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UNIT I ‘The parts of a paragraph correspond to the parts of an essay ESSAY I, INTRODUCTION Genersi wements Thesis Statement topic sentenes ‘A. support PARAGRAPH Be support C. suppor, topic sentence (concluding sentence) = A. a _—4t——-] ub topie sentence ee Leo ‘A. support B. support —-— B. suppon iad C. support C. support (wonchuding sentence concludit st a TV, topic sentence concluding sentence ig ee ° B. support D C. support Bet (concluding sentence) V. CONCLUSION Restatement of summary of the main points; final comment ‘Note: The body is the longest part of the essay and can contain as many paragraphs as necessary to support the controlling ideas of the thesis statement. GOLD Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore, it is suitable for jewelry, coins, and ornamental purposes. Gold never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was minted twenty-three centuries ago. Another important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to indusiry and science. For many years, it has been used in hundreds of industrial applications. The most recent use of gold is in astronauts’ suits. Astronauts wear gold-plated heat shields for protection outside the spaceship. In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty, but also for its utility. THE THREE PARTS OF A PARAGRAPH A. paragraph has three major structural parts: a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence. The topic sentence states the main idea if the paragraph. It not only names the topic of the paragraph, but it also limits the topic to one or two areas that can be discussed completely in the space of a single paragraph. The specific area is called the controlling idea. Notice how the topic sentence of the model states both the topic and the controlling idea: Topic (topic) (Controlling idea) sentence Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. Supporting sentences develop the topic sentence. That is, they explain the topic sentence by giving reasons, example, facts, statistics, and quotations. Some of the supporting, sentences that explain the topic sentence about gold are: Supporting First of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corvosion. sentences For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as the day it was minted twenty-three centuries ago. Another important characteristic of gold is its utility in industry and science. The most recent application of gold is in astronauts’ suits. ‘The concluding sentence signals the end of the paragraph and leave the readers important point to remember: Concluding Jn conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty , but also for its sentence utility ‘TWO ADDITIONAL ELEMENTS Unity Coherence In addition to the three structural parts of a paragraph, a good paragraph also has the elements of unity and coherence. Unity means that only one main idea in a paragraph discussed. The main idea is stated in the topic sentence, and then each and every supporting sentence develops that idea. If, for example, the topic sentence is about two important characteristics of gold, the supporting sentences discuss only those, and not anything else such as the price of gold, the history of gold, or gold mining. Coherence means that the paragraph is easy to read and understand because (1) the supporting sentences are some kind of logical onder, and (2) the ideas are connected by the use of appropriate transition signals. For example, in the paragraph about gold, there are two main supporting ideas: gold is beautiful and gold is useful. Each of these supporting ideas is discussed, one after the other, and an example is given for each one. This is one kind of logical order. Furthermore, the relationship between the ideas is clearly shown by using appropriate transition words and phrases such as “ first of all,” “the second important characteristic,” “for example,” and “in conclusion.” THE ESSAY ‘As essay has three main parts: 1. An introductory paragraph 2. Abody (at least one, but usually two or more paragraphs) 3. Aconcluding paragraph ‘THE INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH ‘An introduction has four purposes: It introduces the topic of the essay. It gives a general background of the topic. It often indicates the overall “plan” of the essay. Tt should arouse the reader's interest in the topic. AONE ‘The introduction has two parts: i. General Statements fi, A thesis statement Notice the two parts of the following introductory paragraph. Model 1: The Introductory Paragraph ‘A person born in the twentieth century has seen a lot of changes take place In almost all areas of human life. Some people are excited by the challenges that these changes offer; others want to return to the simpler, less automated life style of the past. Living in the twentieth century has certain advantages such as a higher standard of living, but it also has disadvantages such as a polluted environment, the depersonalization of human relationships, and the weakening of spiritual values. The first sentence in an introductory paragraph should be a very general comment about the subject, Its purpose is to attract the reader's attention and to give background information on the topic. Each subsequent sentence should become more specific than the previous one and finally lead into the thesis statement. General Statements: 1. introduce the topic of the essay. 2. give background information on the topic. ‘The thesis statement is the most important sentence in the introduction. It states the Specific topic and lists the major subtopics that will be discussed in the body of the essay. Furthermore, it often indicates the method of organization such as chronological order, or order of importance. The thesis statement: 1, states the main topic. 2. lists the subdivisions of the topic. 3. may indicate the method of organization of the entire paper. 4. is usually the last sentence in the introductory paragraph. To sum up, an introductory paragraph is like a funnel: very wide at the top, Increasingly narrow in the middle, and very small at the neck or bottom. General Statements Thesis ——— Statement THE BODY The body consists of one or more paragraphs. Each paragraph develops a sub-division of the topic, so the number of paragraphs in the body will vary with the number of subdivisions. The paragraphs of the body are like the main supporting points of a paragraph. Furthermore, the paragraphs In an essay are organized in the same way as the ideas in a paragraph by chronological order or by order of importance. ‘THE CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH ‘The concluding paragraph consists of: 1. a summary of the main points or 2. a restatement of the thesis in different words and 3. a final comment on the subject. Note: Introduce the concluding paragraph with a transition signal. Study the introduction and conclusion for the following model essay on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the twentieth century. Is the concluding paragraph a summary of the main points of the essay or is it a paraphrase of the thesis statement? Is there a final message for the reader? Model 2: The Concluding Paragraph Introduction Conclusion A person born in the twentieth century has seen many changes take place in almost all areas of human life. Some people are excited by the challenges that these changes offer; others long to return to the simpler, less automated life-style of the past. Living in the ‘twentieth century has certain advantages, such as a higher standard of living, but it also has some disadvantages, such as a polluted environment, the depersonalization of human relationships, and the ‘weakening of spiritual values. In conclusion, although the twentieth century has indeed given us a lot of advantages by making us richer, healthier and freer to enjoy our lives, it has, in my opinion, not made us wiser. The twentieth century hhas also made our Earth dirtier, our people less humane, and our spiritual poorer. We should continue to enjoy the benefits of technological advancements because they free us to pursue our interests and goals. However, we must make a concerted effort to preserve our natural environment for future generations. Moreover, we should take the time now to make our lives more meaningful in an increasingly impersonal, mechanized world. ‘THE ADDITIONAL ELEMENT The only additional element in an essay is the linking expressions between the paragraphs of the body. These just like transitions within @ paragraph. Transitions are used within a paragraph to connect the ideas between two sentences. Similarly, transitions are used between Paragraphs to connect the ideas between them. CHART OF TRANSITION SIGNALS Meaning/ Sentence Clause Connectors Others Funétion Connectors Coordinators Subordinators To introduce an | furthermore ‘And another additional idea | moreover (noun) an in addition additional (+ noun) To introduce an | onthe otherband | but Although In spite of (+ opposite idea | however yet Though noun) despite in contrast Even though | (+noun) Whereas To introduce an | for example An example example for instance of (+ noun) e.g. such as (noun) To introduce a | i.e. restatement or ‘explanation To introduce 2 | in conclusion conclusion or —_| in summary summary to conchide to summarize To clarify first (second, third, before The first (+ chronological _| fourth, etc.) next, after noun) order and order _| last, finally, first of while The second of importance | all, above all, after untit C+ years) that, since then, as soon as Before the more important, (+ noun) most important In the year Since the (@ noun) ‘The most. important (noun) Chart of Tran: To introduce for because because of a cause or since due to reason as to result from the result of the effect of X on Y the consequence of To introduce | as a result s0 the cause of aneffector | asa the reason for result consequence to result in therefore to cause thus consequently to have an effect on hence : to affect To introduce | similarly and as like acomparison | likewise just as just like also alike too similar (to) the same as both... and not only . . , but alse compare to Tointroduce.; |: onthe other | but although, | different from a contrast hand yet though dissimilar in contrast eventhough | unlike however whereas to differ. from by (in) while comparison to compare to to compare with Practice 1 on Paragraphing ‘a. Rearrange the jumbled sentences into a good paragraph. b. Explain the relationship between sentences of your paragraph. ©. Identify the topic of your paragraph. Paragraph I: Jn the two hundred years from 1650 to 1850, world population doubled and reached its first billion. The term “population explosion” is usually applied to the rapid growth of the last three centuries. By the year 2050, it is estimated that it will exceed 6 billion and possibly approach 7 billion unless there is a major reduction in birth rated or a major increase in death rates. Paragraph II: An accounting department records and measures the activity ofa business. Accounting records and reports provide data that are used by management, stockholders, creditors, banks and government. Tt also reports on the efforts of these transactions on the firm’s financial condition Accounting provides a financial picture of a business firm. Paragraph IIT: Only with the policy mix will the availability of natural abundant resources provide a strong base for a sustained growth ofa country’s economy. Rich natural resources endowments, however, are no guarantee for rapid economic growth. Compared to many countries in the world, Indonesia is indeed blessed with an abundance of natural resources. Moreover, a number of countries with limited natural resources have been very successful in their development efforts. Paragraph IV ‘The industrialized countries are certainly not immune from corrupt practices. This is due to the fact that they can least afford consequences. Corruption is a global problem. In fact, corruption prevents many countries from addressing their most serious development challenges, deters foreign and domestic investment. However, comuption appears to be on a higher rate in developing and traditional economies. Practice II on Paragraphing a, Identify the topic, the main idea and the supporting ideas of the following paragraphs. b. Make an outline of each paragraph, by using a suitable diagram. c. Summatize paragraph II. Paragraph 1: Business is the human activity related to material things. It is necessary for civilization. It is found in all societies, even the simplest ones Business may include the production of goods: making airplanes, building buildings, and constructing paper boxes are examples of production. It can also provide the financing for these activitics. Lending money, trading stocks and bonds, and selling insurance policies relate to the securing of capital for business activities. Other forms of business include merchandising, which is the selling products, and providing various services, such as accounting, distributing, repair. Business, then, is the activity of producing and distributing goods and services. Paragraph I: Introductory Paragraph ‘The sale of goods and services is not restricted to local, regional, or natural markets; it often takes place on an international basis. Nations import goods that they lack or cannot produce as efficiently as other nations, and they export goods that they can produce more efficiently. This exchange of goods and service in the world, or global market is known as international trade. There are three main benefits to be gained from this type of exchange. 10 Paragraph IH: In financing business operations and expansion, a business uses both short-tem and Iong- tem capital. A company, much like an individual utilizes short-tem capital to pay for items that last a relatively short period of time. An individual uses credit cars or charge accounts for items such as clothing or food, while a company seeks short-term financing for salaries and office expenses. On the other hand, an individual uses long-term capital such as bank loan to pay for a home or car — goods that will last a long time. Similarly, a company seeks long-term financing to pay for new assets that are expected to last many years. Paragraph IV: All corporations, regardless of their size, receive their starting capital from issuing and selling shares of stocks. The initial sales involve some risk on the part of the buyers because the corporation has no record of performance. If the corporation is successful, the stockholders may profit through increased valuation of the shares of stocks as well as by receiving dividends. Dividends are proportional amounts of profit usually paid quarterly to stockholders. However, if the corporation is not successful, the stockholders may take a severe loss on the initial stock investment, Paragraph V: In the flow of goods to consumers, many thousands of people may be involved in the produetion of just one commodity. Primary producers (farmers, miners) extract the raw materials and sell them to manufacturers. The manufacturers then send these goods to wholesalers who buy large quantities and distribute them in smaller quantities to retailers who sell them to consumers. Paragraph VI: ‘The balance sheet expands the accounting equation by providing more information about the assets, liabilities, and owner's equity of a company at a specific time (for example, on December 31, 2001). It is made up of two parts. The first part lists the company assets, and the second part details liabilities and owner’s equity. Assets are divided into current and fixed assets. Cash, account receivable, and inventories are all current assets. Property, buildings, and equipment make up the fixed assets of a company. The liabilities section of the balance sheet is often divided into current liabilities (such as accounts payable and income taxes payable) and long-term liabi notes). 1 Paragraphs VII & VIM: A company often becomes involved in international trade by exchanging goods or services with another country-importing raw materials it may need for production or exporting finished products to a foreign market. Establishing these trade relationships is the first step in the development of a multinational business. At this stage, however, the corporation's emphasis is still on the domestic market. As trade expands, the corporation’s dealings with companies or people outside the “home country” of that corporation increase. The corporation then begins to view the whole word as a base for production and marketing operations. The next step in the development of a multinational business is focusing on the world market. The company may establish a foreign assembly plant, engage in contract manufacturing, or build a foreign manufacturing company or subsidiary. Therefore, a multinational corporation is a company that is primarily based in ‘one country and has production and marketing activities in foreign countries. 12 UNIT Il I cit Vv READING COMPREHENSION Pre-reading activity ‘Inflation’ is not a strange word for people in Indonesia as it hit Indonesia’s ‘economy several times. ‘What do you know about the effect of inflation in Indonesia? Mention one of the steps that you know, which the government took to overcome inflation. Give a list of words/phrases which arc related to inflation. Give your own definition of ‘inflation.’ READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT CAREFULLY Before gold and silver were brought to Europe from the Spanish and Portuguese colonies in Latin America during the sixteenth century, inflation had not been a major problem. Since that time, however, inflation has been a significant economic issue, especially during and after wars. Currently, in many countries of the world, people are facing problems caused by inflation, which is a decrease in the purchasing power of money because of continuous rises in the prices of available goods. There are two different kinds of inflation, each of which can affect people’s lives. When inflation is discussed, people are generally refer to an increase in prices, ‘wages and the amount of money circulating in a country’s economy. The most common type of inflation is called creeping inflation because there is a steady ‘by manageable increase in the rate of inflation within a year. Prices rise continuously, so that workers ask for higher wages to cover the increasing costs of housing, food, and transportation. Although such wage increases are inflationary, they are often unavoidable, As a result, a government may have to impose price and wage controls in order to control this type of inflation. A less common type of inflation is called hyperinflation, which is usually due to war or occupation by a foreign country. During a period of hyperinflation, price levels double rapidly. Inasmuch as there is too much money available in the economy, the currency decreases in value, and people lose confidence in their government's financial competence. To win back trust of the people, the government may create a new currency. Regardless of the type of inflation that a country’s economy is experiencing, inflation affects every individual in that society. In the United States, for example, many families could no longer afford to buy at today’s prices homes that they bought years ago. As long as the costs of food and entertainment continue to rise, people will be forced to modify their lifestyle. People on fixed incomes such as pensions or scholarships have such serious financial problems that they cannot live decently, since their incomes do not keep up with the rate of inflation. wu. Until there is cooperation not only among individuals within any given country but also among various governments of the world, inflation will continue to trouble many of us. Answer the following questions. Your answer should be based on the information in the text. ‘What are the topics and main ideas of paragraphs Il, III and IV? Paragraph II Topic: Main Idea: Paragraph I] Topic: Main Idea: Paragraph IV Topie: Main Idea: Give the definition of the word ‘inflation’ (use the following pattem of definition: word defined + to be + class noun + which + explanation) Complete the following table on “Types of Inflation” ‘Types of Inflation Cause Effect Government’s measures What is the difference between the two types of inflation? (Don’t giver their definition) ml. 10. Say whether each of the following statement is true or false and in either case, explain why. Inflation has been an economic issue sinee Portugal and Spain had colonies in Latin America. Any inflation should be overcome by issuing a new currency. When prices of basic necessities continuously increase in a particular country, inflation will have an effect on all people living in the country. Referent ‘What do the following words/phrases refer to? 4) ‘that time’ in line 3 refers to ......