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md/mkdir: create directory

cd: change directory (eg1: cd\: top of directory, eg2: cd windows\system32\)

dir: read directory
ren: rename files/directories (eg. ren Digital_Citizen_Image1.bmp Image0.bmp)
copy: copy files (eg. copy D:\Digital_Citizen\image0.bmp
xcopy: copy folders with contents (eg. )
del: delete files
rd (=remove directory): delete folders
[program.exe] (in working directory): launch app
echo: prints to screen (eg This is some Text > FileName.txt)
notepad filename.txt: creates and opens new txt file

FOR /l %%I IN (start, step, end) DO command, OR

SET= A, B, C,...
FOR %%I IN SET DO command

[filename].bat: to create batch files

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