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There are 3 thieves named Lyn, Mai and Rey. They need to cross the river to escape. Lyn have 800 gold
coins, Mai with 400 gold coins and Rey with 400 gold coins. There’s a boat that can only carry 2 objects,
now what is the best way they can do so that they can cross the river properly?

You can pause the video and think logically!

So let’s start

They will cross the river in the following manner.

First, Mai will cross the river with her 400 gold coins, she will leave it there and she’ll return back.

Next, Lyn will cross the river with Rey’s 400 gold coins and she will leave it there and she’ll return back.

Then, Mai and Rey will cross the river. Rey will return back with his 400 gold coins.

Next, Lyn will cross the river with her 800 gold coins and she will stay on the other side.

Then Mai will cross the river with her 400 gold coins.

Mai left her 400 gold coins along with Rey's 400 gold coins and they both cross the river.

Lyn took Mai's 400 gold coins on the other side and cross the river.

Then Rey took his 400 gold coins on the other side and cross the river.

Then finally they cross the river properly.

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