- b) ‘they’ in line 15 refers to ... ©) ‘which’ in line 17 refers to 4) ‘they’ in line 26 refers to... Connectives combine two ideas together. What are the functions of the following connectives used in the text? a) ‘as a result’ in line 15 shows ..... b) ‘since’ in line 29 shows ... WRITING Make a two-paragraph summary of the whole text. VI. Match the words (taken from the text) in column ‘A’ with their meaning/synonyms in column ‘B’. Fill in the blanks with the chosen letters. A B ____ significant a. continuous ___ affeet b. charge ___ steady c. settlement of land _____ unavoidable 4. quality, condition ___ impose e. change to give a new orientation ____ occupation £ whatever ____ competence g important __ regardless of fh, cannot be prevented _____ modify i. overcome keep up j. influence CLOZE EXERCISE Fill in the blanks with the words from the list. Each word should be used once only. afford between commodities falls individual exceptions satisfied actually inferior increase If individual or family incomes rise, then normally their demand for most commodities also rises. There is generally a direct proportion rises in income and demand for However, there are _ If demand for a certain commodity was fully before the rise in income, then there is not likely to be an in demand for that commodity. A rise in income could lead to a fall in demand for a commodity. An example often used is margarine. As or family incomes rise, the demand for margarine as people can now the more expensive, and higher quality butter. When demand for a commodity falls as income rises, that commodity is described as an good. 10. DEVELOPING VOCABULARY Fill in the blanks in the following table of derivation NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE introduction satisfy complete sale supply necessary industry produce imported apply UNIT Ill 10 1s. 20 2s 30 3s 40 45 MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS Management plays a vital role in any business or organized activity. Management is composed of a team of managers who have charge of the organization at all levels. Their duties include making sure company objectives are met and seeing that the business operates efficiently. Regardless of the specific job, most managers perform four basic functions. These management func: ning, organizing, dirceting, and conicalling ns are pla Planning involves determining overall company objectives and + deciding how these goals can best he achieved. Managers evaluste alternative plans before choosing a specific course of action and then check to see that the.chosen plan {its into the objectives estah- lished at higher organizational levels. Planning is listed as the first management function hecause the others depend an it. However even as managers move on to perform other managerial {unctions, planning continues as goals and alternatives are further evaluated and revised, Organizing, the second management function, is the process uf putting the pian ints action, This involves allocating resources, especially human resources, so that the overall objectives can be attained. In this phase managers decide on the positions to be created and determine the associated duties and responsibilities Staffing, choosing the right person for the right job, may also be included as part of the organizing function Third is the day-to-day dircetion and supervision of employees. In directing, managers guide, teach, and motivate workers so that they reach their potential abilities and at the time achieve the company goals that were established in the Planning process. Effective direction, or supervision, by managers requires ongoing communication with employees, In the last management function, controlling, managers evaluate how well company objectives are being met. In order to complete this evulvation, managers must look at the objectives established in the planning phase and at how well the tasks assigned in the directing phase are being completed. If major problems exist and goals are not being achieved, then changes need to be made in the company’s organizational or managerial structure. In making changes, managers might have to go back and replan, reorganize, and redirect In order to adequately and efficiently perform these manage ment functions, managers need interpersonal, organizational, und technical skills. Although all four functions are managerial dut the importance of ch may vary depending on the situation. Elfec- tive managers meet the objectives of the company through a Successful combination of planning, organizing, directing, 24d con- trolling 18 Answer the following questions about management functions. The questions which are starred (*) cannot be answered directly fram the text. 1 2. 3 4, 5. 6. 1 ‘What do the duties of managers include? What does planning involve? Why is planning the first management function? ‘What do managers do in the organizing phase? Can staffing be considered as partof the organizing function? Why? * Why is ongoing communication necessary for effective direction’? What do managers evaluate in the controlling function? *Why evaluation essential at this phase of a project? *What types of problems could a manager discover in performing the controlling function? ‘Which skills do managers need to perform effectively? * Why is eich important? 10, *Give ‘examples of the qualities of an effective manager. *Classify these as either interpersonal, organizational, or technical skills. ‘Complete the diagram below by writing in the management fune- tions. Then answer the questions. Figure 1 19 VOCABULARY EXERCISES ©, 1, How does this circular arrangement illustrate the relationships between the four management functions? 2. Why are the arrows two-way rather than just one-way? 3. When does this cycle of planning, directing, and controlling end? 4. Are there other ways that the four management functions can be repre- sented graphically? Explain and draw other figures, $. Discuss and compare Figure 1 with those figures drawn by your classmates. Substitute appropriate terms for the italicized words or phrases in the sentences below. established functions, gy team Positions, phases allocate ‘tained’ ‘move on overall 1, Often a group of managers rather than an individual works on a par ticular project : 2, Plans set up in the first stage ure subject to revision throughout th duration of the project. 3. Managers should periodically check to see how well compreltensiv Company goals detailed in the planning phase are being met. 4. Organizational goals generally ure achieved by successfully combinin the functions of planning, organizing, directing, and controlting: 5. Its possible to divide the organizing function into two stages: dete mining positions and their associated duties and then staffing tho: positions. 6 In order (0 apportion human resources properly. managers compa company objectives with the available resources. 7. Classified advertisements in newspapers and professional jouma Provide a list of jobs that are available, a brief description of each jo and a lelephone number or an address. ‘One of the roles of a supervisor is to direct workers in order to mat ‘mize their talents and increase their efficiency. 20 Discuss ine wer que: answers, try to use the Italicized terms. 1, During which management phase are overall organizational objectives established? 2, . What personal qualities do you think good managers should have? 3, Which of the four management functions do you think is the most m= portant? Why? 4, Why are interpersonal skills essential for effective management? 5. Why is staffing considered an ongoing managerial duty? Fill in the blanks below with the most appropriate terms from the list. direction adequately manager motivate supervision guided revised, interpersonal regardies attain ‘Over the period of three decades (1950-1980), American manufactur- ing industries have _Muvé bed _ the of their ‘operating philosophies at the level of the manufacturing unit. As the degree of education and technical sophistication of the labor force has increased, top management leams have the established pattems of to increase ‘communication from a one-way control mode to a two-way dialogue mode. In order to production targets, plant managers and supervisors realize the need 10 the workers under their direction. Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, and 5 from the reading have been partially outlined below. Refer to these paragraphs to help you complete the ou! ‘Management Functions ‘A. _ Planning (= determining overall company objectives and how to achic them) 1. Manage ‘ a. evaluate altemative plans before CAO, wm b. check 2. Planning is first because 3. Meontinues 24 WRITING workers Read the following memo as if you were a member of the Sei iar Planning Staff. Prepare a response to Mr. Edwards specifically in the area of deadline ates and their effect on your staff (Le., work procedures, ete.) MEMORANDUM To: Alll Senior Planning Stat FROM: Thomas Edwards, Vice President Office of Corporate Planning DATE: June 17, 1982 SUBJECT : Proposed Changes 1o Annusl Corporate Planning Process Present policy dicintes that the tiece phases of the annual corporate pln be sim low more time for external ested. pleted by the first of December each year, In order to document review, the following changes PRESENT PROPOSED * PHASE ITEM. DEADLINE DATE DATE’! T | initial Department Dealt September f Augost MW] Revisions by Senior Plans October t September 1 It | Preseaution of Final Dealt to Board of | No eed bee et Directors for Review zi “These proposed changes will no doubt impact your present work procedures, 8 ing levels, and planning niethods. Your comments and suggestions are now being. solicited and must be made in writing to this office no Inter than July 10 TE: be 22 INFORMATION TRANSFER There are‘ different levels of managers within the manageri: hierarchy of an organization, The amount of time and effort spe on each. of the four functions depends oa the managers's positie in the organization, Functions Hieratchy Chiat Executive Offeer (CEO) Plant Manager ‘Supervisor Figure? 23 Sean Figure 2 to answer these questions, Which fuiiction(s) docs the CEO spend the most time on? Which function(s) docs the plant manager spend the most time on’ Which function(s) does the supervisor spend the must time on? mm occupies the most time and effor In general, which fun managers at all levels? — Why? Atwhich level of the hierarchy docs directing occupy the most Why? Refer to Figure 2 on page 56 (o answer these questions, Which funetion scems to be performed the most uniformly thr Why does the amount of time and effurt spent on the directing, decrease going from supervisor to plant mahager to CEO? Have you ever worked as a supervisor, plant managet, or CE percentage of your time'did you spend on cach of the f ‘management functions? 24 UNIT IV 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 MANAGEMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOFMENT Managers perform various functions, but one of the most important and least understood aspects of their job is proper utilization of people: Research reveals that worker performance is closely relaied to motivations; thus keeping employees motivated is an essential component of good management. In.a business context, motivation refers to the stimulus that directs the behavior of workers toward the company goals. In order to motivate workers to achieve company goals, managers must be aware of their needs. Many managers believe workers will be motivated to achieve organizational goals by satisfying their fundamental needs for material survival. These needs include a good salary, safe working conditions, and job security. While absence of these factors results in poor morale and dissatisfaction, studies have shown that their presence results only in maintenance of existing attitudes and work perfomance. Although important, salary, working conditions, and job security do not provide the primary motivation for many workers in highly industrialized societies, especially at the professional or technical levels. Increased motivation is more likely to occur when work meets the needs of individuals for learning, self-realization, and personal growth. By responding to personal needs - the desire for responsibility, recognition, growth, promotion, and more inter- esting work - managers have altered conditions in the workplace and, consequently, many employees are motivated to perform more effectively. In an attempt to appeal to both the fundamental and per- sonal needs of workers, innovative management approaches, such as job enrichment and job enlargement, have been adopted in many organizations. Job enrichment gives workers more authority in making decisions related to planning and doing their work. A worker might assume responsibility for scheduling work-flow, checking quality of work produced, or making sure deadlines are met. Job enlargement increases the number of tasks workers perform by allowing them to rotate positions or by giving them responsibility for doing several jobs. Rather than as- sembling just one component of an automobile, factory workers might be grouped together and given responsibility for assem- bling the entire fuel system. By improving the quality of work life through satisfaction of fundamental and personal employee needs, managers attempt to direct the behavior of workers toward the company goals. 25 Answer the following questions about management and the development.of human resorrces. The questions which are starred (*) cannot be answered directly fram the (ext, Why is it important to have employees who are motivated? What is the meaning of motivation in the workplace? Mow do many managers believe workers are motivated? ‘What happens when fundamental needs are not satisfied? For which workers is satisfaction of fundamental needs not a pri motivation? *Why do you think this is true? When does increased moti technical workers? 7, What are some personal needs? *Which one do you consider the must important? *Why? 8 Why have job enrichment’ and job: enlargement’ heen adopted -s management approaches. in my effective approwches? “Exp! 9. What is job enrichment? “Which personal needs Uoes.this management approach appeal to? 10. SIF you were the man: nit thal assembled pocket calculators, how might you incorporate job enrichment or job-enlargement in order to increase workers’ motivation? yaeyn ion generally occur for professional or of the following statements are true and which are false, Then put T or Fin the blanks, Correct thse statements which are false by reweiting them. 1 There is a close relationship between worker performance and motivation, 2. — In highly industriatized societies satisfaction of func: mental needs results in motivated employees who work more effectively, ~The desire for more interesting work is a fundamental need. 4 A inanager using the jon volargement approach might consider coating enrplo Wempt to improve the quality of work life sfaction of fundamental and personal employee famaggers through needs. 26 C. Look-at the words in the left-hand column, and find the correct’ synonyms or definitions in the right-hand column, Copy the cor- responding letters in the blanks. 1 thus (line 4) a. new; different 2 stimulus (Line 6) b. the fulfillment of one's poten- 3. material (line 11) 4 aware (line 8) ¢. essential; necessary 5 morale (line 13) €. consequently 6 fundamental (line 10). put together 1. self-realization conscious (tine 20) g. physical rather than spiritual 8 assemble (Jine 35) or intellectual % rotate (line 34) hh. ihe menial condition of an 10. innovative (line 27) individual or group i. something that causes a response J. systematically alternate D. Fill in the blanks with noun or verb forms. Use your dictionary if necessary. NOUN 1. maintenance 5. dissatisfaction 7. ulilization 9. realization VERB relate assume route 27 Use the correct noun or verb forms in the sentences. Change the grammatical form of the words if necessary. 4. maintain a of the current high product ‘was a challenging goal for the factory supervisor. b, When the employee was transferred to a different part of the country, it became difficult for him, close ties with his former co-workers. ity level 2 assume 2. The that most workers are highly motivated by a good salary has been proved false. bs When the employée did not come to work for three weeks and failed to contact his employer, the employer ; that he had quit, 3. rote a. The three workers positions so that each one could perform a variety of tasks. : b. Some workers do not want to participate in job because it interferes with their es- tablished routines. 4. tilize a, Managers various techniques to encourage employees to work more effectively b. The proper of resources - both physical_and human - is an important managerial responsibility. 5. adept a. The company ing sick teave. b, The factory manager's of one of a new policy regard- the new management approaches resulted ir creased production. 28 Fr To Hnes 26-38 Job enrichment and Job enlargement are cestinne -. lustrated, Decide which management approach the following descriptions and ‘examples represent. Then write an X In the correct column, job job enrichment ‘enlargement 1. Workers check quality of work produced. 2. Workers rotate positions. | 3. Workers are given more authority 4, Workers schedule work-flow. 5S. Workers are responsible for assembling an entire fuel system of a car. Workers help plan their work. ‘Workers perform a greater number of tasks. 8. . Workers make sure deadlines are met. Discuss the information provided in Figure 3. Then divide Into two groups to rank the job conditions. 08. ions Workers Rating Managers Rang te n and ak ia o Jopseesrity and ‘Good wages is Intereatng woo o Promotion ny Sed Managemen ly a on Good working con an an ' actu dicipining 1 Mn Group 1: Workers ‘As workers, which three job conditions would you rank as most important? Which three are least important to you as workers? Work as a group to develop ane set of responses. 