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Sean Brassell

23245 Barnsley Ln.

Parker, CO

8th April 2021

To our candidate for the President of the United States

Dear Sir candidate,

I am writing today to express my support for a position that I believe would best serve
our party. I believe it would be best to support a bill that would mandate covid-19 vaccination
across the nation, as well as a bill that would mandate insurance agencies to pay for said
vaccination. I believe these bills would be for the best because many people in the nation are
afraid of taking the vaccine because of rumors created over the internet causing mistrust in the
vaccine. Their worries are all false because the vaccination has been widely tested and more
understood than before. With the coming of the vaccine, and a law mandating its usage,
information of the vaccine should be brought to light. I believe that a law should also be put in
place to punish those who spread false information of the vaccine, because they are the cause
of needless panic.

Furthermore, it should be explained to the people that they still wear a mask after taking the
vaccination because it's setting a good example to others, and to make sure there is no
unknowns with the vaccine. It should also be known that vaccines don’t show a nationwide
effect on the population and prevention of the spread of covid-19 until 80-90% of the country is
vaccinated. I pray for this nation's future and hope for your presidency. Only when the nation is
80-90% vaccinated will this pandemic end. Thank you for your time.

Sean Brassell

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