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Colten Beatty

23245 Barnsley Ln.

Parker, CO

3rd May 2021

To our candidate for the President of the United States

Dear Sir candidate,

Clean energy, also known as renewable energy, is energy that can be reused and acquired
naturally in nature. Some good clean energy sources are light, wind, geo thermal energy and
hydro power which can be easily made in a dam. The benefits of clean energy are exponential
such as it being cheaper than non-renewable energy, it puts minimal strain on the environment.
Another good source of renewable energy is Nuclear which accounts for more than a quarter of
all renewable energy currently used.

To further the use of clean energy throughout the country we should put solar panels on the
majority of buildings allowing people to cut on their electrical cost while also promoting even
more usage of solar panels. Another way clean energy could be implemented is offshore
windfarms which will generate more energy without even using land resources, these could be
implemented in major cities near large bodies of water such as Miami, New York, Chicago, New
Orleans and Los Angeles.

I believe that these policies should be implemented because they can further mankind and help
to combat climate change which is an ever more important issue in our world.

Colten Beatty

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