29 Group 2: Managers As managers, which three job conditions do you think workers consider the most important? Which three do you think they consider the least important? Work as a group to develop one set of responses. ee a ee ‘Compare the responses of both groups, Now, work alone or with people of your nationality to rank the job conditions as you think workers and managers would rank them in your country. Compare the results with those of your classmates. ee 30 UNIT V READING COMPREHENSION re-reading activity ‘Answer the following questions by first discussing them in a group. Write the answers down to present them in class as the result of a group. Explain what globalization means. You can either make a definition or desoribe it Does globalization only occur in the economic sector? Explain. What are the advantages and disadvantages Indonesian may have because of globalization? Are multinationals global companies? Mention 8 words which are related to intemational trade, and use them to make a paragraph related to international trade. READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT CAREFULLY GLOBALISM — that word is everywhere. But before dismissing the business buzzword of the moment as globaloney, be aware that it’s serious stuff. For many major companies, going global is a matter of survival, and it means radically changing the way they work. Haven't companies like Exxon and GM been global all along? No. They are intemationals or multinationals. They happen to do business around the world or are export minded but remain firmly anchored in their home countries with offspring in others. Building a few plants here and there the world over does not make you global either. ° Running a global company is an order of magnitude more complicated than managing a multinational or international firm. The global corporation — or transnational corporation, to use the tag some academics prefer ~ looks at whole world as one market. It manufactures, conducts research, raises capital, and buys supplier wherever it can do the job best. It keeps in touch with technology and market trends all around the world. National boundaries and regulations tend to be irrelevant, or a mere hindrance. Corporate headquarters might be anywhere. Why the rush to take on the discouraging task of going global? The rules for survival have changed since the beginning of the 1980s. “Domestic markets have become too small,” says Wharton professor Stephen Kobrin. “Even the biggest companies in the biggest countries cannot survive on their domestic markets if they are in global industries. They have to be in all major markets.” That means North America, Western Europe, and the Pacific Rim countries. Take, for example, the pharmaceuticals business. In the 1970s, developing a new drug cost about $16 million and took four to five years, says David Friend, head of 31 the pharmaceuticals division of British-based Imperial Chemical Industries. The drug coul* be produced in Britain of the US and eventually exported. Now developing dnig costs about “250 million and takes as long as 12 years. Only a global product for a global market can support that much risk. Says Friend: “No major pharmaceuticals company is in the game for anything other than global products.” That helps explain a series of mergers of major drug companies, most recently the marriage of Bristol-Myers and Squibb. Not every industry should view the world as one. Some packaged goods, for example, don't gain much from economies of scale so that they need to be marketed differently in each country. Strong industries, such as the makers of luxury cars, can survive nicely. Mercedes is hardly threatened by global mass producers. And many resourcefill companies are likely to prosper by doing things faster or better than the big boys. Adapting to the new global format won’t be easy. Managers can find it though to leave national preferences in making decisions about such’ charged matters as promotions or capital investment. The Japanese face a special challenge in rethinking the centralized model that has served them so well, says Hirotaka Takeuchi of Hitotsubashi University. As adviser to companies trying to go focus only on the headquarters. They will also need to start hiring and using more non- Japanese. Honda, one of the companies he advises hired six non-Japanese, mostly Americans straight out of college two years ago to work in Japan, and more than ten last year. Sony this year appointed an American and a West German to its board. ‘No company has yet reached a state of pure globality. Even with its worldwide net of products, plants, offices and labs, IBM has along way to go. Others are just starting. Whirpool bought control of Philip’s $2-billion-a-year appliance business in Europe last winter and is beginning to integrate the two to create a worldwide appliance business. Every would-be-global company has its own pace and approach, but common imperatives stand out — as exemplified by several major world players. 32 VOCABULARY EXERCISES I, Give the definition, meaning or synonym of the italicized words or phrases. Use your dictionary if necessary. a, We must realize that globalism which has become a business buzzword is serious stuff. b. Although multinationals do business around the world, they remain anchored in theit home countries. ¢. For transnational corporations, national boundaries and regulations tend to be a hindrance. . Some producers of luxury cars do not gain much from economies of scale. ¢, There are common imperatives for all major companies to do if they want to become global companies. 11. Fill in the gaps with verbs, nouns, adjectives or adverbs. VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE ADVERB prefer management global centrally explain appliance relevant nationally prosper example a 33, c Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list. One word while two words'In the list are not used. used once only, conducting preferences survival relevance view perform discouraging offsprings unions mergers The of the pharmaceutical industry of our country depends on its share-in the foreign market. Many Fast Food MNC’s have their in the U.S. The team a research on the quality of university level instructors are PhD holders of Education. Students are questioning the the topic of the workshop. between the topic presented and Due to unstable political condition, investments In our country performed through joint ventures are still ‘Companies are united into similar product-producing companies. to overcome severe competition from ‘The government should the needs of society and the allocation of time in setting up tertiary education curriculum. MNCs cannot neglect national countries. in running their business in foreign TEXT ANALYSIS Identify which paragraphs have the following topics Topics Paragraph The reason why corporations want to go global. ‘The reason why Japanese companies cannot yet go global. What @ multinational is. The reason why major pharmaceuticals have to become transnationals. 2. Characteristics and functions of _ transnational corporations. Link the main ideas of all information of the whole text i yaragraphs together. Then, explain what the main Give a suitable title to the text. Explain in one sentence what the first paragraph is about. Decide which paragraph(s) constitute(s) an introduction of the main topic. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? What is the main idea of the third paragraph? Identify the levels of supporting Ideas, and explain why you put them on those levels. What do the following words/phrases refer to? a) ‘tstintine2 b) ‘tin tine 3 ©) ‘others’ in line & dy sthat much risk’ in lines 29+ ) ‘one’ in tine 33 f) ‘they’ in line 34 9) ‘big boys’ in line 38 h) ‘its in tine 49 1) “two in line 53, 35 mr. a) b) COMPREHENSION Ansvver the following questions basing your answers on the information given by the text. As multinationals sell their products internationally, can we say that they are global corporations? Explain your answer. Explain why ICI decided to go global. Do companies who want to go global adopt the same approach? Explain your answer briefly by giving two examples from the text. Why is it difficult for Japanese corporations to go global? How could they overcome this problem? : To conclude, mention the requirements (at least 3) any company should meet if it wants to go global. Fill in the blanks with the characteristics of multinationals and transnationals in such a way that it describes a clear difference between Mncs and Tnes. Difference in Multinationals Transnationals Say whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE. If it is true, quote the lines from the text where the idea occurs, while if it is false, explain it in your own words. Japanese companies were advised for retain the centralized model as it has given them a great success in the business world, 36 Iv. According to the text, one of the world’s major markets In which large corporations operate Is Asia. Just like global corporations, multinationals are centered in their home ‘countries. Transnationals have their corporate headquarters outside the country of origin. The writer of the text found out that there are a lot of alréady become global corporations. corporations which have ‘SUMMARIZING Write a summary of the text consisting of two or three paragraphs. Use your own words as much as possible. : CLOZE EXERCISE FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE CORRECT WORDS/PHRASES FROM THE LIST. EACH WORD/PHRASE SHOULD BE USED ONCE ONLY. quote competing collaborate assembie automatic advantage potentiat outposts spread around volume Global companies with high-tech links mobilize resources quickly around the world to hetp a client. Until a couple of years ago, a |___ borrower approaching a Citicorp office in Australia or Hong Kong would get only the services of that office. He might even visit several Citicorp locations to get offers. Today, for @ single deal, the bank can séek out the best rates and terms offered by Its offices anywhere in the world. It might draw funds’ from In several countries, In different currencies, involving several tax jurisdictions. Such deals take a lot of time, but they are becoming more common as Citibank’s cllents spread around the world, 37 ‘The bank began sprinkling branches around the world in 1902 but only recently began to link them In a global business, using strength in one market to gain in another. Michael Callen, who runs Citicorp’s investment banking worldwide, says that the technology to operate globally didn’t exist at the beginning of the decade. For instance, Citicorp’s investment banks in 90 countries could only their own exchange rates. Now they can give a client the best rate In any of the 90. Citicorp is testing___.____ tellers that would serve a client anywhere in the world. Part of Citicorp’s global thrust comes from the sheer growth in of international business ~ the world’s daily trade in currencies has reached $400 billion. The volume now justifies keeping Citicorp’s trading rooms Tokyo running 24 hours a day. New York, London, and But a Aew mind-set is more important, Officers are required to work through’ ad hoc international teams to______ deals. To make sure Citibankers help one another, says Callen, the company has adopted a system of cross-evaluations. A manager in New York who Is supposed to work with a colleague in Tokyo gets rated by the fellow in Tokyo and vice versa. Thelr bonuses are based partly on how well they 38 WRITING & PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION TO ACADEMIC WRITING ‘The writing process is often compared to building physical structure. Both processes have beginnings, middle and ends; both move from nothing to something; both involve making decisions about different sizes; and different approaches. Both are creative acts involving imagination, careful planning, and even more careful execution. Both are impossible without expanded effect. Just as a builder begins with an empty piece of land and moves toward a completed house or commercial building in series of stages, so a writer begins with disorganized, random thoughts and moves toward a completed essay or research paper in a series of stages, each with its own requirements and techniques. Thinking about the implication of the technology “writing is building’ is a good way to start thinking about writing, However, once the builder finishes the blueprint, he will rarely depart from it; he sticks to the plan and builds the structure according to the plan. A writer, in contrast, may change the plan repeatedly as she begins to explore her topic and understand it more fully; one plan may be replaced by another as work on the essay progresses. Writing is much more flexible and subject to much more changes than building. It involves a process of more careful thoughts than planning building and constructing followed by replanning, reconsidering, additions, subtractions, and sometimes total destruction and demolition before beginning anew. Common Features of Academie Writing Although the wording of essay or other assignment titles may differ, almost all academic writing requires you to do certain things. Use source materials Do not simply state your personal opinion or say whet is in your head; instead, use ‘material from reading, lecture notes and other sources to give reasons, evidence, examples and case studies. Compare and contrast Most assignments require some element of comparing and contrasting especially of theories, models or research findings. You will probably have to read different opinions and weigh them against each other. Use criteria to evaluate State which criteria you use to evaluate evidence; for example, that you are using the most up-to-date figures, or figures drawn from the largest survey, or a well-known expert’s opinion for a particular reason (such as that he uses evidence from twenty well-conducted experiments). Show awareness of complexities Demonstrate that you are aware that answers are not always clear-cut. For example, although the expert you quote seems to have the best argument, his twenty experiments may all have used small children whereas the question set refers to teenagers. ‘Acknowledge weaknesses in your own argument and strengths in opposing arguments. State clearly why there are difficulties coming to a firm conclusion one way or another. Follow an argument In your writing show a line of reasoning which gives direction to the writing, so that one point follows logically from another. Make a decision Show which side of the argument, or which model or theory, is best in the final analysis. Even though the case may be fairly evenly weighted, show that you are able to make a decision on the basis of the evidence. Follow a set structure ‘There is likely to be a set structure for the type of writing and a particular style for your subject area. All academic writing requires that you group similar points together in one paragraph or section, rather than scattering them through the text. Be ‘discursive? Link your points so that they feed into sentences and paragraphs, and so that each paragraph follows naturally from the previous one. All should contribute to a central guiding line of reasoning. (This is different from presenting a random set of points, for example, or headings with bullet points under them). Be emotionally neutral Most academic writing requires you to stand back and analyze dispassionately, as an objective onlooker. To conclude, academic essays should be disciplined specific. It should have an introductory paragraph, body paragraph and a concluding paragraph. It also requires critical thinking, analytical power to explain the issue through supporting ideas and sourcing the content through reference system. ‘Academic writing in English is linear, which means that it has one central point or theme with every part contributing to the main line of argument, without digression or repetitions. Its objective is to inform rather than entertain. There are eight main features of academic writing that are often discussed. Academic writing is to some extent: complex, formal, objective, explicit, hedged and responsible. It uses language precisely and accurately. Therefore, formal and informal styles should not be mixed in academic writing, PRINCIPLES OF PARAGRAPH WRITING I ‘What is a paragraph? ‘A paragraph is a series of sentences about one idea called the topic. Usually, a paragraph begins with a general sentence that introduces the topic. This sentence is called the topic sentence, which contains the main idea in the paragraph. The topic sentence tells the reader what the paragraph is going to be about. The topic sentence is the most general, most important sentence in the paragraph. It should: Introduce the reader to the topic of the paragraph; State the main idea of the paragraph; Focus the paragraph The topic sentence contains words that need to be explained, described, and supported in the sentences that follow in the paragraph. These words are called controlling ideas because they control the information that is given in the paragraph. Example: Computers can make some jobs easier. (What jobs? How do they make them easier?) Since controlling ideas are words about which readers can ask questions that they expect will be answered in the paragraph, the topic sentences should not simply be a statement of facts; simple fact cannot be developed into a full paragraph. The following are examples of statements of fact that cannot be topic sentences of paragraph: * Indonesia celebrates its Independence Day on August 17". * Indonesia is blessed with rich natural resources. Compare them with the following statements: = On the day Indonesia celebrates its Independence Day, various festivities are held by all levels of society. * Although Indonesia is blessed with rich natural resources, it has been unable to achieve rapid economic growth. ‘These statements can be used as topic sentences of paragraphs. ‘Choose the best topic sentence for each of the following paragraphs. 1 Almost 50% of children in the U.S. Canada and Latin America will be overweight be 2020. In China, this figure is estimated to be one in five. Scientists believe this will ‘mean that health care services will be seriously affected in the future as many obese children will become obese adults, which will result in many of them suffering from heart disease, stroke and other weight related ailments, ‘A. In some countries, most of the children are overweight and predicted to grow up to be obese adults. B. Research conducted in 25 countries shows that there is a significant increase in childhood obesity. C. The US, Canada and China have been recognized as couritries having major problems with obesity. 