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CONCEPT: It is held that Coulrophobia is a persistent fear of clowns,

where individuals may feel "shaken or traumatized" at the thought of them.

BACKGROUND: The fear of clowns is said to date back years, with comedic
clowns being featured in theatre in medieval times and
continued into Shakespearean times with the role of “fool”.

REASONS: It is thouht than portrayal of evil clowns in the media has

been a big contributor for instilling the phobia in many
people’s minds.

CAUSES: Melanie Phelps, Private psychologist, explains that as children

we are familiar with the appearance of our caregivers and family members
and we see them as having a “safe and friendly human face”.
It is asserted than as the clowns have unnatural, large, exaggerated
and distorted features and therefore don’t match the ‘safe, friendly
human’ pattern we have created in our minds.

TREATMENT: The treatment include behaviors therapy, counselling and


SYMPTOMS: The majority of people is said to feel Dizziness, trembling and

increased heart rate, Breathlessness, Nausea, A sense of unreality,
Fear of dying

BY LAST: I have to say that I am a little afraid of clowns, they give me a very
bad feeling and I prefer to avoid them.

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