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1. Whey Concentrate
 Whey concentrate is one of the most basic forms of protein that is found in many protein
tubs on the shelves of supplement stores. People who are looking for an inexpensive protein
source will find tubs of strictly whey protein concentrate with a lower price tag.
 This is a great starting point for beginners and those looking to add protein to their diet
without making your wallet lighter. Some people will find though that they have a hard time
digesting the concentrates and will end up feeling a little gassy and bloated.
 Whey concentrate can be used both pre and post workout and can also be used as a snack
in between meals. This is not a preferred source of protein to be used at night.
2. Whey Isolate
 Isolates are one of the quickest absorbing proteins (but not the quickest-we will get to that
soon enough). People will find this source of protein to be a bit on the expensive side (more-
so than whey concentrates), but not near as expensive as the protein we will be touching on
 These proteins are perfect for those with low carb diets. Many of the protein tubs on the
market these days that are strictly whey isolates have very low if any carbs/sugars. Isolates
are great pre and post workout as they are absorbed quickly and can supply the muscle the
nutrients needed to help recover and grow.
3. Protein hydrolysate
 Hydrolysate protein is the most expensive source of protein you will find on the markets
these days and is the highest quality of protein available. They provide highly absorbable
peptides that can have a great anabolic effect (highest absorption rate of the proteins
 Hydrolysate protein is also much better on the digestive system compared to whey
concentrates. This protein can be used both pre and post workout

Your Health Calculator Results

The Zone (40: 30: 30)
Recommended Calories: 1,874 Calories Per Day. (TDEE: 2,083)
Protein: 40%
187 g
Carbs: 30%
141 g
Fat: 30%
62 g

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