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SHOCK, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp.

276–287, 2017

Review Article

Silvia C. Trevelin, * † Daniela Carlos, ‡ Matteo Beretta, * João S. da Silva, ‡

and Fernando Q. Cunha †
*Cardiovascular Division, British Heart Foundation Centre, King’s College London, London, UK;

Department of Pharmacology, Ribeirao Preto Medical School, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirão Preto,
Brazil; and ‡ Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, Ribeirao Preto Medical School,
University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Received 27 Jul 2016; first review completed 15 Aug 2016; accepted in final form 13 Oct 2016

ABSTRACT—Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a deregulated host response to infection. This
inappropriate response to micro-organism invasion is characterized by an overwhelmed systemic inflammatory response
and cardiovascular collapse that culminate in high mortality and morbidity in critical care units. The occurrence of sepsis in
diabetes mellitus (DM) patients has become more frequent, as the prevalence of DM has increased dramatically worldwide.
These two important diseases represent a global public health concern and highlight the importance of increasing our
knowledge of the key elements of the immune response related to both conditions. In this context, it is well established that
the cells taking part in the innate and adaptive immune responses in diabetic patients have compromised function. These
altered responses favor micro-organism growth, a process that contributes to sepsis progression. The present review
provides an update on the characteristics of the immune system in diabetic and septic subjects. We also explore the
beneficial effects of insulin on the immune response in a glycemic control-dependent and independent manner.
KEYWORDS—Diabetes mellitus, histamine, hyperglycemia, immune response, mast cells, neutrophils, sepsis

ABBREVIATIONS—AGE—advanced glycation end-products; ALX—alloxan; CLP—cecal ligation and puncture;

DM—diabetes mellitus; HbA1c—glycated hemoglobin; IL—interleukin; KO—knockout mice; LPS—lipopolysaccharide;
NO—nitric oxide; PPAR-g—peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma; ROS—reactive oxygen species; STZ—
streptozotocin; T1D—type 1 diabetes mellitus; T2D—type 2 diabetes mellitus; TNF-a—tumor necrosis factor-alpha;
WT—wild-type mice

INTRODUCTION million deaths annually (2). Together, these findings underscore

the need for the rapid diagnosis of patients with sepsis and the
According to The Third International Consensus Definitions
determination of prognosis to prescribe aggressive treatment
for Sepsis and Septic Shock, ‘‘sepsis is a life-threatening organ
within the initial minutes of arrival at the hospital (1).
dysfunction secondary to a deregulated host response to an
Frequently, septic patients present with chronic diseases such
infection’’ (1). Despite recent improvements in its diagnosis
as diabetes mellitus (DM). In fact, a recent study that evaluated
and treatment, sepsis remains a common, costly, and lethal
1,104 patients with sepsis found that 241 (21.8%) had a medical
condition in hospitals worldwide. A meta-analysis study, in
history of DM (3). According to the authors, patients with DM
which the authors searched 15 international citation databases
were older, had a higher body mass index (BMI), a higher
from 1979 to 2015, revealed that the mortality rates due to
modified Charlson Comorbidity Index (calculated without the
sepsis and severe sepsis are 17% and 26%, respectively (2).
contribution of DM) and were admitted with more chronic
Additionally, a tentative extrapolation from high-income
comorbidities, such as cardiovascular dysfunction, hyperten-
country data suggests global estimates of 31.5 million sepsis
sion, and renal insufficiency. One of the reasons for this
and 19.4 million severe sepsis cases, with potentially 5.3
significant percentage of diabetic and septic patients could
be increases in the global incidence and prevalence of DM.
Address reprint requests to Professor Dr Fernando Q. Cunha, PhD, Department of The number of people with DM has doubled over the past three
Pharmacology, Ribeirao Preto Medical School, Bandeirantes Avenue, 3900, 14049-
900 Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. E-mail: decades (4, 5). In 2014, the prevalence of DM was 5% for men
This work was supported by grants from the Sao Paulo Research Foundation and 7.9% for women (6). Additionally, this number is predicted
(FAPESP), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel Superior to be 439 million by 2030, which represents 7.7% of the
(CAPES), and Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico
(CNPq). total adult population of the world aged between 20 and 79 years
This work was also supported by grants from the European Union Seventh (4–6).
Framework Programme [FP7-2007-2013] under grant agreement no. HEALTH-F4- There are two forms of DM: type 1 (T1D) and type 2 (T2D).
2011-281608 (TIMER), from FAPESP under grant agreements no. 2009/54764-6
(Projeto Temático), 2011/19670-0 (Projeto Temático), 2013/08216-2 (Center for T1D is described as an autoimmune response triggered against
Research in Inflammatory Disease), 2011/03293-3 (S.C.T fellowship), and from the the insulin-producing pancreatic b cells that leads to progress-
University of Sao Paulo NAP-DIN under grant agreement no. 11.1.21625.01. ive islet damage and insulin production insufficiency. The
The authors report no conflicts of interest.
DOI: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000000778 initiation of T1D does not involve one single factor, but it
Copyright ß 2016 by the Shock Society has been associated with several genetic and environmental
Copyright © 2016 by the Shock Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

