people that had my back though the entire
process. I had the most amazing team of people; my mom was my number one supporter. She was there
for every IEP meeting or anything to do with school rooting me on and having my back, letting me know
that I can accomplish anything and that not one person is going to tell me different. All I know now is that
I am extremely grateful for my IEP and the amazing teachers and my mom for everything through school.

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