2. ‘| As both parents are employed, they do not have enough time for their children. In such situation, children can easily become the victims of different kinds of addiction sueh as smoking, consuming liquors and narcotics, or getting involved in free sex. Something must be done to overcome this situation, ‘A. In this modem world men and women have the same right to compete in the world market B. Today many parents complain that children have become a heavy burden for them. C. Parents” Jack of time spent with their children might lead the children to have addiction problems. Citizens have had to decide whether offenders such as first-degree murderers should be killed in a gas chamber, imprisoned for life, or rehabilitated and given a second chance in society. Many citizens argue that serious criminals should be executed. They believe that killing criminals will sct an example for others and also rid society of a cumbersome burden. Other citizens say that no one has the right to take a life that capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime. They believe that society as well as the criminal is responsible for the crimes and that killing the criminal does not solve the problems of either society or the ‘inal. A. Criminals get punished in many different ways. B, The punishment of criminals has always been a problem for societ C. Statistics have shown that crime rate is not reduced by capital punishment. Exercise 2 ‘Write a topic sentence for each paragraph in the space provided. Make sure your topic sentence is general enough. The first one has been done for you as an example. Bali is a nice place to take a vacation. The weather is always sunny and warm. The beaches are gorgeous with soft, white sand and beautiful, cool water. That’s why it is the perfect place for those who like swimming in the sea or sunbathing on the beach. There are many restaurants in Denpasar and Kuta and most of the big hotels offer terrific entertainment nightly. Students can study alone from a book, or go to a country. where the language is spoken and learn while living there. For the mejority of learners, however, taking a private or group language lesson is a natural choice. Some believe that private lessons are a better way to acquire language, However, in reality, group lessons are more effective for language leaming, First, prepare for the interview the day before. Do this by selecting your clothes, keeping the employer’s expectations in mind. Next, go to bed early the night before the interview. Getting plenty of sleep is important. In the morning, eat a good breakfast, Your mind will not function at its best on an empty stomach. Some people like very colorful clothes. They want everyone to look at them. They ‘want to be the center of things. Other people like to wear nice clothes. But their clothes are not colorful or fancy. They do not like people to look at them. There are also some people who wear the same thing all the time. They do not care if anyone looks at them. They do not care what anyone thinks about them. Many students attend university to study a particular subject in depth. Others believe that college education often leads to a better career in the future. While for some students, making friends and enjoying can be a sufficient justification to stay in school for another four year. Itis therefore suggested that alternative forms of medication be institutionalized by the Indonesian government. The first thing what the government needs to do is to prove that a kind of alternative healing can be scientifically explained by evidence so that the government may consider institutionalizing it. This is where science plays a role. Exercise 3 In groups, narrow down the following subjects into topics, and write a topic sentence (main idea) for cach topic. environment technology education health development Example: Subject -> National Problem 1. Narrowing down a, National problem > _lack of adequate infrastructure for transportation > the need to improve infrastructure for regional economic growth (topic) Topic sentence ‘The government needs to improve mainly the infrastructure related to transportation in order to boost regional economic growth. b. National problem > inadequate medical services in many Community Health Centres > the importance to improve CHCs' facilities and paramedics. (topic) Topic sentence The Ministry of Health should improve CHCs' facilities and efficiency of paramedics to render satisfactory medical services to the public. WRITING PRACTICE Write a paragraph of approximately 150 words about one of the following topics. Narrow the topic down and write a topic sentence which contains the main idea and controlling ideas of the paragraph. Support your main idea by choosing one or more of the technique of support. End your paragraph with a conclusion. Reasons why I choose my study program. * How to make people keep their environment clean. My first days as a university student. Ways to make university students useful to the public PRINCIPLE OF PARAGRAPH WRITING IT ‘Supporting Sentences While the topic sentence introduces the topic and controls the information given in the other sentences in the paragraph, the function of these sentences is to add details to the topic. The other sentences in the paragraph are called the supporting sentences. One important thing about supporting sentences is that they have to be closely related to the topic sentence, Exercise | Recognizing Irrelevant Sentences Each of the following paragraphs contains one sentence that is irrelevant. Cross out that sentence and explain why it does not belong in the paragraph. (1) Anyone who has used e-mail knows that it has several problems and limitations. Perhaps the most obvious of these is that e-mail contributes to information overload. Many e-mail users aze overwhelmed by hundreds of messages they receive each week, some of which are irrelevant to them, This is because it is ‘0 easy to transmit messages. E-mail is a very efficient way to distribute information. E-mail can be written and copied quickly to thousands of people through group mailbox systems, Meanwhile, employees receive little e-mail training, which results in ineffective message quality and usage patterns. (2) The Japanese automobile industry uses robots in many phases of its production process. In fact, one large Japanese auto factory uses robots in all of its promotion stages. Some Japanese universities are developing medical robots to detect certain kinds of cancer. Another automobile factory in Japan uses robots to paint cars as they come off the assembly line. Furthermore, most Japanese factories use robots to weld the parts of the finished car together. 3) Communicating by electronic mail has caused numerous changes in the way people relate to each other, First, e-mail is rescuing the introvert from the telephone equipped extrovert, because people who are too shy to call someone on the phone can send a message by computer. E-mail has made it possible for many people to start their own business. Second, e-mail allows 2 more democratic flow of information by introducing a new way of communicating which does not contain certain social cues found in other forms of communication (such as types of stationery or formal conversations between boss and employee). Also the electronic message is instant, so there is no way to use pauses or delay to give hints about the underlying, message, as often happen when people speak on the phone. Last, the messages are uniform and give no extemal clues to the sender’s age, gender, race, or physical condition Techniques of support Im order to communicate successfully, a paragraph must be about a single idea. In order for the paragraph to be complete, the topic sentence must be supported; in other words, the controlling ideas in the topic sentence must be explained, described, and/of proven with specific supporting details. There are four basic techniques of support: > Facts > Examples } Physical description } Personal experience (One or more techniques of support must be used in any paragraph that you write. Facts: Any piece of information that can be easily verified can serve as factual support. Included are numbers (percentages, number of miles, etc.) and statistics as well as facts that can be found in books, newspapers, and magazines, ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES Example: One possible way for men and women to share family responsibilities is for people to change roles: the men would stay at home and the women would become the breadwinners of the family. This possibility has been surveyed since 1970, back then, 63% said they would have Jess respect for a husband who stayed home than for one who had a job outside the home, only 8% would respect him more, and 15% said it would make very little difference. By 1980 things had begun to change. A much lower 41% said they would respect the stay-at-home husband less, 6% more, but 42% about the same. Now, only 25% say they would respect a man who stayed home to do household chores less, 12% more, and a big 50% say the same, Example: Examples can explain or define a controlling idea, or they can prove an idea or a point made in the topic sentence. Sometimes a series of short examples is effective evidence for a topic sentence. Other times, a single extended example can serve as solid support in a paragraph. Example: Clothes today are very different from the clothes of the 1800s. One difference is the way they look. For example, in the 1800s all women in the West wore dresses. The dresses all had long skirts. But today women do not always wear dresses with long skirts. Sometimes they ‘wear short skirts. Sometimes they wear pants. Another difference between 1800 and today is the cloth used to make clothes. In the 1800s, clothes were made only from natural kinds of cloth. They were made from cotton, wool, silk or linen, But today, there are many new kinds of man-made cloth. Many clothes are now made from materials such as nylon, rayon, or polyester Physical description: Still another way to support a topic sentence is by using physical description, that is, words and phrases that appeal to the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. Physical description is often used to explain or describe controlling ideas in the topic sentence. Example: Oakley, Inc., the maker of high-end, ultra hip eyewear and footwear, is at war. That’s the impression you get when visiting its corporate headquarters in Foothill Ranch, California, ‘The lobby of the two-year old, $40-million building looks like a bomb shelter. Its huge, echoing vault is straight out of Star Wars. Sleek pipes, watertight doors, and towering metallic walls studded with oversize bolts suggest a place that is routinely subjected to laser fire and floods. Ejection seats from a B-52 bomber furnish the waiting area and a full-size torpedo Ties in a rack behind the receptionist’s armored desk. Personal Experience: While personal experience is not often used in formal academic papers, it can serve as ‘valuable support tool in paragraphs. Example: Although e-mail is now beginning to replace regular mail, I am still reluctant to use it. The main reason is that I have not yet mastered the system, But in addition, I feel that itis a very impersonal way to communicate. People can get my message but I cannot use my own stationery or sign my name on the letter. I also think that e-mail is fast and easy rather than thoughtful. I appreciate getting a real birthday card much more, even though it’s late, than birthday greetings on the e-mail. Finally, I feel that you lose a lot of information when you use computer mail instead of talking to someone in person, especially the tone of voice and expression. ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES II be supported by more than one technique of physical description, or an example will contain fence and provide stronger Multiple Forms of Support: Often a topic sentence support. For example, a personal experience will cont some facts. Multiple forms of support are often more interesting for an ai evidence for the controlling ideas in a topic sentence. Example: ‘The International student needs much money to study at a university in the U.S. The cost can be divided into three categories. First is the price of house rent; the expense differs according to the Kind of house, for example, a single basement mom with a small kitchen at one end and a bed at the other costs at least $200 a month, but an apartment with a separate bedroom and kitchen costs at least $350 a month. The second expense is the cost of food; this cost is also various for each person. I spend at least $300 per month, s0 my daily cost for food is about $10. The final expense is the cost of tuition. This cost is especially high. | need {$2,000 per semester for tuition at this university because [ am an “out-of-state” student. And ‘that doesn’t even count the expenses for books, clothing, and other expenses. Therefore, 1 need at least $4,000 for each semester. Exercise Take one of the topic sentences that you generated in Exercise 2 of the previous lesson and think of techniques of support that you can use to support the topic sentence and develop the paragraph. Example: Walking is a sport that is healthy and can be practiced by almost everyone. Personal experience: I was putting on a lot of weight so I started to walk briskly for half an hour everyday. 1 lost four kilograms in one month without having to go to an expensive gym. Facts: children, teenagers, adults and even old people can practice walking, If you go out into the city early on a Sunday morning, you will see people of ll ages walking. ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES. PRINCIPLES OF PARAGRAPH WRITING III Patterns of Organization Whether you are going to write a paragraph or an essay, you have to decide how to present your ideas. There are several ways to organize your ideas. They are: comparison, contrast, cause and effect, problem solution, classification, process and argumentation. The following table highlights the different pattems. Linking your writing purpose toa pattem of organization : Purpose ‘Content of the Paragraph or Essay _ | Pattern of Organization “The qualities that are similar and different ‘Comparison/Contrast | between X and Y. ‘The major causes of a condition and/or the Cause/Emfect What do you want to | effects ofthis condition. ‘emphasize in your _ | The parts of an object; the logical di paragraph or essay? | concept. jons ofa Classification ‘The sequence of steps that should be followed. Process ‘A definition of words or ideas. Definition/Clarification ‘An argumentation fo support an opinion or idea. ‘Argumentation Exercise | ‘The paragraphs below are examples of several of these patterns of organization. Study them and decide the pattern of organization of each and write itin the space provided. In general, unemployment may be defined as a situation in which people who are qualified for a job, willing to work, and willing to accept the going wage rate cannot find jobs without considerable delay. There are three important aspects to this definition. First, a person has to be qualified for a job. For example, one cannot be considered an unemployed truck driver if one is unable to drive a truck. Second, a person is not considered unemployed if he or she is not seeking a job that a person is qualified for and is willing to accept at the going wage rate. However, the delay in finding a job should be of short duration. The time delay should probably not extend beyond a 30-or 60-day period for most ‘occupations. Although electric typewriters and word processors resemble one another in some respects, they éiffer in the way they produce a printed page. Both run on electricity and have @ keyboard similar to that of the standard typewriter. However, the electric typewriter prints letters, numbers, and symbols directly onto a piece of paper. If there are errors, the typist must remove them physically, either by ‘whiting them out or by erasing them before typing in a correction. With a word processor, on the other hhand, the letters, numbers and symbols first appear on a screen in front of the user. Errors can be corrected on the screen before the processor prints a copy of the material. In addition, the word processor prints 2 copy of the material on a disk and reproduce the text as many times as necessary, Whereas the electric typewriter makes only one good copy; a limited number of copies can be made with carbon paper. One pays, however, for the word processor's advantages; a word processor costs considerably more than a good electric typewriter. It is more practical to withdraw your money using an ATM than queuing at the bank, especially when you are in a hurry. There are a few steps to follow before you can have the money in your hand. First, if you have just got your new ATM card, make sure that it is already activated; otherwise, you will not be able o use it. The next thing to do is insert your card and read the instructions on the monitor. You will be to type your Personal Identification Number (PIN). If it does not mach your record, it will be useless. But if you type the right PIN, other information will be shown. Press the 10 ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES: withdrawal button and type the amount of money that your would like to have after you are sure your account has enough money for withdrawal. If you are not sure, you can check your account before choosing to withdraw. Then, just wait until the money comes out, take it, and count it before your leave. Before you leave the ATM chamber, do not forget to take your ATM card back. Tt is lot easier to use an ATM than stand in line for hours, isn’t it? Yuri Istiningsth ‘There are several reasons why prostitution should be legalized. First, prostitution still happens ‘even when it is not legalized. On the other hand, if it is legalized, the government will have the power 10 control prostitution by issuing a prostitution law. Another reason is that legalizing prostitution will help decrease the unemployment rate because prostitution will be considered a legal occupation. Furthermore, since it is a legal occupation, the government will be able to increase its revenue from income tax. Those who disagree with the proposal point out that prostitution can spread sexually ‘transmitted diseases. This is undeniably true. However, we must remember that these diseases are not only spread by prostitution. AIDS, for instance, can also be spread through blood transfusion. ‘Moreover, the spread of these diseases can be prevented by requiring the prostitutes to use protection in doing sexval activities. For these reasons, | think it is reasonable for the government to legalize the practice of prostitution, Fiona Frederique ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES at Concluding Sentence ‘The sentence that ends the paragraph is called the concluding sentence. it usually uses one or more of the following techniqu: > Summarises the material in the paragraph > Offers a solution to the problem stated in the paragraph > Predicts a situation that will result or occur from the statements made in the paragraph > Makes a recommendation concerning material presented in the paragraph > States a conclusion to information given in the paragraph Exercise 2 The following paragraph can be ended in different ways. Read the paragraph and decide which technique each of the possible conclusions use. Doctors have known for over 100 years of the power of hypnosis to alleviate pain. Now inereasing numbers of medical schools are teaching doctors to use hypnosis to end suffering from toothaches, migraine headaches, childbirth, and even extensive burns. Hypnosis works by distracting the patient's attention so powerfully that, although the pain remains, the patient no longer notices it. Amazing as it may seem, some patients can be so deeply hypnotized that they could undergo open heart surgery without anesthetic. (1) Thus, by helping sufferers intensively focus their attention elsewhere, doctors now have one more ‘weapon in the fight against pain. (2) In other words, hypnosis offers the enormous benefit of natural pain relief without the side effects or possibility of addiction inherent in drugs. (3) This medical establishment’s gradual acceptance of hypnosis is just one more sign that doctors are recognizing the benefits of a more holistic approach to medicine. Identify which concluding technique(s) is/are used in the following paragraphs. (1) There is one problem that makes it more difficult for us to study in this program. We have classes in three different buildings, and they are not very close together. In fact, it takes ten minutes to walk from one class to another. When there is snow or ice on the ground, we are often late for classes because we have to walk so far. In addition, the Language Laboratory is in one building, the office is in another, and the classrooms are in three other buildings. Therefore, we must always walk in order to attend to any aspect of learning English. We spend most of our time rushing between buildings, and there is never time to talk with ur teachers or our friends. To solve this problem, | recommend that the administration of this program schedule all our classes in one building. (2) Although writing was a major part of Intensive English Program, I didn’t learn how to write. 