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Kbs shaft fitting guide

Examine golf bags at a PGA Tour event and you’re bound to see that the majority of them are filled with golf clubs using a KBS shaft. Given the fact that KBS was founded by long-time golf shaft builder Kim Braly only in 2008, that’s no small feat. The (mostly) unpaid endorsement of the shafts by the PGA Tour’s best players, of course, validates and amplify’s
KBS Shafts’ key message, which is, “Player Driven. Tour Proven.” KBS Shafts are played by numerous top-flight PGA Tour superstars, including Ernie Els, Phil Mickelson, Adam Scott, Kenny Perry and Justin Rose. But, company’s line of golf shafts exclusive to PGA Tour stars. KBS Shafts are played quite well in amateur circles thanks to customization
options available from some of the industry’s biggest golf club manufacturers — which, of course, even further validates KBS’ impressive performance record. With that, we’ve decided to review the five most popular shafts in KBS Golf Shafts’ current line of products so that you can better understand which golf shafts are best for you and your game. KBS C-
Taper Like most of KBS Golf Shaft offerings, the KBS C-Taper is for highly-skilled golfers. The low-launch, tapered design promotes extremely low spin, but for the low handicap player, that means superior accuracy. Note, however, that if you’re not properly fit to to the C-Taper shaft from KBS, you’ll likely struggle with it. But, if fit with the ideal settings, you’ll
be experiencing accurate shots with low spin and ball flight. KBS Tour FLT The KBS Tour FLT features a flighted design that helps golfers hit their irons longer and with increased spin. Unlike the KBS C-Taper, the Tour FLT shafts are geared towards golfers seeking an improved trajectory. The shafts promote low launch and increased spin in the long irons
to aid in trajectory optimization. Golfers with slower swing speeds will especially like the KBS Tour FLT. KBS Tour Hybrid Graphite Built with similar specs to KBS’ Tour shaft, the Tour Hybrid Graphite has four different weights in regular and stiff profiles, offering a mid to high trajectory for golfers to choose from. KBS Tour Hybrid Graphite shafts were built to
provide a player experience similar to that of the KBS C-Taper. KBS S-Taper Built similarly to the popular KBS Tour Shaft, the S-Taper from KBS helps golfers control spin while still allowing golfers the ability to work the ball from left to right or right to left. KBS’ S-Taper is perfect for golfers seeking a mid-launch, mid-spin golf shaft. KBS Tour-V Compared to
other tour-level golf shafts from KBS, the Tour-V is lightweight and offers a mid-trajectory and low spin. The Tour-V aims to provide a consistent ball flight and a limited shot dispersion. As with many of the equipment-related reviews we offer, we certainly suggest you run through a shaft-fitting process to determine the best type of golf shaft for you and your
game and have it customized to your detailed specs. With that said, KBS also offers an online tool that will properly fit you to the best KBS Shaft for your game. The KBS Fit System takes golfers through a series of questions about their games. The system inputs information on your swing orientation, which golf clubs you’re currently playing, your swing path,
your swing speed, 6-iron carry distance, your typical miss and more. All things considered, KBS Golf Shafts are made extremely well. They offer a variety of performance features and are proven to be of tour-caliber. Providing you take the time to be professionally fit for your shafts or — at a minimum, run through the online KBS Fit System — we recommend
using KBS Golf Shafts in your bag. Visit for more information. — Ben Larsen (Featured Image Courtesy of Home THE EQUIPMENT Shafts Best KBS Iron Shaft? Home THE EQUIPMENT Shafts Best KBS Iron Shaft? KBS is named after its owner and founder Kim Braly. KBS has worked closely with PGA
professionals to build golf shafts that offer versatility and a controlled ball flight. The KBS Tour shaft was designed for players of all abilities. The KBS Tour steel shaft is a mid-trajectory iron and wedge shaft that gives the player a signature smooth feel. The KBS Tour maximizes energy transfer to give players more lift and easier launch with their irons and
wedges. Amateur players will love the responsive feel of the KBS Tour and the control of this top-of-the-line golf shaft is trusted by some of the world’s best players. 5% lower trajectory, less spin, and more distance gives players an easy-to-hit iron shaft that matches their swings. The KBS signature feel is smooth and responsive and gives players more
options even at lower swing speeds. The range of weight and flex options make the KBS Tour available to golfers of almost any fee preference. PRODUCT DETAILS OUR RATING KBS TOUR Iron shafts - .355 Taper TipChoose From Irons 1 Thru 9 + PW, SWKBS TOUR is Kim Braly’s signature shaft and is ideal for players desiring shot versatility and mid
trajectory.For other Single Shafts or Full Sets Visit our Amazon Store (Tour Shop Fresno)Tour Shop Fresno is an "Authorized Dealer offering full Manufacturer's Shaft Warranty!" The KBS Tour golf shaft is designed with every golfer in mind. With 6 flex and weight ranges, the KBS Tour shaft can be built to any playing preference and ball flight. Used by some
