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/ 1,
Ⅳ議 ︱ 、L
府清川︱ ︱


儘■●:議 ■│1爾 ■■1警 │■ 1鰺

/ 〆

When it wqs rqining the

children hid under it.
f Iowe rpot o sondcqstle

It begqn to gtow when

Kipper wqs in Chip's room.

mqgic keg

The chitdren rqn to eot them.

l υbumble¨
u Hlυ lじ ¨ beesl
υ じ じ ゝ i strawberries
じ Ll uVV υ じ :::じ δ

Chip sqw it in the gorden.

型 P.-1
‡ 6こ 品Ь

It took the children down the

mou ntqins.
q tog cctr i
._■ ,P,■ L血

が1ド Wlh16. ,

Ki pper Biff

Dqd vrilf

l. "It [ooks tike q desert, " sqid

2. "There must be giont slugs round he re ," sqid

3. 'I love strqwberries," sqid

4. " Let's get inside qnd ride down.We can ride down to the
desert," soid

"I don't like c[imbing mountqihs," sqid

"Look of thqt big cot," soid

Whg did Biff te[[ evergone to run inside to the mqgic house?

準 一一一
Let'sf:轟 懸籍
遷義1轟 磯爾 w16rdl:

レ ● ● ● ● 0 0 3 0 0■ ■││││││:││● ││'簿 ││1響 ││1撥 鰺 ■■滲


* Mqtch the words thqt meqn the sqme.

looked for shouted

wos ofrsid
f rig htened seorched for
chqsed mqm moth

giont neor
round ron ofter

Use q word from the box to fitt the gqPS in these

se nte nces.

I. Kipper ron outside qnd Biff ond Chip.

2. "Come on evergohe ," she
3.丁 he chil dren climbed inside q bottle. KipPer wGS
4.Floppリ the cqt qwqg.
5. "Look!" sqid Wilf.“ strqwbe rries !"
6. "There must b" giont slugs he re."

〃ord from the book that has a sirnilar meaning.

隕綺趾Find α、

90t Out Of (p.8)

started (P・

go up (P・

dashed (Polq)

織 議轟
轟濠 轟
織 :職

隧烙裔Ans、〃er the questions to find a hidden、 ″Ord.

Choose the right word.

son dp it outs ide cross │

jungle des e rt PaW

Whot wqs the grqss look tike?

2 3
。 。

Whqt did the cqt push the bottle with?

How did Biff feel when Kipper rqn outside with the
glowing mqgic keg?
4   5   6

Whqt is the opposite word of inside'?

Whqt did the sqnd look tike?
where were Biff qnd Chip ptoging with wilf qnd wilmq?

粽 what is the hidden w70rd?

Write q question thqt hqs the hidden word qs the snswer.
Theg cqme out of the
jungle qnd ctimbed Theg ote strowberries
the mountoin.

Theg were in the

gross qnd it looked
Iike o jungte.

隧雉魏Put them in the right ordere






隧綺尚Lookin the book to find the ans、 〃er to these

l. Whg did Kipper sog'Oh no!'when Biff suggested them

to go down to the 'dese rl'? (p.ll)
2。 Whリ wos Biff cross with Kipper? 1p.+1

3.ヽ Vhリ did Kipper tike the odventure ofter o[[? 1p.zo1

4. Whg did Dqd sqg "There must be giont slugs round

he re ." ? 1p.z+1
5. Drqw ond describe whqt might hove hoPPend if
Ftoppy hod not frightened the cqt qwqg.

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