1 paid litle attention to the writing classes in the Program because I was too busy concentrating on passing the TOEFL, which is the only way to successfully gain admission to most U.S. universities. I scored 500 on the i ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES TOEFL but I realized thet I made a big mistake in my study plan, because I can't write in English. In other words, because I had ignored the writing classes by not doing my homework, by not writing paragraphs and ‘essays, and by not following the basic rules of writing, I am not able to write the required papers j university classes. Realizing how important the ability to write is, I am attending a writing class tl semester, and I hope to take advantage of what 1 am learning in my academic work. 1. Underline the topic sentence and circle the controlling ideas. 2. What pattern of organization does the paragraph use? 3. Write a concluding sentence for the paragraph. (1) For the majority of foreign students, itis usually hard to get the required score on the TOEFL exam. From my experience, I also found it hard, and I can give reasons for that. First of all, you may have very good English, yet you may still not get the required scores because the most important fact about taking the TOEFL is to know how to deal with the test itself and how to make the most of the assigned time. For example, the first time I took the exam I didn’t watch the time, and 1 was, therefore, too late to finish the ‘grammar section. In my attempt to be quick on the next section, I answered the tenth question in the place of the ninth, and I didn’t realize until I came to the last questions that all my answers were in the wrong spaces. Before I could make the necessary changes, the time was over. In addition, the TOEFL is full of tricks, and usually it concentrates on certain subjects or points that foreign students usually don’t know, (2) There are three reasons why solar cell energy generation has not developed more rapidly. First, the cost per watt of solar cell generator is more expensive than that of steam power or nuclear power generation, Therefore, researchers are still ooking for ways to make solar cells cheaper. Second, nature plays a large part in solar cell generation. For example, some days are cloudy and rainy; because there is not always fine weather, solar energy can't be generated every day. Also, no solar energy is generated at night. Consequently, solar cells must have the capacity to store energy for use during these times, and these storage cells are very expensive. As a result, only in low attitude areas can enough solar energy be generated effectively at this time. Finally, building plants for solar cell generation is extremely expensive: a very large space is needed, and the need for maintenance is constant. To illustrate, the surface of the solar cell plants has to be cleaned daily. For all these reasons, itis very difficult to develop solar cell plants and make solar ‘energy available to the general public for a competitive price. ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES: i PRINCIPLES OF ESSAY WRITING I Academic prose often requires more than one paragraph, Furthermore, because academic prose requires evidence, often a single paragraph is not sufficient for the amount of essential or specific detail to support ideas or opinions. Therefore, it is often necessary to construct multiple paragraphs. Each paragraph of an essay, a technical report, a critique or a research paper will have the same general form: a general topic sentence with controlling ideas, followed by facts, examples, physical descriptions, and/or experiences that explain, describe, and/or illustrate those controlling ideas. ‘An essay has: 1.” A beginning: called the introduction, this is the first in the essay. 2. A thesis sentence: generally located at the end of the introduction, this sentence is the most general, most important sentence in the essay. It contains controlling ideas that limit and direct the rest of the essay. 3. A middle: called the body of the essay, these paragraphs explain, define, clarify, and illustrate the thesis sentence. Each body paragraph consists of a topic sentence and several supporting sentences. ‘The number of body paragraphs depends on the length and complexity of the assignment. 4, An ending: called the conclusion of the essay, this paragraph ends the essay by restating the thesis statement, offering a solution or recommendation or by making a prediction. Diagram of an Essay Diagram of an Essay Introduction: ~ general information = thesis statement I Body: Each paragraph should contain: = atopic sentence 1 ~ supporting sentences ‘Conclusion: = may contain prediction, solution or recommendation 14, ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES: Exercise Study the following essay and idenitfy the different parts of the essay. The Spanish Influence in America (A standard five-paragraph Essay) We are all aware that American culture is, in fact, a combination of the contributions of all those who have settled within its borders. From the founding of the country to the present day, immigrants have thought with them the traditions of their native lands, many of which have been interwoven into the cultural patterns of their new homeland. Immigrants from Latin America, who currently comprise about eight percent of the total population, are no exception to this rule. Hispanic contributions to American culture are reflected in the words we speak, the foods we consume, and the music we enjoy. ‘The Spanish influence in the English language in the U.S. began with the early explorers and continues even today. Spanish place names, from the Rio Grande (in Texas) to San Francisco (in California), Characterize the southwestern part of the country. Los Angeles, Santa Fe, the Colorado River, and the Mojave desert are all part of the heritage of the early Spanish settlers. Other Spanish words, such as adios, amigo, rodeo, and adobe, have actually become part of the English language. More recently, a blend of English and Spanish known as Spanglish, producing expressions like ir al movies (to go to the movies), has developed particularly in Texas, California, and South Florida, which have a high concentration of Latino residents, From the gourmet-style churrasco (marinated tenderloin of beef) to the everyday fazo, Latin food has become an integral part of American dining habits. Foods ranging from black beans and rice in a Cuban restaurants to frozen burritos, tropical papayas, and jalapeno peppers on supermarket shelves are evidence of the Latin influence on the American diet, It is not surprising, therefore, that over $1 billion pet year was spent on Mexican food in the United States in the late 1980s. American music, too, has become more diverse as a result of the Latino sound. The Salsa beat has had a startling effect on popular music, just as the rhythms of the tango and the cha-cha-cha have become a part of the repertoire of dance bands throughout the country. Instruments, such as the congas and the timbale, also have their origin in Latin countries. Mariachi bands, Brazilian jazz, and the new Miami Sound are further examples of the strong influence of Hispanic musical traditions on American culture, ‘The language, the food, the music—these are but a stall part of what Latin Americans have given to North Americans. In the final analysis, the essence of their contributions to American culture is 2 sensibilidad (a unique sense of style), which prompted Time magazine to report, “This ‘sensibilidad’ is changing the way America looks, the way it eats, dresses, drinks, dances, the way it lives.” ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES: 7 Exercise 2 The paragraphs of the following essay have been jumbled up. Read the paragraphs and put them in the correct order. First of all, find the paragraph that contains the thesis statement. One paragraph does not support the thesis statement. Identify this paragraph and cross it ow. WINNING (@) My first experience of winning occurred in the elementary school gym. Nearly everyday, after the preparatory push-ups and squat-thrusts, we had to run relays. Although I had asthma as a child, I won many races. My chest would burn terribly for a few minutes, but it was worth it to feel so proud—not because I'd beaten others or won a prize, but because I had overcome a handicap, (b) These examples should clarify what winning means to me. I don't trust anything that comes t00 casily. In fact, I expect the road to be rocky, and I appreciate a win more if I have to work, sacrifice, and ‘overcome. This is @ positive drive for me, the very spirit of winning. (©) Ihave always loved doing sports. Although I did a lot of running when I was young, the sport I enjoy most now is golf. It gives me the opportunity to do exercises at my own pace out in the open air and there are never too many people around. While I'm walking to the next hole, T can enjoy the fresh green grass and the soft breeze in the trees. This gives me the energy to cope with my long days at college. (@) I consider the fact that 1 am now attending college winning. To get there, I had to surmount many obstacles, both outside and inside myself. College costs money, and T don’t have much of it. College takes imo, and I don’t have much of that either with two brothers to care for. But I overcame these obstacles and a bigger one still—lack of confidence in myself. 1 had to Keep saying, “I won't give up.” And here I am, 2! (©) The dictionary defines winning as “achieving victory over others in a competition, receiving as @ prize or reward for achievement.” Yet some of the most meaningful wins of my life were victories over no other person, and I can remember winning when there was no prize for performance. To me, winning means overcoming obstacles. The correct order of paragraphs tn the essay is: Introductory paragraph Body paragraph I Body paragraph 2 ‘Concluding paragraph Paragraph that should be omitted from this essay: iat 16 ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES” Selecting a Topic Often the subject for an academic assignment is chosen for the student by the lecturer. However, the student must frequently narrow the subject to a topic. Selecting a topic for an essay is similar to choosing a topic to ‘write about in a paragraph. The same process applies when you 1. write about WHAT YOU KNOW. 2. identify your AUDIENCE 3. decide on the PURPOSE of the essay 4, select a topic that will INTEREST your audience ‘Some topics are too broad to be covered in a single essay. These topics need to be narrowed. As you begin to narrow your topic, decide the pattern of organization that you want to use to present your topic to the audience. Several patterns of organization are possible for each topic. Look at the following examples: What Causes People to Lose Their Jobs? (Cause-effect) Unemployment = How to Combat Unemployment? (Problem solution) Unemployment in Indonesia in the 60s and in the 90s (Comparison-contrasi) Poverty in Terms of Income Distribution (Definition/Clarification) Poverty ‘The Economic Causes of Poverty (Cause-effec) Government Attempts to Alleviate Poverty (Problem solution) Choose two of the subject below. Narrow each to a topic. Use the strategy of “ireeing” to discover different ways to present your material. Then decide the pattern of organization for each tople, 0 Environment © Technology © Education © Youth ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES PRINCIPLES OF ESSAY WRITING IL ‘Thesis Statement Each essay you write will contain a shesis statement. This thesis statement is usually one sentence that gives the purpose of the essay. The following are characteristics of a good thesis statement, A thesis statement: 1. is the strongest, clearest statement in the essay 2. comes at the beginning of the essay, usually at the end of the introductory paragraph 3. must NOT be a simple statement of fact that requires no elaboration. A simple statement of fact has litle possibilities for development 4, should NOT be expressed as a question, because a question contains io attitude or opinion, The ANSWER fo the question is the thesis statement. 5. contain CONTROLLING IDEAS that will be used in the topic sentences of the body paragraphs of the essay. 6. may be a STATEMENT OF OPINION that will be explained and proved in-the body paragraph, 7. may be 2 STATEMENT OF INTENT that will be explained and illustrated in the body paragraph of the essay. Let’s look at the thesis statement of the model essay that we studied earlier and see why itis a good thesis statement Hispanic contributions to American culture are reflected in the words we speak, the foods we consume, and the music we enjoy. As we can see, this thesis statement has the characteristics of a good thesis. It is not a simple statement of fact. It contains controlling ideas —wvords, foods, music that are explained in the body paragraphs. However, itis not easy to write a good thesis statement. A successful thesis statement usually results from a process of writing and rewriting. Start with a topic that you want to explore and then narrow it down to something that can be covered adequately in a short essay. In the example below, the writer narrowed his original thesis statement as he narrowed his topic for a 500-word essay about the University of Indonesia, ¢ The University of Indonesia is wonderful (the word wonderful is too vague to be supported in the essay) 9 The University of Indonesia is the perfect university for everyone (still 100 general, and perfect is difficult to support) 4 The University of Indonesia is one of the best universities in Indonesia (Somewhat qualified, but brings in a bigger topic: other universities) © The University of Indonesia is one of the oldest universities in Indonesia (more qualified, more objective, but this sentence needs an additional idea to help direct the essay) © Being one of the oldest universities in Indonesia, the University of Indonesia can offer students a wide choice of education) (Reasonable, specific, supportable opinion and clear intent for the essay) ‘A good thesis statement usually results from a process of writing and rewriting, Start with a TOPIC thet you want to explore and then narrow it down to something that can be covered adequately in a short essay. 18, ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES Exercise 1 Study the following thesis statement and decide whether they are good thesis statements of not Give reasons, Can you turn those that are not so good into better thesis starements? 1. Many rural areas in Indonesia have three serious problems: poverty, lack of education, and poor ‘medical care. 2. Some of the most notable differences in urban and rural life include the degree of friendliness, pace of life, and varieties of activities. 3. Mr. Sasmita, who graduated from the English Department of the University of Indonesia, wes my English teacher in high-school. 4, The mass media, for example newspapers, radio and television, have a powerful influence. 5, In the last few years the number of cars on the streets of Jakarta has been increasing. 2: In your groups take one or two of these topics and develop a good thesis statement together. Does your thesis statement have the characteristies of a good thesis statement? When you are satisfied with your thesis statement, compare Your thesis statements with those produced by other groups. Y Using uniforms in university Y Street musici ns Y Public Transport Exercise 3 Choose one of the topics you developed in Exercise 2 and develop a thesis statement of your own. Exchange your work with a friend and evaluate each other's statements by checking whether they have the characteristics of a good thesis statement. ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES 19 Principles of Essay Writing I The Introductory Paragraph, ‘The introduction is a very important part of the essay as it tells readers what the essay is all about. The function of the introduction is - To provide background information = To capture’s the reader’s interest - To state the thesis statement The introductory paragraph usually consists of three parts: 1. general statement 2. connecting information 3. thesis statement Intro paragraph: 1. General Statement 2. Main Idea Supporting ideas 3. Thesis Statement ‘There are different ways to write a general statement: a, By asking a question: For example: Can you prevent youth brawls on the streets? From this question, a general statement and a thesis statement can be developed. 1. General Statement: Youth brawls which often happen today are often between students of different High Schools. 2. Connecting Information: State some reasons why those happened. 3. Thesis statement: Educators need to find ways to prevent such youth brawls from happening through finding the real causes and establishing the related rules. b. By making an interesting observation 1. General Statement: In this globalization era in which people in the world share advanced technologies and cultures with each other, there are some tribes in this world which still maintain the editor of ee forefathers. 2. Connecting Information: Examples of tribes 3. Thesis statement: ‘The Badui, one of such a tribe living in West Java, Indonesia, refuse any influence which may harm their traditional customs, habits and lifestyle. c. By describing a situation or event to catch the readers’ attention. 1. General Statement ‘An epidemic which attacked lots of people in West Java was a disease unknown to many medical doctors. . Connecting information The spread of the so-called disease “Cikunguya” . Thesis statement ‘There should be an intensive campaign held by CHCs to inform people about the cause of the disease and the ways to prevent the disease from spreading, 4. By using background information related to the thesis statement. The introduction of the essay on the “Spanish Influence in America” is an example of this. Exercisel Give general statements to your thesis statements that you have made on the three subjects in exercise 2. 