features (7). On contrast to T1D, which is a deficiency in insulin and its blood vessels, inducing neutrophil rolling, firm
production, T2D is characterized by insulin resistance in the adhesion, transmigration, and chemotaxis toward the focus
peripheral tissues and has previously been associated with of infection. All these steps require precise communication
obesity, genetic susceptibility, and fetal undernutrition (6, 8). between the leukocytes and ECs (17). Tumor necrosis factor
In both T1D and T2D, there are enhanced glucose levels in the [TNF]-a, interleukin [IL]-1b, IL-17, chemokines, and eicosa-
blood and glycemia-dependent and glycemia-independent noids are some of the inflammatory mediators released
immune response alterations that could influence the patho- during sepsis. The synthesis of these mediators depends
genesis of life-threating conditions such as sepsis. on the intracellular signaling initiated by the recognition of
In this review, we discuss the alterations in the innate and the damaged-associated molecules (HMGB1, DNA, RNA) and
adaptive immune responses that occur during DM and their pathogen-associated molecular patterns (lipopolysaccharide
implications for sepsis outcome. Regarding innate immunity, [LPS], lipoteichoic acid, oligodeoxynucleotides containing
the mechanisms underlying the impairment of neutrophil func- non-methylated CpG sequences [ODN CpG]). In turn, the
tion are explored. Further, Th17 and Treg cells are discussed in inflammatory molecules induce the activation of ECs that
the context of sepsis and DM. We also evaluate the benefits of express E-selectin and stimulate the fusion of the Weibel–
insulin treatment on the immunological system, which include Palade bodies containing P-selectin with the membrane. This
effects dependent and independent of glycemia control. More- favors their transient interaction with leukocytes that express
over, we refer to some studies completed in humans with DM P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 and E-selectin ligand-1. Acti-
and sepsis and discuss how they can be better interpreted in vated ECs also generate nitric oxide (NO), which results in
comparison to studies completed in mice. vasodilatation and, consequently, marginalization of leuko-
cytes. Furthermore, the CD11bCD18 integrin on activated
T1D and T2D compromise sepsis outcome neutrophils interacts with intercellular (ICAM-1) and vascular
Several studies performed in animals showed that DM could adhesion molecules expressed on ECs, leading to the firm
impair sepsis outcome (9–14). Goto-Kakizaki rats, which adhesion, crawling, and transmigration of leukocytes. Outside
develop T2D spontaneously, showed higher IL-6 mRNA levels the blood vessel, neutrophils are guided to the infection site via
in the liver and higher lactate levels in the plasma (a marker of several chemoattractants, including chemokines (CXCL8 and
tissue lesion) than control Wistar-Kyoto rats after polymicro- CCL2 in humans; CXCL1, CXCL2, CCL2, and CXCL5 in
bial sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) (9). mice), cytokines (IL-17A), lipid mediators (leukotriene B4
Akita mice, which contain a mutation in the insulin gene and a [LTB4]), and bacterial products (N-formylmethionine-leucyl-
progressive loss of pancreatic b-cell function and are a model phenylalanine [fMLP]) (17–20). Altogether, the migration
for T1D, showed a 75% increase in mortality rates after CLP process during sepsis must be a highly controlled process,
compared with wild-type (WT) mice (10). Nonobese diabetic since the migration of an insufficient number of neutrophils
(NOD) mice, which spontaneously developed the autoimmune into the infection site could result in the failure to control
T1D, exhibited approximately 30% higher mortality after CLP infection, whereas misguided neutrophil accumulation could
compared with control normoglycemic mice (11). Rats and lead to tissue injury (17, 18).
mice, after treatment with alloxan (ALX, 2,4,5,6-pyrimidine- Neutrophils from diabetic patients have reduced chemotactic
tetrone) or streptozotocin (STZ) to induce T1D, showed higher and phagocytic abilities and lower antimicrobial activity com-
mortality when they were subjected to sepsis or endotoxemia in pared with those obtained from healthy controls (20). In 1971,
comparison to controls animals treated with vehicle (11–14). the first study showing impaired chemotaxis in blood neutro-
Notably, unfavorable sepsis outcomes in diabetic animals have phils purified from 31 diabetic patients relative to that in 31
been extensively associated with a compromised innate healthy matched controls was published (21). The impaired
immune system and disturbances in the adaptive immune chemotaxis was initially attributed to decreased neutrophil
response. membrane fluidity (22); however, subsequent studies (11,
12, 23) described other mechanisms involved in the failure
Impaired neutrophil function during T1D reduces sepsis of neutrophil migration in diabetic subjects with sepsis, and we
survival will discuss this topic in more detail in the following section.
Neutrophils are considered to be the first line of innate Neutrophils purified from patients with T1D showed reduced
immune defense against an infection. The phagocytosis of synthesis and release of LTB4 compared with healthy controls
microorganisms and the concomitant release of reactive oxygen (24). Moreover, it was shown that the in vitro chemotaxis of
and nitrogen-derived species (ROS and RNS) and proteases neutrophils purified from patients with T1D toward fMLP or
into the phagosomes are key events that contribute to host platelet-activating factor (PAF) was inversely correlated with
defense against pathogens (15). The ROS and RNS generated the main indices of glycemic control (fasting plasma glucose
by neutrophils have destructive potential. Therefore, the and glycated-hemoglobin levels). PAF and fMLP also induced
recruitment of these leukocytes into the tissue compartments significantly lower lysosomal enzyme secretion and LTB4
is a tightly regulated multistep process (16, 17). production in neutrophils from diabetic patients compared with
The migration of neutrophils is initiated by the sensing of those from healthy controls. Interestingly, these authors
inflammatory mediators that are released by resident macro- observed that neutrophils from the same diabetic patients
phages, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells (ECs) after body responded normally after stimulation with A23187 (a calcium
invasion. These mediators diffuse throughout the affected organ ionophore), serum-opsonized zymosan, or phorbol myristate

