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Organic masks are face masks that use 100% natural ingredients. Unlike regular masks, organic masks
do not use chemical additives. All ingredients come from nature so that they do not become toxic to the
body and do not damage the environment when used for a long time. The trend of using organic oat
masks is attracting the attention of teenagers. The benefits of using this mask are quite extraordinary
for facial skin. Especially in this digital age, finding anything is easy. It is a promising market for
marketing this product. The price we charge for this mask is affordable, safe in a pocket for teenagers
who want to look beautiful. The use of this mask is also durable, the mask can be used for up to six
months. Apart from price, the variants offered by this organic oat mask are many, ranging from coffee,
greentea, fresh lemonade, ginger, turmeric and chocolate variants. And how to use this mask is easy.
Just mix the powdered organic oat mask with honey, or you can with lemon juice, or with aloe vera gel
depending on the ingredients in your home. This is the answer for women who like to use masks but
have sensitive skin or for everyone who wants to wear or try beauty masks but are worried that their
chemical content will damage the skin, such as teenagers and so on. Because this product has no side
effects even for people with sensitive skin.

Here are the benefits of using this mask:

1. Moisturizes the skin

Organic oat masks will provide nutrients and be able to make the skin regenerate, resulting in new
skin that is supple and healthy

2. Control more oil

An oat mask made from wheat, makes this mask absorb oil very well. This leaves your skin oil free.

3. Make a youthful face

4. This mask contains antioxidants and collagen which will prevent premature aging of the skin.

5. Remove dead skin cells

Another unknown benefit of this mask is that it can be used as a natural scrub that can remove dead
skin cells.

6. Caring for sensitive skin

The oatmeal content contained in this product is very good at caring for the skin because oatmeal
does not penetrate into the pores and releases oil produced by the face naturally so it is very good for
sensitive skin because it does not cause dry skin.

7. The light texture of an organic oat mask like powder and the benefits that can protect sensitive skin
make this mask suitable for teenagers.

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