21 = EES PRINCIPLES OF ESSAY WRITING IV Paragraph Relationship In academic essays, the thesis statement is directly related to the topic sentences in the body paragraphs. Each topic sentence relates to and deals with one or more of the controlling ideas in the thesis. Each set of supporting sentences that follows a topic sentence relates directly to that topic sentence. In this way, the essay will be unified and complete. Diagram of Paragraph Relationship within an Essay 1. Introduction Controlling ideas ‘Thesis: Coniroling oe aaa +—— eas intopic ‘Topic Sentence: ee Supporting sentences Controlling 4 ideas in topic sentence II Body Paragraph: ‘opie Sentence: Supporting sentences. IV Body Paragraph Controlling + eas in topic sentence Topic Sestence Supporting sentences YY Conclusion ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES: Exercise 1 Write topic sentences for the body paragraphs of the thesis statement that you developed in exercise 3 of the previous lesson. Show your topic sentences to a friend and get some feedback. Essay Ou Student writers sometimes have difficulty organizing the material they have gathered for an essay. One way to organize your ideas is to outline your essay. An essay outline usuelly consists of words and phrases; sometimes it consists of complete sentences. While writing your outline for an essay, try to keep the words and phrases parallel. The following is an example of an outfine: Outline Title: 7 I. Introduction ‘Thesis Statement UL. Body A. Paragraph 2 ‘Topic Sentence Supporting Details: 1 B. Paragraph 3 Topic Sentence, Supporting Details: et C. Paragraph 4 Topic Sentence Supporting Details: 1. INL Conclusion: ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES. 23 Read the following essay and write an outline of the essay using the frame provided. EDUCATION IN THE EAST AND THE West ‘Americans have often asked me why I came from Taiwan to study in the United States. They expect me to say something like “to learn English.” However, to me, coming here to study involves more than just learning English. It involves an opportunity to experience a completely different educational system. Because I have studied in both countries, I have seen several areas in which education in Taiwan and education in the United States are different. Students’ expectations in the classroom in Taiwan are different from those in the United States. Generally speaking, Taiwanese students are quieter and participate less in class. They are not encouraged 10 express their ideas unless asked. They are taught that asking teachers a question is seen as a challenge to the teacher's authority. There is litle emphasis on developing student creativity and thinking skills. Students are expected to memorize everything they are assigned. However, in the United States the curriculum emphasizes individual thinking, group discussion, and self-expression. Unlike their Taiwanese counterparts, ‘American students are encouraged to ask questions, express their own opinions and think for themselves. In addition, there is a great disparity in the educational goals of Taiwanese and American schools. After twelve years of compulsory education, Taiwanese students have to pass an entrance exam in order to get into @ university. The higher students score on this test, the better the university they can enter. Taiwanese culture puts a strong emphasis on university admission because getting into the right university can guarantee future success. As a result, schools often “teach to the test” instead of providing more moral, social an physical education. In contrast, the goals of the American educational system include teaching students how to learn and helping them to reach their maximum potential. American teachers give their students the freedom to think and solve problems in their own: they do not merely prepare students to answer questions for an entrance exam, The last obvious difference between the two countries’ educational systems is the role of extracurricular activities such as sports programs and special interest clubs. Even though every Taiwanese school claims that it pays equal attention to more, intellectual, and physical education, the real focus is on passing the university admission exam. Little emphasis is placed on activities outside of the classroom. Teachers can even borrow time from extracurricular activities to give students more practice in the areas where they have weakness. On the other hand, American educational institutions consider the development of social and interpersonal skills as important as the development of intellectual skills It is believed that by participating in these outside activites, students can demonstrate their special talents, level of maturity and leadership qualities Education is vital to everyone's future success. While it may take ten years to grow a tree, a sound educational system may take twice as long to take root. Although Taiwan and the United States have different educational systems, both countries have the same ultimate goal; to educate their citizens as well as they can. This goal can be reached only if people take advantage of all the educational opportunitic ‘them. That's why I came to the United States to study, grow and become a better person. 2 . ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES EDUCATION IN THE EAST AND THE WEST 1 Introduction Thesis Statement: I. Body A. Paragraph 2 (first difference) topic sentence: 1. Taiwanese students are quieter. 2. 3. In America B. Paragraph 3 (second difference) topic sentence: Paragraph 4 (third difference) topic sentence: 11. Conclusion Exercise 4 Based on the topic sentences for the body paragraphs produced in exercise 3, make an outline for your essay. ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES Writing the Conclus PRINCIPLES OF ESSAY WRITING VI in Some students think that writing a good conclusion is the hardest part of writing an essay. Following these {guidelines will make it easier for you to write an effective conclusion. Let the reader know that this is the conclusion. You can use the following transitions for that purpose: In conclusion, eaerer To summarize, .eessessseeense As we have seen, . Finally, ‘The conclusion should help the reader to reconsider the main ideas that you have given in the essay. ‘The final sentence of an essay often give a suggestion, an opinion, prediction, or a conelusion to the essay. Here are some examples of different conclusions: ‘Make a prediction: We have seen how the costs of attending college have been rising while, at the same time, sources of financial aid for students have been disappearing. If this trend ‘continues, fewer and fewer families will be able to send their children through four years of college. Suggestion results or consequences: To sum up, the costs of attending college are up and financial aid for student is, down, Fewer and fewer future members of the workforce are able to educate themselves beyond high school. As a result, the nation will waste the intelligence, imagination, and energy of a large segment of the present college-age generation. Suggest a solution, make a recommendation, or call for action: It is clear that our system of higher education is in trouble. For many students, four years of college is no longer possible because of increasing costs and decreasing financial aid. To reserve this trend, we must demand that government increase its financial support of colleges and universities and restore financial aid programs. Our future depends on it. Opinion: Certainly there are advantages and disadvantages to both of the plans presented here. However, because the second plan has more mass appeal than the former one, it ‘would be a much better choice for the citizens of our country. 26 ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES * Quote an authority on the topi In conclusion, costs are rising and financial aid is declining, with the result thet many can no longer afford to go 10 college. If our nation is to prosper, increased government funding for education is essential, even if it requires higher taxes. As Horace Mann argued in his Fifih Anaual Report, a nation’s economic wealth will increase through an educated public, It is therefore in the self-interest of business 10 pay the taxation for public education. Exercise | Study the concluding paragraph of “Why Do We Lie?” in the previous lesson and decide what technique the writer uses. xercise 2 Read the body of this essay and write an interesting introduction and an effective conclusion. Effects of Computers on Higher Education ‘One important effect of computer technology on higher education is the availability of lectures. As a result of the development of computer networks, we can access lectures from many universities in real time. We are now able to sit down in front of a digital screen and listen to a lecture being given at another university. In addition, by ulilizing interactive media, we can question the lecturer and exchange opinions with other students via e-mail. Such computerized lectures give us access to knowledge that previously we didn’t have. For this reason, we can learn from professors in specialized fields, regardless of where they are teaching. ‘The development of computers also makes it possible for us to have access to more information via the internet and databases. Consequently when we research a topic, we don’t necessarily have to go to the library to find information because the computer has many resources. It is easy to use the internet and databases since ail we have to do is type in a few key words and wait a few moments, In addition, we can do research at home, making it convenient for busy students. ‘One more effect of computer technology on higher education is time-saving writing techniques. E- mail assignments are becoming more common at universities. As a result, the assignments are much quicker and easier to finish than before, When it is time to hand in our assigned paper or homework, we simply send them via e-mail to our professors. This method is beneficial for students and convenient for teachers, who ‘won't risk losing their students’ work in a mountain of papers. Another time-saving device is the word processor. Because of improved word-processing programs, we have the added benefit of spell-checking, oz ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES: programs. If we type a grammatically incorrect sentence, one of these programs highlights the incorrect parts of the sentence and correcis them. In addition, without using a dictionary, we can write papers that have no spelling mistakes. As a result of these two functions, e-mail and word processing, both teachers and students can save-a great deal of time, ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES: 28 Giving Successful Presentations I. Preparing your presentation ‘There are eight stages to preparing a presentation. 1, Objectives ‘Why are you giving this tlk? - ‘Who will you be talking 10? How much do they know about the subject already’? “What effect do you want your presentation to have? 2. Limitations ‘How long have you got? Do you have to follow a certain format? ‘Where will you be giving your presentation? Can you change the room around to suit your preferences? 3. Main points Decide on your main points: no more than three points in a 10-minute talk. Is there a logical connection between these points? What evidence can you produce to support your points and make your case clear? 4, Beginning Youll need to get the audience's attention, so introduce yourself Check that they can see and hear you allright Tell them what your topic Tell them how you'll discuss it - How long is your presentation going to be? = How many parts are there? - Will you take questions as you proceed? = Will you invite discussion at the end? 5. Middle Prepare your talk so you lead the audience through your main points in a logical and interesting fashion. It helps if you put variety in the ways you present your case. ‘Where they are appropriate, you could plan to use: ~ Examples, ancodotes and case histories ~ Charts and graphs = Handouts given out at the start, in the middle, or at the end of the presentation ~ Slides, Video clips, or Objects which people can pass round. 6. End ‘Summarise the main points of your presentation and make your conclusions. If possible leave the audience a parting shot to stimulate their thoughts. 7. And then ‘When you have written your presentation, look it over carefully, from the viewpoint of ~ your intended audience, = Does it meet the objectives? Is the structure as logical as can be? - Is the content right for the audience? Is it too long? = Then revise the presentation 8. Visuals ‘Prepare your visuals (PowerPoint slides, Overhead Projector foils, etc) Make sure they are clear, and that any text i big enough (no smaller than 5% of sereen size, of 24 point), I, Useful Language for your Presentati Giving a presentation in your own language can be one of the hardest things you ever have to do giving a presentation in English for many people, ean be a nightmare, Making use of some of the following phrases in your presentation will make you feel much more confident, 1, The Introduction At the beginning of any presentation (once you have greeted your audience and introduced ‘yourself, of course!) itis important to make clear the subject of your presentation, how Tong you are going to speak and the way in which you have arranged your presentation. ‘You also need to tell I the audience the best time for -asking questions. So, the opening of a presentation could sound something like this: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, Thank you for coming this morning. My name is Jane Brown, and for the next 20 minutes I shall be talking to you about ‘our new product ~Produet X. Ifyou have any questions while 'm speaking, please save them for the end of the presentation. Of course, if you don't mind being interrupted, then you say, instead of the last sentence: Ifyou have any questions while I'm speaking, please don't hesitate to interrupt Next. you need to explain to your audience how you have organized your presentation. Perhaps you could say I have divided my presentation into three parts: the history and development of Product X; the use and applications of Product X: and the marketing implications of the product. At the end, I hope to have some time to be able to answer your ‘questions. i ‘Once you have completed the introduction - once you have told the audience what you aré zoing to say - you begin the main part of the presentation, You will find it helpful to prepare some parases which link your ideas. 2. The Main body In this part of the presentation you are probably going to need Bridging language to make it clear to your audience that you have finished one point and are about to move on to another. Ideally, the move from one subject to another will be smooth and easy. Some of these phrases might be useful: ‘© And that brings me nicely on to my next poi © One point that follows from A is B.. © Talk of A naturally leads us to consider B.. If the links between subject matter are not so easy, then one of these phrases may be necessary ‘© So that's it for A, Now let's turn to B.. ‘+ Now, quite distinct from A, we have B., © That covers A - $0 what about B...? ‘Also during the main presentation itis likely that you will want to show your audience some overheads. Useful language to introduce these include: ‘+ Thave prepared an overhead to illustrate this. + This point can be seen more clearly n visual form... © Let's have a look at this transparency. ‘Throughout the presentation, itis important to keep things as simple as possible. Short. clear statements are worth a lot more than complicated explanations. The easier itis for you to say it, the easier it will be for your audience to understand. 3. The Conclusion ‘When you have'finished the presentation dont forget the conclusion, Your conctusion should briefly touch on all the points you have made. ‘These phrases will be helpful for this stage of the presentation: + Before I finish, let me just summarize the main points. + Byway of conclusion, here again are the most important points... ‘+ To sum up, then, the main aspects ofthis are... Then, having repeated the main points you should end by thanking your audience and indicating what is going to happen next. like this: ‘+ Thank you for your attention, ladies and gentlemen, If there are any ‘questions, I'd be delighted to answer them. ‘+ That concludes all I have to say on the subject I hope that I have given you a clear picture of the problems and opportunities. Perhaps we should now adjourn for a coffee. + Thank you again for giving me this chance 10 speak to you, ladies and ‘gentlemen. I hope that you have found the time well spent. III, _ Practising your presentation, Once you have prepared, you need to do five things before you actually give your presentation. 1. Practise Practise giving your talk on your own, Get used to the sound of your own voice, ideally in ‘room of the size you will be using, Check how long your talkis. ‘When you're happy with it, try the presentation out on a fiiend. 2 Visuals ‘Are your visuals effective? Practise using your visuals Practise talking to the audience, not to the screen. Practise combining giving your talk with changing the sides 3. Seript Does the script need tightening up or rewriting? ‘What form will your final script take? ‘Will your script be the complete text printed in a large typeface? Ifso, take care to stay in touch with your audience, rather than just reading your script to them. Will your script be key words on index cards? If so, take care to keep the cards in sequence. 4, Space Arrive in good time: Spend a few minutes getting familiar with the room and any audio-visual equipment you'll be using, Allow yourself time to get comfortable in the space - this is your space where you will give your talk. 5. Breathing When people are nervous, they tend to take quick, shallow breaths, which makes their voice sound weak. This makes them feel even more nervous. Here's how to overcome this, and feel more relaxed: a) Breathe in slowly and deeply, concentrating on filling your tummy with air with each breath ) Breathe out slowly, getting rid of as much air as you can ©) Repeat a and b five times. IV. Giving your presentation There are four things to remember during your presentation 1. Presence As you get up to give your presentation, make a conscious effort to stand tall, take a deep breath and look as if you enjoy being there. 2. Eye contact Make eye contact with people in your audience in a friendly way. People respond much better when they think you are taiking to them, not just reading your seript to yourself. Ina small room, try to make eye contact with each person in the audience; in a larger hall, make eye contact with different groups in the audience. 3. Voice Speak slowly and-clearly. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply. Speak clearly. Speak loudly enough so everyone can hear. If you are not sure if they can hear you clearly, ask if they can, 4. Move You are allowed to move as you give your presentation. It can help add variety and interest to come to the front of the podium to deliver a telling point. Try to avoid hiding behind the lectern, Good luck with your presentations. Remember that the audience are on your side: they want you to do welll ‘The research team arrives with the 6 o’clock train from Bandung. ‘The team Jeaves for Bali tomorrow night. Analysis: 4 4we arcives Time: Mood: to show future time using only ‘verbs of arrivals and departure. ‘The research team is having 2 meeting with the local authorities. We are attending a Seminar in Medan next week, Analysis ate attending Tinn Mood show that an action takes place in the near future or immediate future. SIMPLE PAST versus PRESENT PERFECT Our shoe factory stopped producing last year Stoypea to show that an action happened ‘at a particular time in the past. We worked on the same case problem together this morning. Analysis: Time: 1. Because of the economic crisis our shoe factory hes stopped producing. hee lor Analysis: “eessitT* Time: Mood: to show that a past action has a result in the present time. 2. We have worked on the same case problem since moming/for one hour. Analysis: centiovity Tim Mood: to show that a past action continuous up to the present time. