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Alex Gardner

Comm 399


Gil Cooper

Community Service Reflection

Back when I used to have free time in the summer, I volunteered to work at a summer

camp in Lamar, Missouri. I specifically worked with either a small or big group of kids in

teaching them about the variety of things you would typically do while you were camping, like

how to pitch a tent, start a campfire (don’t worry, they never actually started a fire without adult

supervision), and, most importantly, how to have fun with everything around you. We went on

hikes through the trees, with me in the back to make sure no one was left behind, and teaching

children how to tell what was poisonous and what wasn’t. We did have to go on a man hunt for a

missing child (he simply wandered a few yards away from the group) so that was pretty much

the most intense moment of the experience. The more that I reflect on this volunteer work, the

more I realise how much I missed doing this and wanting to do more of it, as some of my

happiest moments are working alongside those kids.

Many think that community service is more like a chore instead of something that can

bring you happy memories and moments in life. It also can also teach people lessons on helping

others, supporting each other, and bringing people together in a community. It also can show that

anyone who does community service, without being told to, has huge compassion and wants to

help and give back to the community. It can also show the under generation what happens when

you are considerate of other people and help out in the community and that has a bigger impact

than what some people would not recognize.

I already am currently helping out in my community by working with one of my local

churches in fundraiser events and overall work to help bring fun activities to children. I am most

current that I will volunteer with the summer camp again, if COVID-19 doesn’t shut it down,

which is unconfirmded yet but is a likely possibility. I am also working alongside my high

school band director this fall to help her with the marching band. I am hoping that everything

gets worked out and that I am able to this, as this has shown me that my passion is in teaching.

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