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The human body is inhabited by over 100 trillion microbial cell living in symbiosis
with the host. Many bacteria are exist in oral cavity, some bacteria can cause and
prevent various disease. The oral environment is known to be involved in the
pathogenesis and development of various diseases. Because the oral cavity acts as the
entrance for air and food, it is constantly exposed to foreign substances, including
bacteria and viruses. A large number of bacteria are endemic to the oral cavity. The
oral environment is influenced by local factors, including dental plaque, teeth
alignment, occlusion, and bad lifestyle, and systemic factors.

Microorganisms are the most commonly found oral cavity. Oral cavity consists of
several surface, almost the entire surface is covered by microorganisms. Besides
microorganisms, there are other things such as caries, periodontal diseases, filling,
denture, and the manifestation of systemic disease.
Normal flora in the oral cavity such as Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus viridans,
Staphylococcus sp, and Lactobacillus sp . These bacteria can be transformed into
pathogens in certain circumstances, one of the predisposing factors is oral hygiene.
Bacteria can be classified according to the need to metabolize in a full oxygen
environment or an oxygen-free environment. The obligative aerobic bacteria require
oxygen to grow due to the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) system. Anaerobic divided
into facultative anaerobes require oxygen to metabolize by respiration but can also
use fermentation to synthesize ATP in the absence of sufficient oxygen,  Anaerobic
obligative can not thrive in an oxygen environment because they can not suitable with
superoxide dismutase or catalase, or both and Microaerophilic grow well at low
oxygen concentrations. (Lakshman Samaranayate. Essential microbiology for
dentistry. H-(225,258)

Bacteria are differentiated based on cell wall composition, gram-positive bacteria

and gram-negative bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria are more constant in the staining
reaction than the gram-positive bacteria.
Depending on the absorption the color is divided into gram-positive, does not accept
decoloration and retains the main color and looks purple because it has a thicker cell
wall that prevents decoloration by organic acids and gram-negative, organic solvents
can dissolve the color and take the red counterstain.( Vineet R.V )

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