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CryptoProcessor for Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm using FPGA

By: Hadis Mehari and Dr.-Ing Getahun Mokuria

Abstract 2 EC Cryptography
ECC has become popular due to its Elliptic Curve Cryptography is a pub-
superior strength per bit compared to lic key cryptographic system (PKCS)
traditional public key algorithms which utilizes points on elliptic curves.
RSA. Nowadays the RSA is being These points can be represented graph-
replaced by ECC in many systems. ically in a two-dimensional plane.
This is due to the fact that ECC gives
higher security with shorter bit length The previous condition guarantees
than RSA. In this thesis Hardware that there do not exist more than one
accelerator for point multiplication is tangent line for a given point on the
proposed. All the Elliptic Curve curve, i.e., the curve is smooth. After
blocks are simulated using FPGA simplification of some variables the
advantage, ModelSim above equation becomes
SE10.0b and synthesized using Xilinx
ISE design Suite 13.2. Experimental y 2 + xy = x3 + ax2 + b................4.4
results show that a single point where a and b 6=
multiplication executes in 93 µs. 0 belong to K, and 4a3 + 27b2 6= 0.

2.1 Elliptic Curve Arithmetic

1 Introduction
To best understand the way point for-
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) was mulae are derived, elementary point op-
independently introduced by Koblitz erations are typically described geomet-
and Miller in 1985. Since then, this rically. The basic principle is that a
public-key cryptosystem has attracted secant line drawn between two points
increasing attention due to its shorter also intersects the elliptic curve at a
key size requirement in comparison with third point, as illustrated by the line
other established systems such as RSA. between P and Q in F igure 2.1. The
For instance, it is widely accepted that result of point addition R is the re-
160-bit ECC offers equivalent security flection of this third point across the
as 1024-bit RSA. [15]. Smaller key sizes x − axis.
lead to faster processing, which is very
interesting to folks that are implement-
ing encryption on small, mobile devices
with limited resources in terms of power,
CPU and memory. It is also very desir-
able for large servers that will be han-
dling many encrypted sessions. The
security of a cryptosystem depends on
how hard it is to solve the underlying
mathematical problem. Figure 2.1: point addtion (P + Q = R)

In the case a point is added with

itself. A tangent line of the curve at
P is used in place of the secant line

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology 1 © Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September 2012.

between P and Q as show in figure The implementations of multiplication,
2.2. Inversion and square are complicated
in hardware.

3.1 Adder Block

If P= (xP , yP ) and Q = (xQ , yQ ) are
two different points on the elliptic
curve and R = (xR , yR ) = P + Q.
The coordinates of R can be
computed as follows

Figure 2.2: point doubling (P + P = λ = (yP + yQ )/(xP + xQ )....(3.1).

2P = R) xR = λ2 + xP + xQ + 1.....(3.2)

2.1.1 algebraic point addition yR = λ(xP + xQ ) + xR + yP ....(3.3)

1. Additive inverse of a point, P = According to the structure of the data

(x, y) is now − P = (x, x + y). path, the computation time is
approximately equal to
2. P + O = P ;
Tpoint− addition = m(Tmod− f− product +
3. If P = (0, y) then 2P = 0; Tmod− f−division )...........(3.4)
4. Point addition for two distinct The data path for computing the
points P and Q following equations are shown in
Let P = (xP , yP ) and Q = Figure 3.1.
(xQ , yQ ) with P 6= −Q and P 6=
Q, then R = (xR , yR ) is given
by : xR = λ2 + λ + xP + xQ + a;
yR = λ(xP + xR ) + xR + yP ;
yP + yQ
where λ = ;
xP + xQ
5. Similarly, f or point doubling (2P =
R where xP 6= 0) the operation is
xR = λ2 + λ + a and
yR = x2P +(λ+1) xR with xP 6= 0 Figure 3.1: point addition datapath
where λ = x + .
3.2 Finite Field Squarer
3 Architecture of ECC The finite field square is a specific case
of general multiplication and can be
Addition in a binary Galois field is triv- performed by the multiplication, but
ial, since it is a bit-by-bit addition, hav- it takes too much time. Performance
ing no carry bit, which can be imple- can be improved significantly by opti-
mented by simply using XOR gates. mizing the architecture, specifically for

