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Nama : Fakirah Zahra

Nim : 193020405010

Prodi : Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan

Matkul : Bahasa Inggris

1. My parents often go camping in the summer. They love it.

2. My brother is very fond of skateboarding And practices it in the park.
3. Mum has been doing pottery since she was a small girl.
4. In summer Mark goes windsurfing. He is mad about it.
5. Parachuting is my friend’s favourite hobby although it’s a bit dangerous.
6. I enjoy playing Cards with my friends when we can’t go out.
7. When my uncle listens to music he starts dancing . He is loves it.
8. Peter has been riding A horse all his life. He’s a great rider.
9. My cousin really enjoys roller-skating in the park on Sunday mornings.
10. Tom usually goes cycling everywhere. He doesn’t often use the car.
11. My dad says that doing helps him to be fit and healthy.
12. Martha won the local swimming Competition last year.
13. Bob goes ice-skating When the lake is frozen. He says it’s fantastic.
14. Linda broke her leg while she was skiing Last weekend.
15. Ted goes jogging Every morning. He says it gives him energy..
16. Skipping A rope has been a daily activity for Paul since he was a child.
17. Although Brenda is a girl, she loves football Much more than other sports.
18. My sister says that exercising yoga helps her relax when she is nervous.
19. In summer, Harry goes climbing . He loves watching the landscape.
20. Last holidays Ben and his family did diving for the first time.
21. George and his friends often go hunting At the weekend.
22. Phil is very keen on fishing But rarely catches anything.
23. Every morning Pam does aerobics In front of the TV.
24. When Dave went on holiday to the beach he spent hours sunbathing.
25. The tennis Match has not finished yet. They’ve been playing for hours.

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