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in my opinion, weightlifting and yoga are both good for health.

It help us relax and

make us more energetic. Moreover, With yoga, it is a good way to increase
endurance, improve complete body posture, and achieve balance and flexibility. in
yoga, there is the meditative side that contributes to our inner stability and mental
balance. And like Yoga, Weight lifting is also a good activity for the body. it does
not only help to bulk up, build muscle mass and increase strength but also helps us
to improve posture, better sleep, keep fit, lower inflammation, and stave off some
chronic diseases.
Since I'm a girl, I prefer yoga. it helps me stay in shape and have a more supple
body. But the main reason I go for yoga is that it can help me relax after a stressful
day of study. meditation in yoga can help me clear my mind, alleviate stress, get
better sleep and make me more energetic for the next day.

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