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Lecture :
Siti Mutiatun, M.Pd.

Arranged by:

1. Adi Karna Wicitra 180411100022

2. Rio Erfian 180411100040
3. Denaya Mahabah Yousi 180411100098
4. M. Yusril Maulana 180411100129



TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………..……………………… 1

A. Issue Background………………………………………………………….. 2
B. Problem Identification……………………………….……………………... 3
C. Purpose……………………………………………….……………………... 3
D. Benefits……………………………………………….…………………….. 3


A. Definition of software engineering……………….…………………………. 4

B. Software engineering factors……………………….……………………….. 7
C. Development methodology………………………….……………………… 7


A. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………… 9



a) Issue Background

Software engineering (SE, or in Indonesia : Rekayasa perangkat

lunak(RPL)) is a professional field that explores the ways in which software
development includes manufacturing, maintenance, management of software
development organizations and quality management.

Engineering is the application of science and technology to solve human

problems. This is accomplished through knowledge, mathematics, and practical
experience applied to designing useful objects or processes. Professional
engineering practitioners are called engineer (engineering graduates).

Historically, many experts believed that human engineering skills were

naturally embedded. This is characterized by the ability of early humans to make
tools from stone. In other words, the technique was initially based on a trial and
error method to create a tool that facilitates human life. Over time, science began
to develop and began to change the human perspective on how nature works.

The development of science is what then changed the way engineering

works until now. People no longer rely so much on trial and error methods in
creating or designing equipment, but rather prioritize science as a basis for

The term software engineering was first used in the late 1950s and around
the early 1960s. In 1968, NATO held a conference on software engineering in
Germany and then continued in 1969. Although the use of the term software
engineering in the conference caused a sharp debate about aspects of engineering
from software development, there were many who considered that the conference
was the beginning of the growth the software engineering profession.

b) Problem formulation
The formulation of the problem from software engineering is:
(1) Explain the definition of software engineering?
(2) State the factors and aspects of Software Engineering?
(3) Explain the development methodology?
c) Purpose
The purpose of Software Engineering is to provide a framework for
building higher quality software
d) Benefits
i) Students
To make it easier for students to do assignments and use application
software in their daily learning and to know the factors of each software
ii) Lecturer
To provide material to students and provide assignments by using the
application software in accordance with the subjects they are presenting.


A. Definition of Software Engineering

Definition of Software Engineering According to Fritz Bauer: "Application

and utilization of engineering principles to produce economical software that is
reliable and works efficiently on real machines" Characteristics of Software
Developed or engineered, not made in general terms. Not 'weathered' or physically

The IEEE Computer Society defines software engineering as the application

of a systematic, disciplined and quantified approach to the development, use and
maintenance of software, and the study of these approaches, namely the application
of engineering approaches to software

Generally made specifically, it is not compiled from existing components.

Software Problems Software does not function properly (poor quality). Inaccurate
scheduling of processes and production costs. Productivity that has not been able to
meet the demands of user needs. Difficult maintenance. The development of
hardware technology is beyond the ability of programmers to create software that
can maximize the potential of hardware.

Software engineering is a professional field that explores the methods of

software development including the creation, maintenance, management of
software development organizations, etc.

In 2004, the term software engineering was generally used in three meanings,

1. As a general term for various activities that were formerly called

programming or analysis systems,

2. As a broad term for technical analysis of all practical aspects that are
contrary to computer programming theory, and

3. As a term that embodies the advocacy of a specific approach to computer

programming, an urgent matter is treated as an engineering profession rather

than an art or craft, and advocacy of the practical codification suggested in
the form of a software engineering methodology.

Software engineering is an engineering discipline with software developed.

Usually the process involves finding the wishes of the client, arranging it in the list
of needs, designing, coding, testing, and integrating separate parts, testing the
whole, deployment and maintenance of software.

