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Week 7 Journal

This week was a much shorter week than my previous ones. I continued to work with the

book keeper on Thursday and created a very large excel sheet that cross referenced the names of

thousands of students in the Baldwin county school system. I had to create this list to ensure that

all students are given a lunch number and have the ability of receiving food through the school

which they are registered at. It was a very tedious and time-consuming task but very important

since students would not be obtain school food without being added to this list. I was also further

taught how to do invoices from different companies, how to correct invoices, and how to file

them according to type and company.

Furthermore, I began putting together finance journals with inquiries and filing them by

term. This process has been teaching me a lot about how finances work in the school system,

specifically in the nutrition department. For example, payments are made by terms and a new

year for schools starts in July, therefore March is term nine rather than term three. School

workers also get paid a set salary that is divided up depending on how many months they want to

divide it for, most workers typically opt for it to be split in 10 months or 12 months.

On Friday, I assisted one of the FoodCorp members, Jenna, at Midway Hills Academy. I

helped her teach a 3rd grade class how to garden. The school has an outdoor garden with about 10

garden beds and 4 smaller beds for spices. We worked on planting broccoli and spinach seeds in

one of the beds and transferring soil to the spices garden beds to prepare them for planting in the

upcoming weeks. Many of the students were very interesting and participated in helping by

planting, watering, or moving soil. There were, however, a few kids who were disruptive and

caused problems for the kids who were interested by throwing water or soil on them. I feel that

this problem could be addressed by adding a gardening club at the school to give the students
who are interested an opportunity to learn more and have fun participating without the disruption

of other students. In the following weeks I will be helping Jenna teach children curriculum about

root vegetables.

Monday (3/1/21): no hours

Tuesday (3/2/21): no hours

Wednesday (3/3/21): no hours

Thursday (3/4/21): 7:30-4:30, 1 hour lunch; 8 hours

Friday (3/5/21): 8:00-4:00, 30 minute break; 7.5 hours

Weekly Hours: 15.5 hours

Total Hours: 216 hours

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