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To whom this may concern,

I, Tibber the Fibber, have come to comprehend a problem facing this society. I was made
aware of this issue when I happened to view a concept art for a particular character, that was
being portrayed on an art channel. This character was a demon. The story of this demon was one
of being cast out of Hell for causing to much destruction and a story unfolded of a demon
surviving in a modern world. 

I ignored the theological fallacies present in the storyline, but I could not ignore a text
bubble next one of the poses for demonic character's concept art design. The character was in a
crouched position wearing a surgical face mask. The text bubble stated something to the effect
of, "Hey, I may be a demon, but wear a mask you jerk!" [1] Needless to say, I was disturbed.

So, I have composed this letter to plea that some might recognize the horror of this
situation. How long can we live in a world where demons care for our medical needs? In a world
of kindly ghosts [2], and friendly zombies [3] humanity stifles.

Where we are told that even monsters have morality than we lose our morality. It is the
fact that a monster has no morality that makes it monstrous. Once our demons grow consciences,
then our dragons have had their fire snuffed and claws snipped.

So, I implore those belonging to that fictional community of ghouls, ghosts, witches,
warlocks, sorcerers, recently and/or previously reincarnated undead, demons, werewolves,
vampires, etc. to please refrain from growing consciences. It is very inconvenient for dragon
hunters to be forced to consider the morality of their actions when the dragon they are hunting
alternates from devouring maidens to donating to Covid relief funds.

Humanity can’t consider whether a crime such as murder has good qualities than say a
banshee could care for its elderly aunt. So, I do entreat monstrous members of the metaphysical
plane of fiction to avoid such activities as developing philosophy, art, or any other high and
noble thing. You should strive to be as you are, forces of pure evil and darkness.

I appeal to the creators of such monstrosities to avoid from giving them a conscience in
future. If humans are told that demons can do good, they will undoubtedly become demons, firm
in the belief that it’s alright to be a demon if you’re a good  demon. Whether you are a good or
bad demon you are most definitely bad, and if you are not actually a demon, or fictional, then
you should seek to change your ways.

Signed sincerely, Tibber the Fibber

P.S. Always eat frozen yogurt on Halloween, it gives you better chills down your spine.




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