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Proces verbal predare - primire

Atasat la contract/attached to the contract:_______________

Date inchiriere:
Data check-out/check-out data: ___/___/______ Data check-in/check-in data: ___/___/______

Denumire agent/ agent name ___________ Nr.Tel/phone no. ___________ Email:_______________________

Marca/model -Brand/type ________________Nr. Inmaticulare/plate no. ____________ KM predare :________
Ora check out:__________ Ora check in:_____________

Stare la predare: Stare la primire:

Zgariat / scrached : ─ Ciobitura / occlusions: × Fisurat/cracked : Indoit/bent: ⃝

Auto curat DA □ / NU□ Auto curat DA □ / NU□
□/□ Diesel⃝ Benzina⃝ □/□
observatii primire observatii predare

Nume Prenume Client:_________________ Nume Prenume Client:_________________

Nume Agent:___ Nume Agent:_____

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