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Letter to Earth

Dear Earth,

I apologize for all of the horrible things that are currently and have been happening to

you. Humans are recklessly ruining you and contributing to the damage every day. The large

amounts of fossil fuels getting burned daily is leading to the unbelievable amounts of CO^2 that

are getting released into the atmosphere. Farming livestock is largely contributing to this

disaster. Cutting down forests and not supporting forest protection is horrible and adding on to

everything as well. Glaciers are melting and rising sea levels as well as releasing even more bad

gases into your atmosphere. Our only hope is up to humans. I am aware that there are people out

there that want to make a difference and help stop the huge problem we all created, but there are

not enough. Everyone needs to become involved. I have also contributed to this tremendous mess

and continue to everyday. My family does not drive electric cars nor use a lot of renewable

energy. I am willing to help out and make a difference. I can do my best to do my part by

walking or biking more frequently and making it my main source of transportation. I can also go

out of my way to use the least amount of plastic as possible. My friends and I will spread

awareness of this global disaster and encourage people to contribute to make a difference. People

need to start installing/ using more renewable energy and using solar panels to reduce our carbon

footprint. Large organizations need to be formed so people have the chance to come together and

discuss solutions and ways to stop our normal horrible habits. Protests need to be held to spread

as much awareness as possible so that things can start happening. We are at the point where

things are becoming worse and worse everyday. If action is not taken right now climate change

will become irreversible. Every small thing can help make a difference and make you a better

place. I hope that one day this huge problem becomes solved and everyone is living in a way to
make you a better place rather than worse.

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