Copyright © 2016 by the Shock Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

acetate (PMA) (23). Therefore, T1D was proven to be associ- individuals. These parameters were not correlated with the
ated with sustained abnormalities in neutrophil activation and blood glucose levels of the patients enrolled in the study, which
function, but only in response to agonists that initiate a response included 21 subjects without infection and 10 with recurrent
via G protein-coupled receptors. infections (32). However, another study investigating these
CXCR2 is a G protein-coupled receptor expressed on the parameters in 10 diabetic patients verified that circulating
surface of neutrophils that recognizes the chemokines CXCL1, blood neutrophils had partially recovered the ability to phag-
CXCL2, and CXCL5 (25). It is regulated by specific kinases, ocytose and kill Staphylococcus aureus within 36 h of insulin
such as GRK2 (26). GRK2 phosphorylates serine/threonine treatment (33).
residues on CXCR2, leading to receptor internalization and All these studies concluded that DM, particularly T1D,
intracellular sorting, which results in either recycling or degra- significantly impairs neutrophil function, suggesting therefore
dation (27–29). Our group has previously demonstrated that an association between DM and the failure to control the
mice treated with ALX to induce T1D have a worse prognosis growth of microorganisms during an infection, resulting in a
in CLP-induced sepsis (11). This was associated with a worsened sepsis outcome. Although neutrophil function can be
reduction in the rolling, adhesion, and migration of neutrophils improved by insulin treatment, it seems to also be independent
to the infection site (Fig. 1). After sepsis induction, CXCR2 was of blood glucose levels, as is discussed in more detail in the
strongly down-regulated in neutrophils from diabetic mice following sections.
compared with those from non-diabetic mice. This phenom-
enon was attributed to increased expression of GRK2 (12). In Neutrophil dysfunctions related to hyper-glycemia
this study, treatment with insulin restored neutrophil migration, Some of the neutrophil dysfunctions in T1D diabetic mice
increased CXCR2 expression on the cell membrane, and were shown to be restored by normalization of glycemia
prevented GRK2 induction. In a later study, we observed that through insulin administration (12, 24). Since neutrophil func-
diabetic mice exhibit mast cell accumulation in the peritoneal tions require energy, metabolic changes (i.e., activation of
cavity and higher plasma levels of histamine than non-diabetic glycolytic and glutaminolytic pathways) may be possibly
mice after septic stimuli. The activation of histamine receptor 2 responsible for the reduction in neutrophil function observed
(H2R) was associated with an increase in the intracellular in DM. Indeed, several metabolic routes linking hyperglycemia
expression of GRK2 and the internalization of CXCR2 in to neutrophil dysfunction have been described: advanced
neutrophils from diabetic mice (Fig. 1) (11). Corroborating protein glycosylation reactions, the polyol pathway, ROS for-
our data, another research group showed that intratracheal mation by mitochondrial complexes I and III, the nitric oxide-
instillation of LPS in rats treated with STZ to induce T1D cyclic guanosine-30 -50 -monophosphate pathway, and the gly-
resulted in reduced neutrophil migration to the bronchoalveolar colytic and glutaminolytic pathways (reviewed in (34)).
space compared with non-diabetic rats (30). Additionally, the For instance, it is well established that hyper-glycemia can
study showed that rats with T1D exhibited deficient leukocyte induce nonenzymatic glycation of the free amino acid groups of
adhesion and migration and lower expression of ICAM-1 in the proteins (more specifically, lysine residues), leading to struc-
internal spermatic fascia after stimulation with TNF-a (30). tural and functional alterations (35). Protein glycation starts
This result is in line with the evidence indicating that CXCR2 with the formation of a Schiff base and is followed by inter-
activation on leukocytes is essential for the induction of ICAM- molecular rearrangement and conversion to Amadori products,
1 expression on ECs (31). such as glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). HbA1c is the most
The impaired neutrophil migration in T1D mice after non- widely used marker of long-term glycoregulation, as it reflects
severe CLP led to a higher bacterial load in the peritoneal glucose levels during the 120 days prior to measurement. It has
cavity, bacteremia, a systemic inflammatory response, multi- been shown that plasma levels of HbA1c were higher in patients
organ failure and death. Indeed, non-severe CLP diabetic mice who developed blood infections (36). Moreover, a study involv-
showed 100% mortality after 7 days, while non-diabetic mice ing 286 patients with T2D concluded that HbA1c might be
showed 20% mortality. Moreover, sepsis aggravation in dia- considered an independent predictive factor (r ¼ 0.29;
betic mice subjected to non-severe CLP (27G needle perfor- P <0.001) for hospital mortality of diabetic patients with
ation of the cecum) could be compared with that observed in sepsis (37).
non-diabetic mice after severe sepsis (18G needle perforation The impairment of neutrophil function in diabetic patients
of the cecum). This last condition is characterized by a sig- does not seem to be directly related to Amadori products such
nificant failure in neutrophil migration to the focus of infection, as HbA1c but rather to the products of their oxidative cleavage,
a higher number of neutrophils trapped in the lungs, enhanced which results in advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) (38,
bacteremia, and increased plasma levels of systemic pro- 39). AGEs derived from albumin bind to the membrane of
inflammatory cytokines (TNF-a and CXCL2) as well as neutrophils with high affinity, and this has been associated with
enhanced levels of serum markers of organ damage or dys- impaired transendothelial migration (40). In addition, AGEs are
function (aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotrans- able to stimulate the expression of inducible nitric oxide
ferase [liver damage], urea [renal dysfunction], and creatine synthase (iNOS) and heme-oxygenase (HO-1) in neutrophils
kinase-MB [heart damage]) (11, 12). (41). Our group has previously demonstrated that NO produced
In addition to impaired chemotaxis, neutrophils from dia- by iNOS reduces neutrophil migration to the site of infection.
betic patients also showed altered phagocytosis and lower The failure of neutrophil migration was associated with the
intracellular killing ability than those purified from healthy down-regulation of CXCR2 on the surface of neutrophils and

