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Tell students that you are going to read a value statement and they are to select not important,

sometimes important, or important on the form based on their own personal values. 

Teacher reads the following value statements while the students answer using the google form.

 1. Being happy with who I am

2. Having a family of my own

3. having lots of money

4. having freedom to do what i want to do

5. being good at my job

6. having at least one close friend

7. choosing a career that interests me

8. becoming famous

9. going to college

10. being a leader

11. having lots of friends

12. being happy with my job or career

13. knowing others believe in me

14. being good at sports

15. having my own car

16. being able to make a difference

17. choosing a career that pays well

18. choosing a career that serves others

19. being recognized for what i know

20. being a role model for others

21. being religious or spiritual

22. getting good grades

23. having good health

24. believing in myself

25. serving in the military

26. being popular and well liked

27. being able to reach goals i have set

28. being able to continue despite difficulties

For which statements was it easy to decide where to stand? Which statements were more difficult?

Were you surprised at how others ranked some of the values? Why or why not?

what do you do when your values differ from your friends' values? 

have you ever disregarded someone else's values when making a decision? What did you do? What
was his or her reaction?

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