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1- Find out about ten superstitions around the world and write them using the “First
Conditional”. Illustrate them with pictures.

- In Egypt, If a black cat passes in front of you, you will have bad luck

- In Rome , If you passed under a ladder, you will have bad luck for

Seven years

- In Poland, If a pregnant woman sees the fire steadily, her baby will be red-haired.
- In Texas, If you count 50 white horses before you sleep, you will marry the first
man with whom you exchanged a hand greeting during the day.

- In Assobio (Lithuania) If you whistle inside a house, spirits and demons will appear
to chase and attack the dwellers

- In Egypt, If you open and close a Scissors without cutting anything, you will have
bad luck.

-In France If you step on dog droppings with your left foot you will have good luck, but if
you step on the right foot it will be bad luck.
-In Japan If you go through a cemetery you must hide your thumb to protect your parents
from death.

-In Russia If you give yellow flowers will be curse in relationships, because they mean

-In Germania If you drink with a glass of water it means that you want the death of the
person you are drinking with.

- In Serbia If you spill a glass of water on someone else's back it will be good luck.
2- Write five sentences telling what you can do and what you can’t do to help the
environment. Illustrate them with pictures.

- I can sort the waste before discarding it.

- I can not waste the water.

- I can plant a tree to help the environment.

- I can not waste food.

 I can not throw garbage on the floor.

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