Copyright © 2016 by the Shock Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

FIG. 1. H2R activation in diabetes mellitus (DM) aggravates sepsis by impairing neutrophil migration. DM causes an increase in the number of mast
cells that degranulate after sepsis stimuli. Histamine release into the site of infection increases the level of blood histamine, which targets H2R on circulating
neutrophils. H2R activation induces GRK2 expression and CXCR2 internalization. In addition to chemotactic deficiency, CXCR2 desensitization decreases
neutrophil adhesion by impairing ICAM-1 expression and activation on endothelial cells. The failure of neutrophil migration can result in deficient control of
bacterial growth in the site of infection, culminating with higher bacteremia, systemic inflammation, and death. H2R indicates histamine receptor 2; ICAM-1,
intracellular molecule adhesion 1.

reduced ICAM-1 expression on ECs (27, 42, 43). Additionally, Interestingly, the treatment of rats with aminoguanidine (a
HO-1 products were linked to impaired neutrophil rolling and non-selective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase enzymes) pre-
adhesion in mesentery venules and to the internalization of vented the AGP-induced failure of neutrophil migration to the
CXCR2 (44). peritoneal cavity in a model of peritonitis induced by carra-
geenan. Accordingly, iNOS-deficient mice, which received
Neutrophil dysfunction independent of hyper-glycemia AGP and were subjected to peritoneal inflammation, exhibited
Another factor associated with DM that could modulate increased neutrophil migration to the inflammation site relative
neutrophil migration during sepsis is a1-acid glycoprotein to WT mice under the same treatment (47). However, the
(AGP). After CLP, T1D mice displayed a significant increase molecular mechanisms through which iNOS inhibition rescued
in AGP mRNA expression in the liver and elevated serum the AGP-mediated failure of neutrophil migration are still
protein levels, which have been negatively correlated with unknown.
neutrophil migration to the infection site (11). The increased number of mast cells migrating into the
AGP participates in glycocalyx formation and is able to peritoneal cavity of diabetic mice is another characteristic that
directly bind to the membrane of ECs, particularly to caveolae, seems to be independent of glycemia. These cells can degra-
as determined by immunodetection for electron microscopy nulate after septic stimulus, resulting in a higher plasma
(45). The glycocalyx is a glycoprotein-polysaccharide complex concentration of histamine. We verified that the compound
that surrounds EC membranes. Disruption of the glycocalyx in 48/80, a drug that depletes histamine from mast cell granules,
sepsis has been associated with increased interaction of EC restores neutrophil migration to the focus of infection in
adhesion molecules (mainly ICAM-1) with neutrophils diabetic mice with sepsis, although it does not reduce blood
(CD11b), resulting in an increase in firm adhesion, and con- glucose levels (11).
sequently in their recruitment to the site of infection (46).
Therefore, it is logical to hypothesize that the higher levels of Insulin improves sepsis outcome: effects dependent and
AGP in non-surviving septic mice with DM might result in the independent of glycemia control
thickening of the glycocalyx layer, which could contribute to Insulin is a pivotal regulator of glucose metabolism and
the lack of neutrophil recruitment to the infection site. How- performs an important anabolic function throughout the body.
ever, even if quite plausible, this hypothesis should be further Insulin promotes glucose uptake by cells and might control the
investigated in future studies. processes that require energy, such as mitogenesis and gene

Copyright © 2016 by the Shock Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