Discipline is still in its growth (the initial stage of development) as an

engineering discipline. We never have enough experience, nor enough empirical
data sets to systematically understand and predict the life cycle of software projects.

The Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) divides

software engineering into 10 knowledge areas, namely:

1. Software requirements, related to specifications of requirements and

software requirements.
2. Software design and architecture, includes the process of determining
architecture, components, interfaces, and other characteristics of software.
3. Software construction, deals with software development details, including
algorithms, coding, testing, and error searching.
4. Testing software, includes testing the overall behavior of the software.
5. Software maintenance, includes maintenance efforts when the software has
been operated.

6. Management of software configuration, is related to attempts to change
software configuration to meet certain needs.
7. Management software, related to management and measurement, including
software project planning.
8. Process software, related to the definition, implementation, measurement,
management, change and improvement of the software engineering process.
9. Software methods and tools, include theoretical studies of tools and the
software engineering methods.
10. Software quality, focuses on the quality and life cycle of software.

In conclusion, Software Engineering is the process of making software using rules

or principles of engineering so that quality software is produced.
More specifically we can state the objectives of SE are:

a. Obtain low production costs for software.

b. Produce software that is high performance, reliable and on time.
c. Produce software that can work on various types of platforms.
d. Produce software that has low maintenance costs.

Attributes of good software

The software should deliver the required functionality and performance to the user
and should be maintainable, dependable and acceptable.

o Maintainability
Software must evolve to meet changing needs;
o Dependability
Software must be trustworthy; Able to keep up with technology
o Efficiency
Software should not make wasteful use of system resources; Can meet
desired needs
o Acceptability
Software must accepted by the users for which it was designed.This means
it must be understandable, usable and compatible, Can meet desired needs

B. Software Engineering Factors

Various factors that influence planning, management, and selection of SQM

activities and techniques are as follows:

1. Areas of the system to be occupied by software (safety-critical, mission-

critical, and business critical),
2. System and software needs,
3. Commercial components (external) or standard (internal) for use in the
4. Specific software engineering standards that can be applied,
5. Software methods and tools used for development and maintenance, and for
improvement and evaluation of quality,
6. Budget, staff, project organization, plans, and scheduling of all processes,
7. Expected users and system usage, and
8. Level of system integrity.

C. Development Methodology

A development methodology is a set of practices and procedures for

creating software, set of rules that developers have to follow, set of conventions
the organization decides to follow, and systematical, engineering approach for
organizing software projects

1. The "Waterfall" Process

is a relatively
linear sequential design approach for
certain areas of engineering design.
In software development, it tends to
be among the less iterative and
flexible approaches, as progress flows in largely one direction
("downwards" like a waterfall) through the phases of conception,
initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, deployment and maintena

2. Rational Unified Process (RUP)
is an iterative software
development process framework
created by the Rational Software
Corporation, a division
of IBM since 2003.[1] RUP is not
a single concrete prescriptive process, but rather an adaptable
process framework, intended to be tailored by the development
organizations and software project teams that will select the elements of
the process that are appropriate for their needs. RUP is a specific
implementation of the Unified Process.
Very formal, lots of documentation
3. Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF)
is a set of principles, models,
disciplines, concepts, and guidelines
for delivering information
technology services from Microsoft.
MSF is not limited to developing
applications only; it is also
applicable to other IT projects like deployment, networking or
infrastructure projects. MSF does not force the developer to use a specific
methodology (such as the waterfall model or agile software development).
Formal heavyweight approach
4. Agile Development Processes
is an approach to software
development under which
requirements and solutions evolve
through the collaborative effort of
self-organizing and cross-functional
teams and their customer/end user

A. Conclusion

Software Engineering is the conversion of software itself to develop, maintain,

and rebuild using engineering principles to produce software that can work more
efficiently and effectively for users.

Objectives of Software Engineering:

 Obtain low software production costs.

 Produce software that has high performance, reliable and on time
 Produce software that can work on various types of platforms
 Produce software that has low maintenance costs




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