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS e ee Thave been living in the same house sinee | was bom / for years. Contin Mood: a, to show that a past action continuous up to the present time. b. to emphasize the duration of time TENSES SIMPLE PRESENT versus PRESENT CONTINUOUS 1. Demand for a product influences it market price. an epee Mood: to show general truth 2. Our study group gathers at my house to disouss previous lectores. Analysis: Time: , —x Mood: to'show a habit 3. Thear the patient scream for help. ‘Mood: to show that an action is undeliberately done This mood uses verb senses such as: heat, sec, taste, smell, feel, know, understand, hope. ‘Other examples: gee her chat in class. 1 fecl the soft breeze from the window. 4, Tam here to help you solve the problem. Analysis: Times, ———*_—_—~ Mood: to show a fact which happens at the present moment. ‘The government js making efforts to stabilize its political and economic condition. FaiERnab sew oensennsenr ‘Mood: to show that an action is in progress ‘at the present time. Our group is discussing a case problem in the library. Analysi Tim Mood: to show an a‘ present time jn in progress at the All students are listening attentively to the ‘guest speaker. Analysis Tire Mood: to show that an action is in progress at the present time. After dinner, we are watching TV. ——— Lam helping my brother with his homework. Analysis: Time: ———_—_— SIMPLE PAST versus 1. The terrible car accident happened when we T.was there when the terrible .car accident happened. Analysis: 4% Time:'——ytoypened both are tn hl past Mood: to show that two facts happened at the same time in the past. Analysis: PAST CONTINUOUS were walking along the street. _cheppened Tohaei the pas ‘Mood: to show that when a past action was in progress, another action happened. 2. A group of students was doing some ‘experiment, while another was recording 8 report Time: " Mood: to show that zwo past actions were in progress at the same time. SIMPLE PAST versus PAST PERFECT I wrote her back as soon as I got the parcel from Australia. ‘The moment the guest lecturer entered. the auditorium, the audience applauded to welcome her. entered eee ben aethecd show that a past action was ‘immediately followed by another past action. The students had not been motivated to enter the English Self-Access Centre before a demonstration in using the facilities was performed. He went to campus this moming after he had had a substantial breakfast. the movie had already heen Mood: to show which of the two past actions happened first. GRAMMAR (TENSES) following list: Fill ia the blanks with the appropriate tenses from the Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfgct Continuous; Simple Past and Future Tense lL 10. 1a. 12. 13, 14, 15. It is true that to become an industrialized country Indonesia. (lack) slalled workers as until today the budget allocated to education ——_——— (be) insufficient. ‘This report. (show) that air pollution dangerous level; therefore, the authorities measures to overcome the problem. Since the World Bank 1963, developing countries their work-force. ‘So far ASEAN countries more than fifteen years, but the integration significant result. ‘The World Bank which development aid developing countries of the world. Anti-nuclear group throughout Europe intensify) their carnpaigns against those who, ‘weapons. Modern computers since the time they It is expected that our sales new method of production that ‘Whenever our country Liabilities, many second-priorities projects To overcome depletion of oil resources, the government foreign investors to extract oil from off-shore wells so that no oil crisis (happen) in the future. Insurance policies. incidents; however, among Indonesians insurance be) popular yet as it is in other countries. (reach) a (aow, take) immediate (extend) loans for educational projects in [be challenged) to improve the quality of (integrate) theif economic activities for {not yield, yet} a act) as one of the major channels through {be passed) from the industrial West to the at this moment, (produce) nuciear (effect) the business world in many ways (be Used) for the processing of payrolls. (increase) this year as a result of the (applied) for one year. (heavily, be burdened) with (be cancelled). (call) for (protect) customers from various (so far, not (now, try) to make 7 (be) for a long time in By giving soft loans, the government home industries produve goods which high demand in foreign countries. In the near future, the government (establish) a nuclear station which (generate) power for industries. Since the oil crisis______ (occur) in the 1970's, many efforts aan (be made) to find a suitable alternative of oil. ‘The implementation of a new method of production in the factory (result) in the company's greater capacity to meet the demand which (come) from other countries. 10. M1 12, 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. PAST TENSES Change the following verbs in Past Continuous, Past Perfect, We @outish), the tax rate He to the Bangkok seminar He found out that his fine _______— the bill for several months. ‘Aweek ago cars brackets with the appropriate form: Simple Past, Past Perfect Continuous. (be eased. (forget) to sign the necessary papers before the . it_________ be repaired). “The project manager said that be new project Yestesday, whea I Chaismen I didn’t want to see any customer, so when one (eave) from ‘They Jl Sudirman a week ago ‘This private company ——_____ (be released). (etant only after the President law ‘The ceremony (arrive) ‘As the customer (foreclose oa) the mortgage. (admixe) somt (call out) my ni 1 Ie of business as a sesult of depression. Last month before the company (be sent) abroad for a taining. fakoay) the budget for some regiount engineers ‘The-Development Covacil projects at the time the government ‘When 1 (arzive), the meeting the back door. (have) their office at J. Scivijaya, but they (cat off) as be (be) very vafomunate last year, when our business (go) (a0t pay) {aot be allowed) to pass though that highway because (ceed) more industsial engineers for this (tart) and the (Grate) a work program for the following session. (come) T (move) to (eecome) a legal entity at the time the new corporate (oot pay off) his loaa, the bank 1c new books at the exhibition yesterday when somebody ame. (be) years ago that many private banks (Gee) him at the meeting, be the sudden retirement of our manager. Some participants —_______— (ype) reports. ‘As the proposal for better working conditions employees (eave) the company. Go) out (decide) to import thote tractors, wo Ganounce) to cancel all projects. (not say) about (collect) data for their papers while others (be refuse), many TENSES Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1, Itis no secret that Asia (be) the only remaining huge market for the tobacco industry as western countries (for a long time, implement) strict anti-smoking regulations. According to WHO report, 50,000 tecnagers across Asia (take) up emoking every day. Recognizing the potentially grave consequences of smoking, many governments in Asia (now, give) strong support to anti-smoking campaigns. Since December 2004, the small Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan (ban) the sale of cigarettes altogether. When last year, demonstrations in protest against the planned fuel price (spread) around the country, the President hike (call) sudden meeting with the cabinet ministers to reconsider the plan. (introduce) a new Early last week Pertamina __ alternative fuel for domestic use. Although Pertamina (not yet, determine) the price for the fuel, it is expected that it (be) cheaper than kerosene or gas which (widely, be used) in most households in the country for the past few decades. (recruit) new employees, they (do) a series of strict tests. The new employees (now, take part) in the one-month management training program provided by the company. It is expected that by the time (be completed) these employees (be ready) to be assigned in the company’s branches 4. Before the company the training throughout the count 5. Generally, companies which (sponsor) students’ activities are those whose target markets (be) middle-class, educated youths. Their sponsorship (be (be) in the forms of fund and products which distributed) during the event. PASSIVE VOICE i Subject _ verb object : Active ‘The falls rca SEEPS : Passive AnsxteciLauditer if emplound so muaeits nana eansion ‘Subject verb gent 1, -modifier (Object + modifier = Object) “The bookstore has alrendy sent 1 the books we ordered a weels 860. ‘Subject verb object ‘The hooks we onlered.a wack age have already been sent by the bookstore: ‘Subject agent 2, + modifier ‘ue gcolty oder the commented books sgl at. Te a object modifier ‘The recomumendedt books were ordered by the (acully a-wesle oo ‘Subject ‘agent 3. tindirect object ‘the Restor ives rewande to outstanding sindente ert year : ‘Subject verb modifier Outstanding students are given rewards oy the Rector, every year ‘Subject verb object ‘agent modifier Rewards are ziven to qutatanding atudents by the Resior. ever ssar ‘Subject verb ‘modifier 4. Possessive Personal Pronoun ‘curfacully has to sxpand its premises to ascommadete he increasing ‘Subject object nubs Our faculty's ses hae to be expanded to accommodate the incteasing aot ‘Subject Verb the increasing number of incoming students 7 See Need o. Need = ll verb Oil needs host of skilled workers to enhance its national ‘modiiier indeaeale object development. ‘ALhost of slled workers are stil needed to enhance Indonesia's nations ‘Subject, verb modifier development. b. Need = auxiliary The garsinfaent needa jo provide trainings for unemployed people. $2 make ake ‘Subject verb ‘object ‘modifier them skilled. ‘Trainings for unemployed people need to be provided by the-rovernment 9 Subject ‘agent der to illed. ‘modifier ‘Two passive verbs ‘Tag Bode suseested to rgnsfer bmn to Malaysia. Subject ‘object modifier Hg was susseated to be transferred to Malavaia by the Board. ‘Subject verb modifier agent Linking word -2 passive clauses. ‘The Telkom out m-telephone line because [had not paid amy bl for wnrce ‘Subject verb object 3 ‘object modifier months, ts 3c was cut because rill had not been paid for thre ‘Subject verb ‘subject modifier months. PASSIVE VOICE EXERCISE 2 Change the following active sentences into passive. “The World Bank provides easy loans to dew loping countries in need of funds for economic development. 2. Producers have to improve the quality of goods for exporta in order to penctrate increasingly competitive world markets. 3, Bank Prima has to provide a larger parking site for the growing number of ‘customers. of textile exports dropped significantly last year because certain The value plemented quota systems. ‘buying countries had im ‘The government officials are examining the project proposals before they sclect particular contractor. 6 We need to manage companies professionally as poor management may create big problems. “he Indonesian Hotel Association has ‘developed a new, advance reservation 1. gystem to accommodate the increasing number of tourists, and the hotel will implement it early next year. 8 Our company is intensifying quality control to meet increasingly tough competition in the global market. 9. Some rivers are badly polluted because “he government-t.a9 not taken strict measures against factories dumping unprocessed wastes into rivers. Last year Australia and Indonesia signed a memorandum of cooperation after 10. they recorded cases to violations of air traffic regulation. ‘The Senior researcher has to make a slight adjustment to the data before the computer can process them. ne ‘The managers are analyzing all of the data before they can submit proposal for 12. business expansion. - EXERCISE 2 Change the following sentences into passive ease in the prices of basic necessities has greatly affected the social 1 The i condition in general. Small home businesses produce most of the handicrafts exported to European countries. ‘The company is going to establish three new branches abroad to meet the 3. demand of foreign customers. 4. The students have to submit the revised project proposal first before they acquire the needed funds from the dean. 5. The Rector will give rewards to students who have helped develop the University at the Dies Natalis ceremony. Since last week, people have crowded the new department store as it is selling. ‘The Ministry of Public Worke decided to cancel the contract because of the contractor's inability to meet the agreed deadline. ‘The company had performed a thorough market research before it launched its new product. 40 VERBALS Itis important to show the students to which group participial adjective belong, VERBALS are verbs which do not function as verbs but as nouns, adjectives and adverbs. VERBALS are : - Gerunds (VERB + ~ ING) functioning as Noun. vinfinitives (without/with to) functioning as Noun, Adjective and Adverb. =Participials: = present participles: VERB+-ING i «past participle: VERB+THIRD FORM VER! GERUNDS ‘As Subject: Learning languages needs a lot of patience. ‘Subject-Noun As Object: Employees hate being ignored:by their supervisors. “Object=Noun “The lecturer does not like his coming late to class. ‘Object Noun | ‘As Object of Prepositions: any tous. Object Students are looking forward 15 getting the result of their exam Preposition ‘Object As object of Verbs: ‘The company has to consider reviewing its policies to adapt itself to currentchanges. Veb ‘“—“ — ofject As objet of certaixt expressions: — I don’t mind your sharing the room with me. Expression bject —. ‘Nobody can stand working in non-sir conditioned room. ‘Expression object aa INFINITIVES ives + to): As Noun (Subject = infinit ‘To survive in such a bad economic condition requires mental and physical strength. ‘Sutject= Noun ‘As Noun (Object= Infinitive without to): We help him type his paper. ingirect Direct ‘Object Object As adjective: mo. Ihave submitted the paper to be presented at the seminar next week. Objpetnoun adjective As Adverb: Employees are going on strike to get a raise of salary. Ve adverb ‘This area is not feasible to give its population job opportunities. : Complementradjestive ‘dverd PARTICIPIAL ADJECTIVES are used to: I. Forma Noun Phrase. a Present participles are adjectives with active meanings. Example: exporting nations = nations which export goods managing director = director who manages (a firm) . Past Participles are adjectives with passive meanings. Example: documented events ~ events which are documented ‘Transferred employees = employees who have been transferred (to another place) HL. To reduce an Adjective clause to an Adjective phrase. a. Present particip! soy ° People who took part in the riot Were arrested by the police. ‘Saijest adjective dause with an active mesaing becomes: ma People taking part in the riot were arrested by the police. Subjectonoun adjective phrase 12 b, Past Participle: Various goods which are advertised in some magazines. a ye sold on discounted prices. Gabjet KR” adjective clause with passive meaning becomes: Various goods advertised in some magazines are sold on discounted prices. ‘Subject <7 —_alectve phrase 13 L 10. i 12, 13. 44. 15. PARTICIPAL ADJECTIVES EXERCISE 1 Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Newly_________(industralize) countries, such as Korea, havé a great share in the world market. ‘As soonas the Board announced the. the strike. Multinationals rules of the local authority Producers of primary products —_______ foreign synthetic products, reduced their exports. romote export also includes recently (raise) salary, employees ended (operate) in host countries should be subject to the (discourage) by the competition of (grow) ‘The government's invitation to p: ‘companies. ‘The country’s (deplete) sources of oil has caused it to make great efforts to search for new oil well. ‘An application for life insurance requires a comprehens} pee Eee eeCiete (ieee) ‘There were various food and drinks (exhaust) nembers of the research. __________ interest) with the book exhibition was the Furnifair (hold) at the Jakarta Fair. With the change in management, employees find it difficult to adapt themselves to the (restructure) organization. ive examination of the health person (offer) to the Similarly (introduce) in 1993 has done much (ander-develop) villages in many parts of The poverty eradication program to improve the condition of —_— the country. Currently, many companies ___________ forced to reduce production; therefore, the third workshift several years ago has been discontinued. : (deposit) their money in one of the private banks ber 1997 felt uncertain about getting all (produce) textile and garments have been (establish) Many people (liquidate) by the government in Novern of their money back. ‘A number of prestigious hotels in Bali and Lombok cannot achieve the (estimate) rate of room occupancy as a result of the crisis (begin) in July this year. we are not sure that the company will approve of the (submit) by the training (Continue) monetary Due to the current financial crisis, project proposal for staff development scheme. department. 14 (grow) economic condition has contributed to the 16. The badly (encourage) by an. ‘i (rise) frequency of riots. un-(know) party (attempt) to arouse anger among the people < themselves. 17. Japan's top (cell) newspaper publish a satellite photograph. (show) for the first time the scale and exact location of a Chinese airfield on a (dispute) island in the South Chinese Sea. The photograph by Japan’s Marine Obse-vation Satellite-1b, show a 2.600-meter-long runaway (stretch) north-east from the southern tip. —— (take) (own) Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC) 18. State (produce) properties in Egypt, says that it currently has stakes in oil or gas Indonesia, Australia, Taiwan and Congo. The (interview) exploration manager said that in 1996 there would be __ {add) properties in China, Palestine and Yemen, so that earnings from (strip development spending for the first time in KUFPEC’s history (anticipate) growth in demand, the portfolio will ow Kuwait's interest in gas stems from an mainly from Asian markets by the end of the decade. 