transcription (48). Adequate concentrations of insulin are exhibited a lower hepatic inflammatory response. Insulin treat-
essential for normal EC and neutrophil function throughout ment also increased the hepatic expression of the cytokine
the course of an inflammatory response (49–51). Our group has IL-10 at the mRNA and protein levels compared with control
shown that daily insulin treatment starting on the fifth day after animals treated with saline. Furthermore, insulin increased Bcl-
ALX injection increased the survival rates of diabetic mice 2-mediated hepatocyte proliferation and decreased hepatocyte
subjected to sepsis (12). Importantly, insulin treatment before apoptosis (lower caspase-3 and -9 expression) along with
CLP significantly increased the rolling and adhesion of neu- improving liver morphology (62). Another study on severely
trophils on mesenteric venules and in vitro chemotaxis toward burned rats showed that insulin improved mitochondrial state-3
CXCL2. Furthermore, insulin administration before CLP respiration, resulting in reduced hepatic apoptosis (63).
reduced the serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and
chemokines such as CXCL1, CXCL2, and IL-6 (12). Other Insulin treatment for septic patients
groups have shown similar results concerning the beneficial The initial metabolic response to sepsis is closely related
effects of insulin treatment in diabetic animals and humans to endocrine changes. Previous studies have suggested that
under infection (52–55). Although insulin treatment reduced both the concentration and secretion pattern of hormones are
overall glycemia after 10 days of T1D induction with ALX in deregulated during sepsis (49, 50).
our study, we did not measure blood glucose levels hourly During the early hyper-glycemic phase of sepsis, there is an
during the early phases of sepsis. Therefore, it is plausible that intensive release of cortisol, epinephrine, and glucagon (50,
the improved neutrophil function could be primarily due to 64). In rats undergoing CLP, after 2 h of hyper-glycemia, there
the increased levels of insulin rather than to the reduction of is increased uptake of glucose by the skeletal and heart muscles,
hyper-glycemia (51). Indeed, we already mentioned that the which was due to increased insulin release. Six and 24 h after
neutrophil dysfunctions during T1D might occur independently CLP, there was sustained glucose uptake by the liver, lung, and
of hyperglycemia (13, 14). spleen. Glucose uptake by the kidneys and adipose tissue
The beneficial effects of insulin treatment during sepsis decreased only 6 and 24 h after CLP, respectively (65). There-
might be correlated to direct control of the transcription of fore, the uptake of glucose by different tissues is an attempt to
inflammatory mediators. Indeed, LPS-treated diabetic mice keep glycemia under control, mainly during the initial phases
exhibited altered phosphorylation of extracellular signal- of sepsis.
regulated kinase, protein-38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, The use of glucometers has become common in hospitals due
protein kinase (PKC)-a, and PKC-d, and this altered expression to their ease of use, availability, and ability to provide rapid
was completely or partially restored by insulin treatment (56). results. However, this is a limited test, and many devices are not
In addition, insulin has been shown to regulate the expression of accurate enough to be applied to critically ill patients. Con-
inducible enzymes such as iNOS and COX-2, therefore affect- tinuous glucose sensors have been developed to measure
ing the levels of NO, PGE-2, and IL-6 during the early phases of glucose concentrations; however, intravascular devices remain
allergic lung inflammation in diabetic rats. These results in preclinical and limited clinical testing. The measurement of
suggest that insulin is required for the optimal transduction blood glucose levels using a precise arterial blood gas instru-
of the intracellular signals that drive the inflammatory response ment is recommended before starting intensive insulin therapy.
(57). Furthermore, insulin significantly decreased the release of It is important to mention that lower hematocrit values gener-
TNF-a and IL-1b by macrophages after LPS stimulation and ally result in overestimation of blood glucose levels, potentially
improved neutrophil killing. Indeed, insulin has been shown to masking hypo-glycemia. In this regard, clinicians should use
exert anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory effects at the cel- caution with the interpretation of hyper- or hypo-glycemia
lular and molecular levels in vitro and in vivo (33, 58). in septic patients who have recently received intensive fluid
Importantly, insulin affects cells from healthy individuals. therapy (66, 67).
Specifically, insulin significantly increased the chemotaxis of According to published protocols, intervention should be
neutrophils purified from healthy donors toward fMLP (59). taken if blood glucose levels are below 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L,
This finding reinforces the idea of the overall beneficial effects hypo-glycemia) or above 180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L, hypergly-
of insulin, which also occur independently of the control of cemia). In case of hypoglycemia, an intravenous dose of 15 g to
blood glucose levels. 20 g dextrose has been recommended by the American Diabetes
An infusion of insulin (4.5–6.1 mmol/L) to maintain glucose Association, with instructions to measure the blood glucose
levels between 80 and 110 mg/dL dramatically reduced level in 5 to 15 min and repeat as needed. In hyper-glycemic
mortality and morbidity in critically ill patients. Other meta- patients, insulin treatment should be initiated with 0.5 to
bolic effects of insulin include the inhibition of lipolysis and the 1 U/mL diluted in Ringer or 0.9% sodium chloride solution.
normalization of dyslipidemia, and other immunologic effects Intravenous insulin infusion is preferred for patients with T1D
include the suppression of excessive inflammation and the who are hemodynamically unstable, patients with hypergly-
improvement of macrophage function (60). In agreement with cemia, and patients in whom long-acting basal insulin should
these beneficial effects, patients with severe trauma or SIRS not be initiated due to a change in clinical status (hypothermia,
who received intensive insulin therapy exhibited a significant edema, frequent interruption of dextrose intake, etc.). Subcu-
decrease in the levels of the pro-inflammatory mediators TNF- taneous insulin regimens with basal and rapid-acting insulin are
a, IL-6, and C-reactive protein compared with controls (61). frequently initiated after the stabilization of blood glucose
Rats that received thermal injury and were treated with insulin levels with intravenous insulin (68, 69).

Copyright © 2016 by the Shock Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

