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The sexual self is undeniably a part of our being. I have reflected through the bible
passage that our sexuality is a divine gift, as well as sex. Whether a person is married or not is
not a sin. We are given the freedom to choose what we want in life, with or without a partner.
We are also given a freedom to procreate with our significant other. The absence of proper
knowledge and discipline is what led immorality to prevail in the world today. It is important for
one to be reminded of the sanctity of marriage before engaging in any sexual activity which is
exercised by people with marital relations. It is true that there are a lot of temptations out
there, when ones desire for sexual pleasure is great, one must choose to marry instead of
committing a sin.

As said in the bible a husband must have only one wife, but is given a freedom to
remarry if the partner dies or can stay single. A married man and woman are called to be
faithful to each other and prohibit copulation with another person. When a person marries his
or her body will not be for to him or her alone anymore, it will be for his or her partner. I
realized that this is not wrong, since it is part of our duty to multiply and reproduce. On the
other hand, when a person is unmarried or single, his or her body and spirit or holistic being will
be for God alone. It is not bad whether we choose the former or the latter because both of
these choices are good and valid.

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