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Tecnólogo en logística


Evidencia #5

Describing The Distribution Center – Layout


Aldair Carmona

Dilan gazabon

Hojer García

Alfonso Gutierrez

Jesus Montes


administrador LMS

servicio nacional de aprendizaje

Barranquilla – Atlántico


In this activity we will talk about distribution centers using storage terminology and
thus publicize our distribution center, which will be recognized for our quality and
good treatment of the products.
1. En un máximo de 5 renglones en idioma inglés, describa el producto o
servicio que empezarán a trabajar en su proyecto formativo.

R: Our project is based on the sale of coastal cheese, a product from the dairy for
the tasting of families, very soon we will be adapting our facilities to cover all
kinds of dairy products, our products can be obtained in chain stores and in We will
be exporting to different markets in Latin America for a short time.
We chose this project because we see that the sale of dairy products grows every
day in the national and international market and through marketing studies we
realized that people every day choose to obtain these products for their food, and
we saw a good way to grow as company and in turn create jobs and help third
parties with the purchase of raw materials.
The cold storage room is near to entry and exit of cargo trucks
the isolation or preparation is nexto to the QA
the coffee shop is behind the QA
the bathrooms is it so between of the offices and coffee shop
the coffee shop is in front of the bathrooms
the cargo parking is in front of the labelled
the offices are nexto the bathrooms

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