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Nicole Angel S.

Miguel September 28, 2018

STEM 11- St. Pedro Calungsod Written Work #3: Essay

“Coraline” it is a movie that everyone can relate. When it comes to family, friends and

etc. For me it is all about being contented in all aspects, love your family as long as they lived,

be contented in what you have in your life today and don’t ask too much because sometimes it

leads you to not so good situation, like what that happened to Coraline on the movie.

In the scene, where her mother commanded her not to go outside because it’s raining, the

regulation/control takes place and when the other mother order her to go back and just sleep.

Also when her mother ordered her just to behave and tour the house instead. While the social

interaction occurred when she and her family talked about their new home and when she met

Wybie and they became friends. Also, in the scene when she went to the other world and her

other mother prepared lots of food for her to have a family bonding. Also, when the other mother

wanted her to stay there. On the other hand, I have noticed that informative occurs when Mr. B

informed her not to enter in little door because it’s dangerous and when the three ghosts

informed her about what happened to them. Also, when the cat informed her about the place and

when Mr. B told her about the mice and the clothes. In the scene where she met the three ghosts

they motivate her by saying “be brave” and when the cat motivated her in all aspects. In the

scene, where she met the two ladies they had a little chitchat at first and when the show in the

other world started, she watched them and became proud. After all of these, she came back to her

true world and saw her parents. These are the functions of communication presented in the


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