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Lesson 3 Task 3 Shark Tank Pitch Rubric

Student Name:______________________________

Criteria Highlight where appropriate for each

Presentation All elements are Some Key elements
included to an elements are are missing
A brief history of your brand (before you owned it). excellent included to a from the
standard. high standard. presentation.
What challenges your brand faces (scarcity, market
demands). Presentation Presentation Presentation
compliments compliments does not match
How you differentiate between your target audiences wants speech speech well. speech
and needs (look back at lesson 1).
effectively. content.
How will you become more sustainable in the future?

Introduce an exciting new product (the print poster and

advertisement from task 1 and 2).

Include a link to your Prezi from lesson 2 for the breakdown

of your product.

Why we should invest in your brand, what do you offer us

and the wider public?

Speech All elements of Most Key elements

Appropriate use of palm cards. speech are elements of of speech are
addressed to an speech are below
Tone, pace and volume appropriate to environment.
excellent addressed to standard.
Speaks clearly and confidently. standard. an high
General Comment:

Overall grade: above standard at standard below standard

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