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Can you still remember what you last did before this pandemic happened?

Have you ever thought of it?

Well me, I don’t clearly remember what things or activities I did before this COVID but I am certain in
one thing. I am with my classmates, my close friends and the day was so happy. I actually did everything
as if tomorrow will never be the same and guess what, it actually is. After that day, the outbreak was
announced and I thought it will be fine after few days or weeks but communities locked, the pandemic
was declared. No one was ready, not even you I am sure. The world suddenly changed. Let’s start with
the kids, play grounds became just grounds, no one is allowed to play. Amusement parks no longer
amuse anyone, vehicles lights at night can even be counted. We will be having Halloween without door
to door trick or treats and Christmas without face to face carolings. Instead of hugs and kisses, distance
between each other is an act of love. Cause for a moment, a virus in outbreak ruled the world. But are
we going to be frightened by that? Well it is an initial reaction since it’s a pandemic, yes we are worried
and frightened but we still have our choices. It goes to ways: be optimistic or pessimistic. If you are
pessimistic one, then think again if being one would do any help in our situation. Teens, I am talking to
you, are you fine? If you are, then be until this ends but if you are not, you must be. Being in a
quarantine does not mean it is the end. Because of our digital world we can still communicate with
others specially with close friends and loved ones who are far from us. I know and everyone here knows
that personal meetings are obviously better than through screens and phone speakers but it is definitely
not applicable for our situation now. Never a single person knows when will this end but have that fire,
have that trust in your heart that this will surely end. Do not be bothered how time passes by so fast but
instead, cherish every moment and be productive despite of this pandemic. I know you’re wondering
how are you going to be productive while coping up with the new normal but let me tell you. Instead of
being bored, instead of having anxiety worrying about such things, keep yourself busy.

First one, you can design your Exercise routine. The top risk we have along this pandemic is our health
and in connection, our life. So why not take care of our body and attain wellness? I have a sister and she
has a weak immune system. But she started working out on the past two months and guess what, she’s
better than before as we can observe every day. How is it productive? Think of it, you are taking care of
your body, and as well, helping the world. Wellness is not really our weapon because you can still have
the risk but wellness adds strengths to our face shields. Imagine having an armor and at the same time
being a strong warrior. Let’s be it

Another one, have your leisure moments. What im saying is, have that me time or you can bond with
your family. This pandemic somehow brought one thing good, and as what I mentioned that is being
closer with our families. Family is not for nothing, family is family. No other words. Family is the
definition of family. Having time for yourself is a crucial one. Listen to music, it calms your heart. Read
books, it brings you to another world. Listening to seminars adds knowledge and wisdom. Drawing and
art activities boosts esteem. All of it are great tools for our mental health. Have that weapon against
anxiety and depression as what is commonly happening right now. Teens, you are all worthy, you are all
loved, the one who brings you down is you, have time for yourselves. Remember that. Self productivity

Third one, study. Its obvious you are being productive if you are studying. Though online classes are so
hard and hassle, remember to take it easy. Once you stop learning, you start dying. I know many of you
are complaining things like “we’re just doing this just to pass but we’re not learning” or “works obtained
are more than things learned” but do you really know why do things go that way? Its on your mindset.
Your mindset is just to pass but if you go another way, let us say you have that thinking to learn and
learn no matter how hard, then you can. Always choose to learn than just to pass. Do not be afraid of
failures because it is really a part of learning. Then if you study well, after this pandemic, you could
transform yourself and the world as well for a better future.

Fourth one, Volunteer. Communal unity and Cooperation or what we call “bayanihan” is a tradition here
in our country. And I am not to introduce that tradition because every Filipino has that spirit. That
bayanihan is what people desperately need to do right now. And you teens, you are the future of this
world so make it happen. Just these simple yhings such as packing relief goods can be a big help. You
don’t need to enclose yourself whole month around for walls of your house, you can still be fruitful of
everyday and you can be a blessing to someone. Help up the people and the world as well, as small
things build up big impact. Volunteering gives joy to others and satisfaction to oneself also.

Last one, but definitely not the least, reserve time for a peaceful devotion. In this word full of agony, He
is always above, guiding us. He is God. Instead of being angry about this situations, why arethis
happening to us, make this a reason to step forward, hold hands and walk with God. There’s no storm
that God wont carry us through, no bridge that God wont help us cross and no battle that God won’t let
you win. God approaches us this way then we must also approach Him with all faith and sincerity. We do
not need to announce our prayers to others. It can be just you and God in a quiet time and place,
building fellowship with each other. It is the greatest armor that yourself, your family, others, our
country and the world can have.

There are so many things around this world that we can do instead of locking ourselves in a corner,
thinking about anything but not get it done. Instead of being sad or worried, keep yourself busy and
focus on making valuable things. These will bring us back where doors are opened. Amusement parks
amuse people, playgrounds filled with excited kids, there are trick or treats for Halloween, carollings for
Christmas, hugs and kisses as an act of love especially valentines and we’re all gonna say, it’s day one of
the normal. Not the new normal, but the real normal. One day it’s day one and onwards.

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