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Going into R C-2001, I was under the impression that I was just going to further what I learned

in R C-1000. I was surprised by what the professor had told us on our first day that what we
would be doing over the course of the class would help with our future careers. I was more then
ready to get started especially since I’m a junior in college and don’t have much longer until I
enter the work field. Our first assignment was what we personally believed in and I can say for a
fact that I have never had an assignment quite like this one. This assignment helped me come to
some realizations of what I truly believe in and that is you must always fail before you succeed
and everything you do in life happens for a reason. This self-reflection in sorts helped me
realized I want to pursue a career one day as a federal agent.
The next assignment was the Visual Discourse Analysis and it helped me take a deeper look into
how rhetoric functions within my field, noticing how formatting, verbiage, and genre impact the
way my discipline operates. This assignment really helped me to think outside the box with how
I might represent my discourse community visually and that was by using a power point. I know
this must sound pretty basic, but it definitely helped me get my point across and helped me gain
a better understanding of my discourse community. Next was the Public-Facing Major Issues
essay that helped me learn quite a bit about my major while writing this essay, but just to name a
few are effective communication, written communication, active listening and learning, and
many more. Being able to use all these effectively within my discourse community is key to a
successful and lasting career. Now with that being said I firmly believe that this fits in well with
my understanding of my discourse community and how my discipline communicates to our
program as a whole. My program allows us opportunities to attend web seminars regarding
certain challenges facing Criminal Justice, which I firmly believe is a great thing because you are
getting first-hand accounts from the people who are on the frontlines day in and day out.  Many
jobs in the criminal justice community will always be dealing with the public and being able to
address them in a proper and respectful manner. Being able to effectively speak to people will go
along when you want people to listen to you and respond back. Finally, was the Hiring materials
assignment and I firmly believed this one helped the most because this will be what your
submitting to your future employers. This resume and cover letter provided me with a lot of
insight of how one should properly be formatted to many different professional settings because
no one should be the same and should be curved to the profession you are targeting.  I believe
what I learned the most from this experience and I harped on earlier was don’t try to do much,
but don’t undersell yourself either just try to meet it somewhere in the middle and be yourself
because that will stand out the most to the employer in my own personal belief.

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