In addition to the control of hyperglycemia, insulin admin- matrix and type I collagen into the pancreas, which results in
istration during the early phases of sepsis allows better control aggravated insulin deficiency in the late phases of DM (72).
of the serum levels of other counter-regulatory hormones Although cytokines derived from all subtypes of CD4þ T
(cortisol, glucagon, growth hormone, and catecholamines). cells can be detected in the serum of diabetic patients (72), there
When taken in advance, insulin also prevents a condition of seems to be a sequential pattern of response during the course of
insulin resistance, the main characteristic of T2D (70). Indeed, DM pathogenesis. During the initial phase of T1D, there are an
patients with sepsis and hyperglycemia who were not diag- increased number of Th17 cells in the spleen and in the
nosed with DM before or during hospitalization should be pancreatic draining lymph nodes (PLNs). IL-17A is essential
considered a population at increased risk of developing T2D. for the induction of DM: animals that do not express the IL-17
A recent study evaluating 276 septic patients showed that 15% receptor (IL17RA/) have blunted T1D progression, with
of them developed T2D, with a relative risk of 1.89 for patients reduced peri-insulitis and better preservation of insulin-pro-
with normal glycemia and 4.89 for hyperglycemic patients ducing b-cells compared with WT mice. On the other hand, at a
when they were in septic state (71). later phase of T1D development, there is an increase in the
absolute number of Treg IL-10þ cells in the PLNs, which was
Disturbances in the adaptive immune response during associated with increased control of the inflammatory process
DM and sepsis (74–76).
Unlike the impaired neutrophil function described above for Recently, our group showed the role of mast cells in the
T1D, which implies an impaired innate immune response, there modulation of the adaptive immune response in mice with T1D.
are studies that also demonstrate enhanced lymphocyte acti- Mast cell-deficient mice developed severe insulitis and showed
vation and overwhelmed adaptive immune response during accelerated hyperglycemia compared with controls; these
both T1D and T2D (72, 73). changes were associated with a decreased number of Treg
Soluble cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 4 cells and a significant increase in the number of Th17 cells
(sCTLA-4) can act as a competitor of CD28, which binds to in PLNs (77).
the costimulatory molecules CD80 or CD86. However, sCTLA- We also studied the role of the nucleotide-binding oligome-
4 blocks T-lymphocyte activation, which is the opposite effect rization domain-containing protein 2 (NOD2) in governing the
of that obtained with sCD28 or membrane-bound CD28. The CD4þ T cell-mediated adaptive immune response in the patho-
plasma concentration of sCTLA-4 was significantly lower, genesis of T1D. NOD2-, but not NOD1-, deficient mice exhibit
whereas the sCD28 level was significantly higher in patients lower susceptibility to STZ-induced T1D, which was attributed
with T2D compared with control subjects, which could explain to a lower number of Th1 and Th17 cells in the PLNs compared
the increased T-cell activation observed in T2D subjects (73). with WT mice. Furthermore, it was shown that WT mice
Diabetic patients or mice have higher plasma concentrations depleted of the gut microbiota have a response to T1D induc-
of inflammatory cytokines and enhanced activation of tran- tion that is similar to that of NOD2-deficient mice, and this was
scription factors associated with different subtypes of T helper abolished by treatment with the NOD2 agonist muramyl dipep-
(Th) lymphocytes (72). The adaptive immune response during tide (MDP). Therefore, bacterial products from the bowel were
DM is directed by at least four different types of effector CD4þ associated with NOD2 activation, favoring T1D development
T helper (Th) cells, named Th1, Th2, Th17, and regulatory T via an increase in the number of Th1 and Th17 cells in the PLNs
cells (Treg). Each phenotype orchestrates a particular response (76).
through the production of a distinct array of cytokines and In addition to taking part in the pathogenesis of DM, Th17
inflammatory mediators (Fig. 2). and Tregs also participate in sepsis. Peripheral blood mono-
Th1 cells produce interferon (IFN)-g and IL-12, which nuclear cells purified from the blood of septic patients and
induces iNOS expression and stimulates the generation of stimulated with PMA showed greater differentiation to Th17
NO by M1 macrophages. Subsequently, NO can react with cells than cells from healthy volunteers (78). Our laboratory
superoxide (produced by NADPH oxidase 2), generating per- showed that IL-17 is essential for controlling infection during
oxynitrite (ONOO), which might result in nitrosative damage sepsis. Indeed, IL17RA/ mice subjected to non-severe CLP
of pancreatic cells. Th2 cells produce IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, showed impaired neutrophil recruitment to the site of infection,
which have anti-inflammatory properties, probably by media- a higher bacterial load in the blood, increased systemic inflam-
ting the conversion of M1 macrophages to the M2 phenotype. matory responses and a higher rate of multi-organ failure
This latter type of macrophages expresses lower levels of iNOS compared with WT mice (79). Regarding the role of Tregs
and increased levels of arginase, which produces urea from L- in sepsis, our group and others have showed an increased
arginine, preventing NO synthesis, and possibly pancreatic b- number of Treg cells in the spleen, lymph nodes and thymus
cell injury. Th17 cells release IL-17A and IL-17F, which recruit until 15 days after CLP; this effect was associated with a
neutrophils into pancreatic tissue. This neutrophil infiltration is reduction in the proliferation of CD4þ T effector cells. We
followed by the significant generation of ROS and RNS, showed that these Tregs could have an essential role in the
contributing, therefore, to cellular damage. Treg cells produce induction of immunodeficiency post-sepsis. Indeed, mice sur-
soluble suppressive mediators, such as IL-10, and control the viving CLP died after non-lethal Legionella pneumophila
activation and proliferation of other subtypes of CD4þ T cells infection, which was not observed in sham mice (80).
by direct contact. In addition, Treg cells also stimulate fibro- The enhanced levels of IL-17 in the serum during the early
blast proliferation, leading to the deposition of extracellular phases of DM should be carefully evaluated with regard to its

Copyright © 2016 by the Shock Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

FIG. 2. Adaptive immune response profile during diabetes mellitus. CD4þ T cells that produce interferon (IFN)-g and interleukin (IL)-12 are classified as
Th1 cells. This phenotype is mainly characterized by the induction of the nitric oxide synthase enzyme (iNOS) and the generation of nitric oxide (NO) by M1
macrophages. Th2 cells produce IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, which have anti-inflammatory properties, by mediating the conversion of M1 macrophages to the M2
phenotype. Th17 cells produce IL-17A and IL17-F, leading to the recruitment of neutrophils into the pancreas. Regulatory T (Treg) cells produce IL-10, which
controls the proliferation of other subtypes of CD4þ T cells. Treg cells also favor fibroblast proliferation, which results in the deposition of extracellular matrix and
type I collagen into pancreatic tissue, aggravating insulin-producing b-cell dysfunction.

