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Leg Dips
Doing this workout will target your glutes and your thighs at the same time.

Honestly, you're going to feel the tension in your legs and glutes when performing this move.

But that's why you will get quicker results. The more tension in your muscles is the more they'll
repair and grow.

How to do it
 Stand up with both hands on your waist.
 Now bend over 30° and only standing on your right foot with your left foot kick back into
the air behind you.
 Slowly lower your body until you feel the tension in your right leg. Hold for one second.
 Now push your body back up into the starting position.
 Do the required amount of sets listed on the chart.
2. Twisted lunges
This one is similar to curtsy lunges, the only difference is you will maintain one position.

This is a very effective move to activate your glutes because of the pulsating motion that you
will be creating.

How to do it
 Stand up straight but this time with your right foot in front of the left foot.
 Now slowly bend your left leg to form a 90 degree angle.
 Hold the position for one second then push your body back up to the original position
while keeping your feet in place.
 Do the required amount of sets as listed on the chart.
3. Knee up bridges
This is very similar to the standard bridge exercise. The difference is that you'll be using one foot
to support your hip movement.

How to do it
 Lie down on your back with your hands at your side.
 Now brace your hips with your left foot on the ground while your right leg is lifted in the
 Hold the position for one second and then slowly lower your right foot back to the
starting position.
 Do the required amount of reps listed on the charts for that specific day.

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