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Pollution Assignment

1. The two factors that have contributed to interaction of humans with environment resulting in
pollution are human population and toxic and persistent chemicals. Because there is a large
human population, this means that there is more waste. Toxic chemicals create pollution.
2. Pollution are harmful contaminants released into the environment. The different types of
materials that add to pollution are things such as pesticides and fertilizers.
3. The two gases added to acid precipitation are sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Acid
precipitation is made from the combination of those two gases and water vapour
4. The release of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the air causes acid precipitation.
5. Acid rain affects terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems as well as human health and infrastructure
such as buildings.
6. Some rivers and lakes are not affected by the same acid rain that affects others negatively
because the ecosystems will eventually recover.
7. Some of the effects of acid rain in different parts of Ontario include dissolving concrete, marble
and limestone. As well as the damaging of statues and buildings.
8. Four ways acid rain affects humans negatively include respiratory problems such as asthma,
9. Acid rain threatens the long term sustainability of our forests because forests in affected areas
must rely on poorer soils to survive.
10. I think the lake is an acid lake and the forest has trying to live with the poor soil it is receiving.
11. The “solution is dilution” means that the concentration of pollutants in the environment is
decreased by mixing them with a large volume of air or water.
12. It shows the annual average concentration is lowering each year and so is the annual emission.
13. The city of Sudbury has removed extensive forestry and emissions from smelting plants that
have contaminated the soil. Lime was applied to neutralize the soil and threes were planted.
14. Humans are changing the composition of oceans by their actions by burning less fossil fuels and
keeping carbon dioxide away from the ocean water.
15. It is difficult to fight air borne acid precipitation in Ontario because the some areas in Ontario
such as Muskoka is 40 times more acidic than natural rain.
16. Oil spill is caused from oil tank accidents. Three of the biggest oil spills in the world are the gulf
of Mexico oil spill, the Gulf War oil spill and the Atlantic Empress oil spill.
17. Oil spills affects sea bird and seals in particular. When sea birds get oil on their wings, they
remove it and ingest it while cleaning themselves. The ingested oil damages their digestive tract,
liver and kidneys.
18. The four main way to fight oil pollution are cleaning up using skimming, bioremediation, burning
and dispersal agents.
19. About 40 % of the chicks died from dehydration or starvation. Researchers found out that their
stomachs of the chicks that had died had contained plastic.
20. Plastics cause significant damage to marine ecosystems, especially to aquatic organisms. This is
because aquatic animals such as fish will have trouble breathing underwater because of the oil.
They may also eat the plastic and this may cause them to die. The manufacturing of plastics
causes pollution and consumes non-renewable resources. Plastic has no nutritional value so
when the animals ingest them, it may block heir digestive systems.
21. Plastic materials: plastic bags, plastic water bottles
22. Plastic absorbs chemicals from the environment. We can avoid this by properly recycling and
dispose the plastics. This would also reduce or eliminate the needless source of ocean pollution.
23. The manufacturing of plastic bags creates pollution and results in the consumption of petroleum
which is a non-renewable resource. One way to avoid some of this waste is to simply use a cloth
bag when we shop.

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