relationship with sepsis outcome. Since IL-17 can attract Patients with T2D exhibit the infiltration of inflammatory cells
neutrophils by working as a chemotactic agent and can enhance such as macrophages, T cells, B cells, and neutrophils into
neutrophil activation, higher IL-17 concentrations at the focus adipose tissue (81). Adipose tissue in obese subjects is also
of infection would be beneficial during sepsis. However, high characterized by increased infiltration of M1 macrophages
systemic levels of IL-17, which occurs during DM, do not (pro-inflammatory phenotype) rather than M2 macrophage
improve sepsis outcome. In fact, our studies in T1D mice (anti-inflammatory phenotype) (83).
subjected to CLP clearly showed that T1D impairs neutrophil A recent study has demonstrated that expression of the
recruitment to the infection site and not the opposite. Moreover, receptor for IL-6 on myeloid cells (neutrophils and macro-
IL-17A should not be considered as an isolated mediator phages) prevents obesity-induced insulin resistance. According
because there are many factors involved in the failure of to the authors, IL-6 augmented the response of macrophages to
neutrophil migration during sepsis associated with DM, such IL-4, favoring the switch to M2 type. In mice with conditional
as an increased number of mast cells in the peritoneal cavity, inactivation of the Il6ra gene in myeloid cells, there is a higher
H2R activation on blood circulating neutrophils and increased propensity to develop obesity-induced inflammation and
levels of AGP in the serum (11, 12). With regard to Tregs, their glucose intolerance (84). Interestingly, T2D rats showed a
higher numbers in the later phases of DM might contribute to 2.68-fold increase in IL-6 plasma levels relative to non-diabetic
post-sepsis immunodeficiency. However, more experimental controls 20 h after CLP (9). Perhaps the increased synthesis of
evidence is required to shed light on this matter. IL-6 during sepsis in T2D mice is a compensatory response to
insulin resistance and increased M1 macrophage infiltration
IL-6 signaling in T2D and sepsis into the adipose tissue.
Several studies have shown that the occurrence of chronic Serum IL-6 levels also play a role in sepsis pathogenesis/
low-grade inflammation in obese subjects contributes to outcome, as this cytokine determines the phenotypic switch in
insulin resistance and, consequently, to T2D onset (81–83). macrophages. Indeed, endotoxemic mice that received IL-6,

Copyright © 2016 by the Shock Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

had lower iNOS, TNF-a, and IL-12 expression compared with proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARg) used to treat
WT controls after LPS injection (84). It is well established that patients with T2D, was found to exert both in vitro and in vivo
M2 macrophages are more prone to synthesize urea from anti-inflammatory effects that reduced endotoxin-induced
arginine instead of NO. Furthermore, reduced NO release could acute lung injury in rats (92). A study from our laboratory
result in lower nitrosative stress in the heart. A previous study showed that treatment with the PPARg agonist pioglitazone
from our group has demonstrated significant myocytolysis and resulted in lower STAT1-dependent MyD88 expression and
tumefaction of cardiac myocells as well as reduced myosin and increased IL-10 levels in the serum, which reduced systemic
actin density after severe CLP-induced sepsis. These changes inflammation after CLP. The PPARg agonist also increased
were associated with the increased presence of 4-(hydroxyl-2- neutrophil recruitment to the infection foci, resulting in lower
nonenal)-modified protein, a marker of ONOO production, in bacterial loads in the blood (93). Additionally, PPARg has also
the myocardium of septic mice compared with sham mice (85). been associated with induction of fibroblast growth factor 21
However, the association among IL-6, M2 macrophages, lower (FGF21). FGF21 is a key regulator of glucose and lipid
NO levels, and improvement in sepsis survival should be taken metabolism, and its plasma levels have been shown to be
carefully. Our laboratory has reported that NO has a dual role in increased in humans with a variety of conditions, such as
sepsis: it impairs neutrophil migration to the focus of infection T2D, obesity, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (94).
and is also essential to control the growth of microorganisms FGF21 levels were significantly higher in plasma obtained
when released inside phagosomes (42, 43, 86). Benjamin and from patients with sepsis than healthy controls. According to
colleagues observed that low doses of iNOS inhibitors improve this study, FGF21 could be used as a serum marker to identify
sepsis outcome by increasing neutrophil recruitment to the site septic patients, but its implication in human sepsis outcome
of infection. In contrast, mice treated with high doses of the should be better investigated (95). Feingold et al. (96) showed
same drugs or those deficient in iNOS presented higher that mice treated with FGF21 after CLP showed a 10% to 20%
mortality rates associated with impaired killing ability and higher survival rate than mice treated with vehicle.
higher bacterial load in the blood (86). The quality of food in the diet can also determine the sepsis
Altogether, we can conclude that T2D has a particular outcome in patients with DM. Diabetic patients including
phenotype with respect to IL-6 release during sepsis. However, prebiotics in their diet may have reduced sepsis-related inflam-
more studies using animal models are necessary to confirm if mation, endotoxemia, and cytokine levels in the serum com-
T2D favors or impairs sepsis outcome. pared with normoglycemic subjects. The administration of
prebiotics such as fermentable dietary fibers promotes the
Clinical studies involving diabetic patients with sepsis expression of glucagon-like peptide 1 and peptide YY (ano-
Some studies evaluating sepsis in humans and correlating its rexigenic) and decreases the expression of ghrelin (orexigenic).
outcome with the occurrence of T1D or T2D have demonstrated In four prospective 21-day intervention studies on patients with
interesting results. In a retrospective study, Kuperman et al. T2D carried out in Cuba (n ¼ 65), Italy (n ¼ 24), Ghana
(87) evaluated 845 patients and observed that those surviving (n ¼ 23), and China (n ¼ 16), the effect of the macrobiotic
sepsis had a higher average body mass index (BMI) than non- compound Ma-Pi 2 (conceived by Mario Pianesi) in the diet
survivors (27.6 vs. 26.3 kg/m2, P ¼ 0.03). The authors also was investigated. All four studies suggested that prebiotic
showed that T2D-affected patients had a higher BMI and treatment caused a significant improvement in fasting blood
decreased mortality due to sepsis (odds ratio of 0.53). glucose levels, plasma lipid fractions, and plasma insulin levels
Esper et al. (88), who evaluated 12.5 million hospitalizations and helped in maintaining body homeostasis (97–101).
due to sepsis (data collected from the National Center for Actually, the influence of diet was previously linked to both
Health Statistics of the United States from 1979 to 2003), T2D and T1D. Studies reviewed by Piya et al. (102) showed
showed that 17% of these patients had DM. These patients were that diet affects the development of gut microbiota, and this is a
less likely to develop acute respiratory failure (9% vs. 14%, determinant in the pathogenesis of inflammatory-induced
P <0.05) and hematological dysfunction (1.6% vs. 3.1%, obesity and T2D. In addition, we have shown that the depletion
P <0.05) than non-diabetic septic patients. Although Esper of gut flora with antibiotics reduced susceptibility to STZ-
et al. did not discriminate between patients with T1D and induced T1D (76).
patients with T2D, they considered leptin, a hormone highly Confirming that changes in diet could affect inflammation,
elevated in obese humans with T2D, as one possible mediator mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) and genetically obese mice have
involved in protection during sepsis. Indeed, leptin knockout increased mortality as a result of S aureus-induced sepsis com-
mice exposed to a septic stimulus showed increased serum pared with low-fat diet (LFD)-fed controls. The lower survival
levels of TNF-a and increased mortality rates compared with rates were associated with a higher bacterial load and systemic
WT controls (89, 90). Additionally, a recent study demon- inflammation in HFD-fed mice (103). On the other hand, mice
strated that leptin deficiency triggers a cascade of neuroendo- fed a HFD rich in omega-3, and omega-6 fatty acids had higher
crine events that involve the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal survival rates and a lower bacterial load than LFD-fed controls
axis and result in hyper-glycemia and ketoacidosis, which after S aureus-induced sepsis (104, 105). Therefore, not only the
could aggravate sepsis (91). ingestion of fat but also the quality of the lipids in the diet can
Drugs such as antidiabetic agents may also contribute to the determine sepsis outcome in patients with DM.
higher sepsis survival rates in patients with T2D. In a preclin- In contrast to Kuperman et al. (87) and to Esper et al. (88),
ical study, rosiglitazone, a potent agonist of peroxisome Chang et al. (106) suggested that diabetic patients have neither