the case of square. The square is com- that has been optimized for binary Ga-
puted as follows: lois fields. The quotient of two poly-
nomials in GF (2m ) can be computed
C = A2 mod f (x) = using the binary version of the binary
(am−1 x2(m−1) + am−2 x2(m−2) +. . . + algorithm that is used for calculation
a1 x2 + a0 ) mod f (x).......(3.5) of gcd from required polynomials. The
binary algorithm for computing z(x) =
The finite field square can be g(x)h(x)−1 mod f (x) has been given be-
implemented by expanding A to low.
double its bit-length by interleaving 0
bit in-between the original bits of A Algorithm 3.1 Binary Algorithm
and then reducing the double length a := f ; b := h; c := zero; d :=
result. g; alpha := m; beta := m − 1;
while beta >= 0 loop
Equation 3.5 can be changed to
if b0 = 0 then b := shif t− one(b);
C = A2 modf (x) =
m d := divide− by− x(d, f ); beta = beta −
x Ah (x)modf (x) + Al (x).......(3.6)
where else old− b := b; old− d :=
Ah (x) = 0 + am−1 x m−2
+0+... d; old− beta := beta;
+a(m+3)/2 x3 + 0 + a(m+1)/2 x + b := shif t− one(add(a, b));
0..............(3.7) d := divide− by− x(add(c, d), f );
if alpha > beta then a := 0ld− b; c :=
Al (x) = a(m−1)/2 xm−1 + 0 + old− d; beta := alpha − 1; alpha :=
a(m−3)/2 + 0 + a1 x2 + a0. ..............(3.8) old− beta;
else beta := beta − 1;
Then the high part of Equation.(6.8) end if ;
can be computed as follows with end if ;
pentanomial irreducible polynomial: end loop;
z := c;
xm Ah (x) mod f (x) =
(xi + xk + xl + 1)(0 + am−1 xm−2 +
0 + . . . + a(m+1)/2 x + 0.........(3.9) 3.4 Scalar Multiplication
This section gives an example of finite-
According to Equations.(6.9), the
field application, namely, the implemen-
shift operation is relatively simple,
tation of the scalar product (point mul-
and then the square can be changed
tiplication) over an elliptic curve. It is
to the finite field addition.
the basic computation primitive of el-
liptic curve cryptography.
3.3 The Finite Field Inver-
sion Scalar multiplication is a block of all
elliptic curve cryptosystems. It is the
This component calculates the quotient operation of calculating an integer
of two 164-bit vectors modulo the prime multiple of an element in additive
for K − 163. This utilizes the ‘binary group of elliptic curve. In other
inversion’ algorithm which is a modi- words, it is an operation of the form
fied version of the Euclidean Algorithm KP . where P is a point on the

elliptic curve and K is a positive Algorithm 3.2 Point
integer. Computing KP means Multiplication(Q = KP )
adding the point P exactly K − 1 Q− inf inity := true; a := K; b := 0;
times to itself, which results in while ((a 6= 0) or (b 6= 0)) loop
another point Q on the elliptic curve. a− div− 2 := div− 2(a);
if a mod 2 = 0 then
a := b + a− div− 2;
b := −a− div− 2;
In this section both k and P are else if (a/2) mod 2 = b mod 2 then
unknown until the run-time, i.e. they if Q− inf inity then xQ := xP ; yQ :=
are seeded in to the program at the yP ; Q− inf inity := f alse;
run time. Since k and P may vary. else point− addition (xP , y, xQ , y f, new− xQ new− yQ );
The scalar number k represents the xQ := new− xQ ; yQ := new− yQ ;
number of time P is added to itself. end if ;
To summarize, doubling has been a := b + a− div− 2;
substituted by squaring, a simple b := −a− div− 2;
operation over a binary field. The else if Q− inf inity then xQ := xP ;
strategy used for developing an yQ := add (xP , yQ ); Q− inf inity :=
efficient point multiplication f alse;
algorithm is to find, for a given else point− addition(xP , add (xP , yP ),
integer k, aPτ − ary expression of the xQ , yQ , f, new− xQ , new− yQ );
form K =√ i=0 µi τ i where xQ := new− xQ ; yQ := new− yQ ;
τ = (1 + −7)/2 and µi ∈ {0, ±1} end if ;
a := b+a− div− 2+1; b := −(a− div− 2+
The following algorithm 3.2 computes 1);
KP . end if ;
xP := product− mod− f (xP , xP , f );
yP := product− mod− f (yP , yP , f );
end loop;

