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 The impact of consumer culture on the economic self is that it drives us to earn
money to be able to consume because these things reflect our identity.
 Human beings like to possess something that represents themselves that is why
they work for it; for self gain and gratification.
 As brought up by the consumption culture, people have also become dependent to it
that would make them feel good about themselves for the things they own.


 The Bible verse tells us that our hearts need to be contented with whatever is given
to us.
 We can be full or less but it does not matter so long as we appreciate what we are
 It is only when we see Jesus as the center of our lives that we see contentment
regardless of how much and what we have.


 People would present themselves confidently knowing other people would not
know that it is them who interacts and engages in an activity online.
 These people find a way of expressing themselves freely without judgment and
without others knowing their real identity.
 This freedom also entails a danger when this type of people would abuse their
anonymity where they post or show inappropriate behavior easily because no one
would know that it is them.


 Yes, interacting with strangers online with unknown identities influence our sense
of self in a way that we can interact with them differently than the people in the real
world like we can express a side not visible in the offline world.
 Our interactions with strangers would also mean that we will discover something
about ourselves which will affect our perceptions and ideas about ourselves and
about them.
 In most cases people differ in the online world and offline because based on
experience I get more confident interacting online than face to face with various
types of people.

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