Copyright © 2016 by the Shock Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

FIG. 3. Scheme depicting the immune response of patients with diabetes mellitus during sepsis. During early sepsis, patients with T1D have defective
neutrophil functions (chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and killing), resulting in impaired bacterial control at the site of infection, bacteremia and a poor sepsis outcome.
The synthesis hepatic of a-1 glycoprotein acid (AGP) and its deposition on endothelial cells increases the glycocalyx layer over ICAM-1 adhesion molecules, which
contributes to lower neutrophil recruitment to infection foci during sepsis (1). The failure in neutrophil migration to the site of infection was also attributed to an
increased number of mast cells and histamine activation of H2R, which leads to CXCR2 internalization through GRK2 (2). On the other hand, patients with T2D
seem to have a better sepsis prognosis due to several reasons: diets rich in unsaturated fat (3), the use of prebiotics, higher levels of leptin (4), and the use of
PPARg agonists (5). Diets rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and/or prebiotics enhance sepsis survival, while the intake of saturated fatty acids aggravates the
systemic inflammatory response and bacteremia (3). Leptin seems to be beneficial during sepsis by preventing acute lung injury (4). The T2D insulin-resistance
treatment that targets PPARg activation results in greater levels of fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-21 and higher neutrophil migration ability (5). In late sepsis, there
are greater numbers of regulatory T cells in DM patients, which could favor immunosuppression after sepsis. Additionally, the lack of control of glycemia in early
sepsis is associated with insulin resistance and T2D development in late sepsis. DM indicates diabetes mellitus; H2R, histamine receptor 2; ICAM-1, intracellular
molecule adhesion 1; PPARg, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma; T1D, type 1 diabetes mellitus; T2D, type 2 diabetes mellitus.

a greater risk nor a lesser risk of complications than non- rates. Indeed, more studies evaluating different responses to
diabetic patients. This study evaluated 16,497 subjects with sepsis in patients with T1D and T2D are required to better
severe sepsis who had been enrolled in the Taiwan National design treatment regimens in intensive care units. Considering
Health Insurance program from 1995 to 2008 without classi- the septic condition, we should exercise caution when using the
fication according to the type of DM. Despite better lung gravity scores to evaluate if DM increases or decreases
function, diabetic patients experiencing sepsis had a higher mortality rates. The APACHE II score could overestimate
risk of developing acute kidney injury and were more likely to the diabetes/sepsis correlation because it already includes
be undergoing hemodialysis in the intensive care units (15.55% hyperglycemia and chronic diseases (in the case of T1D or
vs. 7.24%; DM patients [n ¼ 4,573] versus non-diabetic sub- T2D) in its grade. The SOFA score, which assesses the severity
jects with sepsis [n ¼ 11,924]). of organ failure, would be more appropriate (107).
The discrepancies in clinical studies of patients with DM
noted here could be due to the lack of stratification of patients
into T1D and T2D or different sepsis etiology (e.g., pneumonia,
bloodstream infection, urinary infection), as well as the distinct DM is a common comorbidity in septic patients. Several
glycemic levels of patients and drug administration regimens studies have shown that T1D in humans and experimental
used to control blood glucose levels. Additionally, considering animal models is associated with many deficiencies in the
the septic condition, we should be aware of gravity scores when innate immune response, making these patients prone to infec-
evaluating if diabetes increases or has no effect on mortality tions and sepsis. Impairments in the innate immune response

Copyright © 2016 by the Shock Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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