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Nama : Bela Zainun Yatin

NIM : G1D2020008

Kelas : Matematika B

West Lombok has many great and amazing customs. The unique one of the customs
in West Lombok are the local food and drink and cultural festivals. Like the food and drink it
really describes the typical dishes of Lombok. The one of local food is ares. Ares made from
the main raw material, namely banana tree trunks. This banana tree trunk has properties that
are good for the body, namely as a detoxfication of the digestive system, controlling
cholesterol and high blood pressure, and curing stomach acid. West Lombok has local drinks
that are healthy and good for the body. The local drinks are called serbat and bujak water.
Serbat and Bujak Water made from spices that have savor for our body. The ingredient of
Serbat and Bujak Water are very easy to get and the price is affordable too. We can also
make it yourself at home, because the way it is made is very easy.

The tourist spot is also very beautiful and enchanting, what is interesting is the
cultural festival, namely the topat war. what's interesting here is that this event describes the
history, characteristics, and culture of Sasak in one event. Not just a tradition, but this event
has its own philosophy and message in it. Perang topat is an annual festival of culture and
traditions of the people in Lingsar which is held at Pura Lingsar in the afternoon. The
uniqueness of this festival is to unite Islamic and Hindu cultures and symbolize peace. The
word Topat refers to ketupat, while ketupat means war which is fought by throwing a ketupat.
Apart from the ketupat there are several properties that are used. Each property used has its
own meaning. Like rombong, which is a small barn filled with sticky rice as a symbol of
prosperity, nine trays of rice and fruit as a symbol of fertility, thee pandan mat which contains
prayer mats and al-qur 'an as a symbol of piety, a tightly closed empty bottle (Momot) as a
symbol of eternal life in the hereafter, and buffalo meat, as well as thousands of diamonds
containing nine diamonds in each taste become a symbol of remembrance of the nine wali or
known as wali songo.

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