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Name : Hanafi

Class : DPII/T NIS.

I am from Indonesia, I live in the district of Jember. Jember is in the province of

East Java. Between the city of Banyuwangi and the city of Lumajang. The Located of
Jember is 7o059’6” until 8o033’55” SL (South Latitude), 113o016’28” until 114o008’42”
EL (East Longitude)s. Jember has a population of 2.5 million.

The distance between Jember and Surabaya is 200 km to the east. Surabaya, the
capital of the province of East Java. Jember is called the city of Suwar-Suwir, because
of its special food and many natural attractions, especially the Papuma beach which is
visited by many tourists.

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