A datapath for executing Algorithm

3.2 is shown in Fig. 3.2. and its
computational time is approximately
equal to

T ≈ mTpoint− addition ≈
m2 (Tmod− f− product +
Tmod− f− divison ).........(3.10)

Figure 3.2: Point multiplication


4.1 Simulation Results
This section presents results of the im-
plementation of the elliptic curve key
scalar multiplication on GF 2163 using
polynomial basis. In this scheme, the Figure 4.1: Simulation result for the
proposed ECC co-processor is imple- scalar multiplication with field order
mented with VHDL. The Xilinx ISE m=163.
13.2 and Modelsim 10.0b softwares are
used for synthesizing and RTL simula-
tion of the design, respectively. The 4.2 Performance Comparisons
optimization goal during synthesis is This section compares time latency and
set as speed and area. resource utilization of the some the re-
cent scalar multiplication hardware pro-
After completing the finite field totypes with the proposed design in this
arithmetic operations, the scalar thesis. The comparisons were restricted
multiplication is then designed, to processors with comparable comput-
synthesized and simulated. ing the scalar multiplication serially as
shown in table 4.1. As it is seen from
The simulation results for the scalar
table 5, the slowest implementation and
multiplication for the field order
the most efficient resource utilization
m=163 with FPGA
was designed by Orlando &Parri [16].
XC5VLX20t-2FF323 as the target
Among all the works N.Gura,’s
device is shown in the wave form in
design is the worst in resource utiliza-
figure 4.1.

ficient than the other designs . For ex-




ample, the execution speed of this de-
sign is 3 times faster than the architec-
ture in [17].The proposed design also

4,245 (44%)
uses roughly five times less hardware


resources than the N. Gura et. al’s ar-
chitecture. Table 8 shows a compar-
ison of the performance of the scalar
multiplication timing results and resource
1,393 (14%)

utilizations with the same hardware im-


plementations by importing the design
and algorithm of others to design to
make fair for comparison.
Xilinx XC4VFX140-FF1517
Xilinx XCV400E-8-BG560
Altera II EP2C20F484C7

Xilinx XCV2000E

Xilinx XCV2000E

KP (µs)
Xilinx XCV400E
Xilinx XCV2000



Mathias Schmalisch[61]
Orlando & parr [39]
Kimmo Järvinen[8]

N. Gura et. al.[25]

Jonathan Lutz[62]
Mubarek Kedir[1]

Propased Design

Jian Huang[63]


Table 4.1: Performance comparison of

timing results and resource utilizations
with other Published results

As described in Table 4.1, the per-

Proposed Design

formance results presented in this pa-


per are not easily comparable to previ-

ous hardware implementations. This
is because each design uses a differ-
ent hardware platform, finite field, field
size, and multiplier. In addition, the
research objective of each design differs Table 4.2: Performance comparisons of
somewhat. However, According to Ta- timing results and resource utilizations
ble 4.1, it is evident that the proposed with the same hardware platform.
architecture is the fastest and more ef-

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add methods of point multiplication based prototyping of High-Performance
design. The point multiplication in this Arithmetic for Cryptographic Ap-
design is roughly 2 times faster than plications, King Fahd Univer-
that of bit-serial Montgomery point mul- sity of Petroleum & Minerals,
tiplication (198.6 µs), and 3 times faster Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia.
than that of bit-serial basic (the tradi-
[4] FIPS PUB 186-2, digital signa-
tional) double-and-add algorithm point
ture standard (DSS), u.s. depart-
multiplication (333.186 µs).
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[15] Patrick Longa, Accelerating the
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