of the world’s best golfers, KBS shafts are known for their impressive responses and smooth feel. Players looking to get their irons fit for more distance and accuracy need to be testing the KBS Tour shaft.The first thing that stood out to me during my testing of the KBS Tour shaft was the signature feel that Mr. Braly promises. The KBS Tour shaft is one of
the easiest shafts to hit and didn’t require my best swing to get a controlled and accurate ball flight. Playing my iron shafts at 125-grams, I tested the Stiff+ model of the KBS Tour shafts. I thought for the majority of golfers, the KBS Tour iron shaft is a fantastic option and would not hesitate to put it into the hands of players with a variety of swing speeds.KBS
delivers a golf shaft that is easy to launch and a pleasure to swing. The KBS Tour is one of the best shafts for players that swing below tour-level swing speeds but desire the ultimate control with their irons and wedges. The KBS Tour shafts are truly versatile and great for players with smooth tempos, especially with high and mid-handicaps. 9.2Expert Score
KBS Tour ShaftUnlike most premium iron and wedges shafts that are targeted toward the better player, KBS has designed a tour-caliber shaft that is versatile enough for every golfer. A smoother feel, more responsive loading, and professional control and accuracy make the KBS Tour a great shaft for the majority of golfer to be testing. The right iron shaft for
you will make you hit longer, straighter, more consistent golf shots and that is exactly what the KBS Tour shaft provides to a wide net of amateur and elite golfers. The KBS Tour steel shaft comes in six unique models. Increasing in weight and flex, the KBS Tour is available in 110-gram regular, 115-gram regular+, 120-gram stiff, 125-gram stiff+, and 130-
gram x-stiff. Each shaft is available in lengths cut to 1 iron through sand and lob wedge lengths and can be custom fit for golfers of any height. The KBS Tour shaft is one of the best golf shafts for players that do not swing the golf club with an aggressive style or at tour-level speeds. Low, mid, and high handicap players that want more response and a
smoother feel in their irons or wedges will love the KBS Tour shafts. By giving players more energy transfer in the shaft design, KBS has created a versatile, easy-to-hit golf shaft that can help a wide range of golfer’s games. The Project X LZ packages Project X performance and control into a smoother, easy to manage golf shaft. The Project X LZ is
designed with Loading Zone Technology to give players better energy transfer and more distance. A thinner middle section allows golfers to launch the Project X LZ higher without losing control of their golf ball. Golfers of all abilities and swing speeds looking for a mid-launch iron or wedge shaft with improved feel and control should be testing the newest
steel offering from Project X in the LZ model. Project X LZ Shaft Review The C-Taper is a perfect complement to the KBS Tour golf shaft. The C-Taper was designed from Tour player feedback to give players a more penetrating trajectory and greater shot control. Players looking to bring their ball flights down into more controlled windows can look to the C-
Taper shaft to give them better distance and accuracy in a crisp feel. Aggressive players with a quick swing tempo can get better results with the C-Taper from KBS. The Modus 3 is a complete golf shaft offering from Nippon Golf. The Modus 3 line of shafts uses a tier system to give golfers more options in their custom fit. Matching a swing weight and flex
profile to golfer swing styles, release patterns, and club head speeds give Nippon an unmatched array of custom fitting options. No matter what your feel, ball flight, and weight preferences are, Nippon has created a Modus 3 shaft designed to help you play better golf. The widest range of weight-to-flex ratios help make the Modus 3 a club fitter and serious
golfer’s dream. Nippon Pro Modus 3 Shaft Review Join the KBS newsletter for exclusive offers and opportunities. Join the KBS newsletter for exclusive offers and opportunities. Stability Playability Feel The KBS Tour shaft from KBS Shafts is Kim Braly’s signature golf shaft and is ideal for golfers seeking shot versatility and mid trajectory. This KBS Shaft
incorporates unique KBS shaft technology and maximizes energy transfer for increased shot control resulting in pin-seeling accuracy with your irons. The KBS Tour shaft comes with a smooth, responsive feel and is the preferred model by several of the best golfers in the world. recently reviewed the KBS Tour Shaft, here’s what they had to say
about the KBS Tour shaft The KBS TOUR® Series optimizes player performance offering a unique integration of shaft weight and flex; where as the shaft weight increases, the shaft flex stiffens in a corresponding fashion. The Progressive Weight & Flex system works in 5 gram increments, moving from 95g to 130g. And is designed on the premise of Cycle
per Minute (CPM) matching which KBS shaft designer Kim Braly helped pioneer. Progressive Weight & Flex serves two major benefits: First, it ensures players are fit with a shaft weight and flex that optimizes their performance based on swing speed. Second, it ensures each set of KBS tour shafts is precisely matched in flex and weight for more consistent
performance. Within this system, slower swing speeds will have a tendency to fit into lighter weight KBS shafts while faster swing speeds will move into heavier weight options. This ensures peak playability and performance for every caliber of player.

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