19. Two main causes of pollution are the smoke (rise) from factories (emit) by the large number of motor vehicles and =vastes (dump) into rivers. EXERCISE 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct punctuation (V-ing or V-ed) adjectives derived from the words in brackets. (produce) company has so far sponsored the 1. A major cigarette (conduct) to popularize this kind of students? annual jazz program music among young people. (Gorisider) to be @ ‘mysterious’ disease has caused people (work) in or (go) to airports to wear masks. ‘According to a medical doctor (interview) by a TV reporter, ‘wearing masks cannot fully prevent people from getting SARS. One (suggest) precaution is frequently washing your hands. SARS, 15 (suffer) from SARS at a 3. Paramedics (handle) patients cee eee hospital in Hlong Kong have to be temporarily separated from their family ih order to prevent (live) with them from getting SARS. their family and others 4. Our students have diificulty in obtaining books (import) from foreign ome of them have to be satisfied with the countries due to their high prices. Therefore, (pirate) version of the books (offer) at a much lower price. Students______ (recruit) to help compile data for the research project af (have) a minimum GPA of (lead) by a senior lecturer of our faculty are those 3.0. (give) scholarships to students of our faculty hs just opened 6. The bank (locate) at the faculty's premises. its new branch. (establish) their business in the 1980s Many Indonesian private banks and early 1990s have been liquidated due to the economic crisis (hit) many Asian countries. discuss the (disappoint) ‘The team of nianagers had several meetings to result of the sales promotion (launch) a month ago. 9. The construction company (win) the lender for the construction of the new realty office of Central Jakarta is a (wellestablish) company (begin) their business in the 1970s. 40. The company’s in-house training program for newly-(recruit) employees (echedule) to begin next week will have to be postponed since the (demand) higher wages Zompany’s labour union is conducting a strike —_______ “sigeayaqun 81 eproins pemjusiiod ay yey “apioins papules 2y Aya Busepuom use | “eseiud unou junou 8 S208 /0al asne/9 unoy -¢ wren Bywiow ary yoreo 0} patuem ay asneoag uojels auy 0} pawiny ay “enjosipe ue Jo qien e SBUPOU esnei9 jelaenpy °2 quapjo0e 189 © U1 pat AeprajsaK o} pay} | woumn uosied oy, “eseuyd unoujunou e SSqIBOU esnei9 enyoalpy “5, +e0u9|U98 Xejdioo B UL sesne;a Jo Sadi ¢ are aray, “(osnejo uew oxy Ul yoaads jo Sued aly suo seljpour esnejo juapuadep ain) ‘Ssnejo juopuadep & pue asne|d ueU! e Jo sisjsuog, SONSINAS XdWOO TL Ea OF Spuay Kar ‘Um 08 0} age 24 30U inom |‘esivoyjo | “uguoui si sesuedxs Au jno 0} aney | 10 esjnsoyo : uOD"N, “J8IOY SI USN Jo Ye 10) swoos PaxO0q aneY 2m “siOje/e4) tao} Alanelas S1I9}0Y sity U swioos ou yo oye BY Ayes sey. ‘Aquenbesuog elgjei0y) 3Insey YY “Aloluaos inyqneeq e sey y eAoaioW ‘Moy ‘Arenas 81704 SI) Ul Sut002 Jo ayes a4 wont: 49A0/0u! s8p1s9q :uowIppy “y “Weanos jouueg ‘8m JoX ‘waigoud Asea ue 2q 0} si098 3 8h ssejeyyanayy Jensmoy ysesuo9 + :Buynoys Uonauntuog 9 | “11 @N08 jouuea ‘8M 3Ng Welqoud fea Ue 8q 0} SLES I 10/14 / puB :s10}euIpi009 °q “Wanjos Youved ern :wiajqord payeoyduuod e sy Uojoouas ye :Butsn Aq peuiquioo aie Yorum sesnejo yuapuadaput om Jo sisisuog ae” | + Sioaigng z GEA 1 + Jo2lang 1 isisuog SONS.NSS GNNOdWOO “TT SHONSLNAS 4O SdAL SONSLNAS FIdWIS “T BR ‘res 00} yon sua 005 200s 9503 paplop aff “souarajuva oy) rary gan agp ty Ey 08 c}30u papioap ‘ino 24 asnvoag “suowasreape Aveur A212 srarpo Wee Suysyzonpe ou ancy siodedsasou owog “a Ns 0} wees 19A9U fou 95 0) paproap 94 AUR STAT, j2wS 00} YORU SEM 300 SIH] 2911193009 ayy 6} 08 0 jou poptsop STOTT SA, 2} 1 940) Jou pind a4 “swuoursqioape ns 0, was Z9KDU Kau TS THON avo'y HONOHLNaAa ‘saujojo uo Kouow Jo 0] v spuads ous wBnowary “saiiojo to Keuow yo] spuads aug THONOHLTV Hosta ssoutsng oyu 08 0 papraop ‘4 ‘ajdoad sayjo Ateux 305 PORIORT PET ay sayy “ajdoad ‘3idoad seuyo Aueuu 105 FORTORT FET, 2230 Auer 40) poysoas 94 THF TOT ‘9 ‘Testy ssamysng oyu 08 paps 9ap 04 aH0joq ‘Hosa sseuisng ost 08 papwopoH | —uaLaV/avOsaE Poronpuoo yorym dure & pomaauy uosypg TNA i “puany “puany plo we ses | TOY AT Pro we aves | ‘Saypyng eyy SOPOT SER | way, “Supigng ax pauswua SHAN “auto stout sem wyor TO WaT WAG “tnyateo c1our WA Fay ou om ssaazeo sty Hon ssojare9 amoqe UY paurEM J9Ko}ura s,wyoy souLg ‘iy anoge tay pouem s9Kojdwo s,uyor FONIS BONSLNES Ka'TaNOO ‘SONHINGS INUONS¢AGNI | CWO DNINIT] OWS OF NOTIONAL SASNVIO TWIauaAay 18 “kephiona 320% 0) poxgen 24, P95 BRETTTATOTHTMOS oy ep sop “Aephzoaa wom 0} poypen ay SOOT TTY ‘hep “ep 10 248 Koy SOE ATO ow rufu Supqzon axe Koy ‘au pajnpaqs we ‘un pojapayos & Suqpiyng ay HST ABMTES Aany ves Jap20 uy 918 YStUY O2 WueAK KON, VIEL UDCQO NE asOuUnd 's ‘soud inoue or | amoy ye sson8 Auer axe acatn STEDSTTALL WOAW LVHL Poaour ays yeqy SOW TESISTNG AuUr os oe a1, ‘00d sorjoue 0} paxcut aus | 4NAONs ANVIN + OS Noldgoxa NOON -rofuo] Ans 0; paiweas FOR 04 8 SU 1 1 ST TOSRST ATL ‘RATA TIPMESG ETS sey oroy ey, {Ptow ey u 989] Ae 0 poywea | IVELeNRONeHONS NOON “484 Aon ued 94 yep 9 TORT AT “ary ys da yoteo ou pines | EYES wes op “uy uu yore 30u pjN00 | Aqy “wrexe Asta ue yons sved youten 4 “pangs A294 5} oy SARBERT TST “waexe fsa ue yons seed youue aH | LVEL+ACV/IaY +08 “Kepraysak "NOK 9§0 11244 yooq Abd Ua J oot Aed kw pontoons | RESET STTL, ‘wou yeu 0s Kepiarsak yootp ked Kui paniooa ok 90 ey 3999 Aud WOT ONL LVHLOS Linsey FONZINAS XATaNOO AONGINGS LNIGNSaXaNT LOM ONDINIT | s095 03: NOLLONAS 19 "OU ajay you s} ay “way pewmul you eney nok sy asneo sed i TNO! NOD WE} GEA | + plnoMm ‘emedised +s) ALMaNNN| sed ‘asn¥o. a3xIN “hued a unos | :ALVEy “uay 988 Jou pip | asnesag “Aued uy 0 wiy pay UUOJ qIBA ney pinom) ‘uy uoas pay pf + 2neU + Pinon ospedsed +41! ALMWaNN ASvd| € TYNOLLIGNOD Axed ay 0} uy )UUeD | “aiojaveuy ‘uy o@syuop | | :ALIVSU ‘sedelduis+y} ALMVSUNA AN3S3Yd! — Z-TYNOILIGNOD “MOLOWO) Ayed oy} 0} WAY ‘ SHAME "Ug 88 | ‘weseideiduis+s1] ALTIISSOd| | = 3uNLNJ| | TWNOLIONOO esneio-ans ‘Moys 0} BidWvxa NUBLLVd {POW BNL Jeuonpudd yo adky STWNOLLIGNOD ASNV1O Iwiauanay 20 tect ‘Aepo} uojjenpes6 Joy Guunp 2194; o1OM | Ys | Asvd Mes ~ INaSzUd TINS + sm | 3 “palenpeiB nok ueym aay) uaeq pey | YsiM | LOAURd ISVd -1SVd JIAWIS + Paysiayysi| | “Gg ‘SJeNPRIB NOK UOYM a1—\) aq PINoM | ysl BUNLNS ISVd ~ 3uNLN TMs + ysmit-e| ‘pea, '9 Aueus Aye Buepuom seme Ou sjeunwuo AueW xem KUM, “stu anaqe Buuepuor seas | Loaduad LSVd ~ Ls¥d 31dWNIS + LSvd 21dNIS | °P “st eys oym) | “sj eureu Au yeya) 9] UOE}S eu} av@4H) aw peyse oH Quonels 2uy st a19uN4 “Siuy aul payse 2H: x3 “Pode ayy 72 wy 88s pyncd | sayjoUM aw payse oH “7o2} °g Un} feseUeB swoys esneig Linon ayy uayM: vondEoxy duodye oui ye ew eosnof ue} | yoseds yoeupul u sunouaid jeuosied jo seBueyo ey 0} uonuetie hed “OU } Sit pres aH AS¥d FIdWIS ~ INSSIYd IANS + LSV¥d FTAs | “2 (uoowaye sigh FELT T.Nof yey) Juosge ale nok AyM) peEysiapun Ajuleyad ym Joyoes} Su, i 08 NOK asnedeq) juasge ale no, ANSSIUd SIdWIS —_ INSSBud Trawis *puejsiopun Aieweo itm 2040e8) 24) BUNLNS TANS ~ /LNASSUd TMWIS + JUNLNS TidWIs | “a “sBrup ul BSAOATT STS] yeuy mous | “sGnup Ur panjonul s| ay, “WY inoge BuRgawios Hour | ANaSEud 3TANIS ~ LN3SRUd TdWIS + INaSud TTaWis |e) “1 SSTTANXS SSNVIO NNON ASNW10 NIV aSNv19 NNON 24 “huouods sno eioyset (— yua6in 0} sfem PUP PUE FULT ADOGATONS yey ( Aresseoou ( quepodun sty “WwUIUOHAUO UNO s0\y of SeBEWeD J9un) BET TOU SUSAT fey sisenbas uauusenos ay “seesiano wesGoud ‘sjenpei6-jsod Byey ey yey pepuewuodes ueeg ey “AlupJONO POM SBANO}OUS youy peBsn Auedwioo out 4e{nBuls uosiad .¢ 10) § (. qwetun (anouyi) que uiio} 44 + Joalars +e ( kvessooeu i ( qweyodun sy ( Qsenbay Byjweaw) yse J2INBUYS Uosiad 404 § ( ‘asinpe {yno4A) gion iio} yb + yoolans + yeu ( senda ( Puatuwooes ( fin | 22 ‘COMPOUND CLAUSES Combine the two sentences into compound sentences by using the appropriate linking words used in compound clauses. ‘The workers who have been on strike for3 days want higher wages. They also insist on having niore frequent proinotion. Pollution has become an increasingly threatening problem that endangers human life Industries keep on dum| their surroundings. ping factories wastes in waters used by people living in Differences among members of ASEAN countries should be avoided. them which would be useful to There would be no economic integration among compete in the global market. Female workers are often paid much less than male workers. They are becoming resentful and getting militant. ASEAN has to integrate member markets into a single market. They won't be able fo compete with other countries in attracting investments from other countries. ‘The hydro-electric power station is located far from the industrial area. Distribution cost is high. Indonesia is endorsed with rich natural resources. Itis unable to adequately utilize them. The instability of Indonesia’s political condition is harmful for its society and economy. Justice is not adequately impiemented due to its corrupted practitioners. ADVERBIAL CLAUSES Combine the following pairs of sentences making one of the sentences an adverbial clause. Use the appropriate linking words. percent tariff on imports of raw materials. 1. The government has imposed a 40 facturers are facing difficult times. This is why Indonesian cable manu 2. Alot ofharmful incidents have recently happened in society. This is because sophisticated technological devices are very vu! electromagnetic devices. Inerable to pital to finance the new toll-road project. 3. The company needed more ca has issued bonds amounting to Rp. 1 billion. . For this purpose, the company peting to build new resort areas. 4. Private investors in real estate are com; jfic region has been growing very rapidly. This is because tourism in the Asia-Paci 5. The sate of crime in general has sharply increased. u ‘This is because the majority of our people are in a very bad economic condition. 6. The company has just installed facsimile machine for its offices Up to this time, it used courier services to send documents to its branches all over the country. 7, He moved to his new house assigned only for cabinet pyinisters Already, he has become so arrogant. 8. Anew vaccine was used to prevent people from getting the diseases. From that time on, the rate of victims has increasingly decline. 24 L ‘Make conditional sentences from the following situations. ‘As loan aimed for developing infrastructures were inefficient, the World Bank changed its lending policy. Because Japan’s exporis to the USA were unlimited, the US has had a deficit in irs balance of payments. In case another national disaster happens, ‘overcome oil problems arising from it. This company may be able to pay off its debt on due time. In that case the bank has the right to confiscate some of its assets. (Use should) the government has to be prepared to Give the meaning of tke following conditional sentences. If government regulations were not strict, private companies would be able to develop. Had the course leader a running smoothly now. If he had had the required documents of the g dispute between him and the customs officers. Should BIN reject our application for another loan, we will try Bank Niaga. Unless the superpowers reach a peaceful agreement on nuclear armaments, nuclear war will remain a serious threat. dequately scheduled the training program, it would be .oods, there would not have been a Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of verhs given in brackets. It is necessary that this educational plan be carefully planned; otherwise, it (not achieve) the established objectives. (not need to replan) the organizational ‘The manager structure; but unfortunately unexpected problems (come up). The government has implemented modern technology in farming; or the productivity (not be) tis high. Were corruption allowed to continue; it political stability of the country. Foreign investment was recognized as a factor of crucial importance to the development of the Indonesian economy; otherwise, the government “F (aot revise) investment procedures to attract foreign investors. Had he not consulted us when he had difficulties, we him save the business. (endanger) the (not help) 25 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES 1 3. Explain the meaning of the following conditional sentences. a bigger office space in the city's business contre If the law office hid not moved to f its important clients who had been complaining last year, it would nave lost many of ‘on the small size ofits office. i providing management courses to the newly recruited ‘The company wouldn't be ent schools. employees if they were all graduates of managem: IE the competition among detergent producers were not very severe, these producers ‘would be offering no spectacular prizes to the consumers. If there had not been so meny weaknesses in our legal system, foreign manufacturers ighbouring countries. ould not move their operation to nei If Balinese handicraft had not been in great demand, small home industries ia Bali would not have been able to survive during the economic crisis. Make conditional sentences from the following situations. Last year, the government had to import rice because the country’s production was Jower than expected. Because the company has not conducted appropriate market research before Jaunching its new product, the product is not selfing well now. Because TV quizzes in all private stations give out big prizes, they are getting more popular. 26 ADJECTIVE CLAUSE is important because it defines the RELATIVE PRONOUNS anreceoent | suasective | OBJECTIVE possessive | PREPOSITION+ ‘OBJECT PERSON | WHO WHOM WHOSE PREP + WHOM NON- WHICH WHICH THE+NOUN+ | PREP + WHICH PERSON OF WHICH al ‘TYPES OF ADJECTIVE CLAUSES TYPES OF IMPORTANCE OF PUNCTUATION RELATIVE AQUECTIVE [ADJECTIVE CLAUSE PRONOUN CLAUSE REPLACEABLE. WITH THAT: Restrictive | ihe adjective clause | WITHOUT _| Relative Pronoun COMMA(S) | can be replaced by relative pronoun “THAT? ANTECEDENT Non-testrictive - | The adjective clause WITH Relative pronoun 3\ | isan additional COMMAS) | cannot be explanation of the replaced by ANTECEDENT relative pronoun “THAT economic development is worldly known. ‘The student is a representative of the UI outstanding student of the year. He is La. wearing a yellow jacket. b. The lecture has been cancelled. It should have been heid in Room 01. 2a, The employee is an UI graduate. The Board has chosen him to attend a conference in the US. b. Weall have to buy the expensive book. The lecturer recommended it. Eee 3.a. We were introduced to Mr. Galbraith. His articles on the analysis of ASEAN b. Faculties should immediately upgrade themselves. Their facilities cannot accommodate students’ activities. business. 27 Bank Artha will be liquidated. My family relies on it for the operation of our This is the person. The Dean has sent you to him for a good academic advice. 10. n 12. 1B. 4. 15, ADJECTIVE CLAUSE Combine the following pairs of sentences su that one of each pair becomes an adjective clause. Provide the correct punctuation. international action was needed to deal with problems faced by exporting.countries. The principal exports of these countries were primary commodities. ‘Our new sales campaign will be launched next week. We are relying on it to acquire a larger share of the market. ‘The company deals with the export of raw materials. He has been working for this company since he left school, Many of the workers have been relieved from their jobs. ‘The manager considered them lacking in capability ea careful planning in setting up their development The developing countries should mak Toans to some of these programs. The World Bank has extended a large amount of long-term countries. i ‘The country has for the past few years made a significant increase in its foreign Its national income depends greatly on tourism. ‘Multinationals having branches all over the world include Coca Cola. ‘One of its subsidiaries is in Indonesia. (Use relative pronoun for persons). “The inadequate allocation of funds caused the World Bank loans for development not to achieve the desired target. ‘This has been repeatedly argued in the Parliament, ‘The constantly rising prices of raw materials have made the productivity of his textile factory decrease. He can have no control over it. “The most popular manager has been promoted to one of the Directors of the bank. Everybody praised him for being a very capable and sociable manager. Cooperatives are making great efforts to diversify the sources of their capital. They expect to be able to expand their activities with it. Members of the committee examining the feasibility of a giant hydro-electrical plant have bee: working hard for more than one month on this project. — Some of these members are expatriates. ‘The authorities were confident that balance of payment deficits would decrease. “The design of various new taxes had been assigned to them. “The exporters of primary products were heavily competed by the producers of synthetic products. ‘Many of these exporters lost their share in the world market. “The government tried to protect all garment exporters against a sudden cut on the existing quota. These exporters are in fact contributing to the diversification of exported products, on NOUN CLAUSE one of the sentences a uoun clause. Combine the following pairs of sentences ‘making 1. Thisis obvious. Indonesia cannot improve its economy through agricultural development only. 2, The Trade Minister insists on this. Indonesia should make room for foreign capital and expertise in oil and natural gas. 3. Thisis vital Do not cause damage to the environment for the sake of commercial gains. 4. Businessmen were wondering about this. ‘Will the government take other drastic steps to stabilize the economy. 5, He told us this. Excess production of a commodity will lead to a glut on the market. 6. Lwould like to know this. Has the committee made up the budget for the new project. 7, The manager requested this. “The present supervisor should be replaced because his performance is unsatisfactory. 8. The tourist wanted to know this. “Where is the nearest shopping center, and can I get good batik there?’ 9. The police were trying to find out about this. “Why didn't ihe alarm system work when the burglars got inte the building? 10. It is anticipated by the members. ‘The new retirement policy will be discussed in the meeting tomorrow. 11. The buses are so crowded in the moming. I wish (the company provide transportation for us) 12. ‘The employees are complaining about the bad working conditions. I wish (the Board do something about this). 13. Thave to work overtime quite often in my new job. Iwich (1 choose the other job). 14. This is necessary. ‘More money should be allocated for research. 15. The CEO urged this. The Sales Manager should inter 16. The Sales Manager pointed this out. ‘The company must provide a bigger budget for advertising. sales oromotion for our new product. 17. They told me this. Tom is losing all his money because he has made the wrong investment. 18. Lasked the Director something. “Did the negotiations between the two companies take place. at the Hilton?” \ 19. Ittakes such 2 long time to get to the new imports. Iwish (maintain the old airport for domestic flights). 20. The manager recommended this. Don't open sother branch offce in East Java this year. 29 COMBINE THE FOLLOWING PAIRS OF SENTENCES, MAKING THE SECOND SENTENCE OF EACI PAIR A NOUN CLAUSE. 1. The Personnel Manager told me this. ‘Based on your experience I recommend you to accept the position of Sales Menager.’ 2, This is quite obvious. “The private sector should generate adequate savings to finance economic growth.’ 3. Did you notice this? “What a large profit the company has made!" 4. | Wesuggested this to him. “Try to get good legal advice before deciding to set up a joint venture abroad.’ 5, The excess supply of our product in the market resulted in a drastic decrease in demand. I wish our company (limit) its production, 6. Did you learn this at school? “In reality, decision-making is strongly influenced by environmental factors.’ 7. Thisis important. “The development of humen resources should never be neglected so that the need for capable manpower can be met.’ 8 Waterpollution in Teluk Jakarta has become a serious problem. wish the government (ake) immediate steps. 9. The officer asked me this. “Will you be able to get your goods out from the warehouse next week?" 10. Business activities are slowing down. Economists wish deregulations, (be) executed now. LL. Prof. Barli Halim stated this. Tax discriminations impedes the development of domestic investment. 7 12, His academic advisor recommended this. He should take a topic related to problems arising in his country economy.

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