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- Write a police statement from Martin about the car accident

using the writing frame provided.

Who was involved in the accident? What sort of injuries did they sustain?
 Martin’s good friend, Mark Thorpe.  Mark broke a few ribs and injured his
 A former classmate, Peter Mosley. legs.
 Martin.  Martin suffered facial burns, and a
 The driver of the stolen car, few broken bones, as well as muscle
Graham Fischer. numbness.
 Peter Mosley died.
 Apache came out with a few cuts and
What does Martin say about the accident?
Martin stated :“ It was horrible. I should have never sat in that car, in the first place.
I knew that there was something wrong about it, but I still went on hopping in that
car. Not only this, but I made my mate, Mark suffer with me. We should have all gone
home together, and I should have listened to Matthew. If it were not for my
foolishness, we would still be enjoying our holidays, and my friends would not be
avoiding me for who I was now. The loss of Peter also struck me hard, and the fact
that there was no one to look after him, made me feel broken. It was as if it was not
his fault in what he had become. “
Why did Martin get into the car? Who was Martin with that night and why
He decided to get in the car, after Peter didn’t they all get in the car?
was able to persuade him that the was Martin was with his girlfriend and his
going to drop him off home. This was two buddies. They all dropped Natalie
because Martin was tired. (Martin’s girlfriend) home, and then
when Peter came in and told them to get
in the car. One of Martin’s friend,
Matthew refused and told his friends
that this is not a reasonable idea. After
Peter was able to persuade Martin, Mark
(the 2nd friend) agreed too, but Matthew
went home on his own.

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