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RADIATION Radiation is a mode of heat transfer which takes place even in the vacuum conditions i.¢, without any intervening medium between the two surfaces which are at above absolute zero temperature. Nature of Thermal Radiation i | Ic ‘Thermal radiation al TT T T T T T ot ‘ 10 10 10 10 Oe = We 10! 10 10 10 10 tot ; ot wi j Radio tit? a waves > oe Infra red Visible light (Oz 0.38 0 0.78 pm) Both the classical electromagnetic wave theory and quantum theory have been used to explain the theory of energy propagation by radiation. These are many types of electromagnetic radiation but the nature of all the radiation is the same. These electromagnetic radiation travel at the same speed as light. Light is a electromagnetic radiation in a small region of the spectrum. In vacuum the light propagation speed is c, = 2.998 x 10* m/sec. The difference between one form of radiation and another lies only in the frequency and wavelength which are related by: C,=Axf where C,, = speed of light in vacuum A = wavelength Sf = frequency Short wave length radiations such as gamma rays and X-rays are associated with very high energies. These waves have powers of penetration and they can pass through surfaces: Radic waves which fall in the range of very long wavelength radiation may aiso pass through solids Waves falling within a narrow band of 0.38 to 0.78 4 are called visible spectrum. Stefam Boltzman Law of radiation heat transfer . In 1884, Boltzman showed that heat flux energy emitted by radiation from an ideal surf" called Black is proportional to its absolute temperature of the fourth power. q,aT 265 (Stefan - Boltzman equation) where 9, = = Quantity of, energy emitted Per unit are; a and it ti ; . (black body) in or nd per unit time by ideal radiator Stefan-Bolt constant which has the value o' = 5.67 x 10% T = Absolute temperature of the black pmissive power (E,) Emissive power of a black surface is defin it : y led as the ener; i jime, pet unit area and is dependent upon a numl ee iber of parameters am i material and roughness : ee From equation (i) E, = q, = 6. T* Atany given temperature the amount of radiation emitted per unit wavelength varies at different wave lengths. Manochromatic emissive power (E,,) : It is defined as the rate of energy radiated per unit area of the surface per unit wavelength. It is measured in w/m? - yz and is related to E, as : body in kelvin . k. E,= JEnas Where E,, = Monochromatic emissive power of the black surface at the wave length. Absorption, Reflection and Transmission Q Reffected ragiation Q Incident radiation Cae absorbed radiation Receiving surface Q, Transmitted QL radiation 266 Q=0,+0,+2 Q Or 4 Qa '=9*o'e@ Lapttt+a nis equation holds good forall the surfaces. Where P = Fraction of incident radiation reflected and is called reflectivity t= 2. = Fraction of incident radiation transmitted and is called transmissivity a. = 2 = Faction of incident radiation absorbed and is called absorptivity. a rand pare always positive and their values lie between the limits 0 and 1 i.e.,0. = = constant ne = hy ies ne = Ig =I, It shows that the surfaces which obey lambert’s law, have radiation intensities which are independent of direction. Such surfaces are also called lambertonian surfaces. Relation between the normal intensity of radiation and Emissive power N 1 ATION arto Area of the collector, d4 p = Cu dA Tve length AB x ¢ 269 Pe (R sin 6 a9) (Ras) ‘urve length AD » = sin 6 dadg Solid angle in the direction @ = gw = “4 RR 2 os dy = R Radiation leavi i ee! ® ving the emitter and striking the coll : lector is: IP, = 1, cos @. dw. dA = I, cos @, sin 0. dOdd. dA _ Total energy emitted by the emitter 6=0 to W/2, = 0 to 2n ja, Hemisphere m2 a 1,aa, |sind.cos0.d0 {do o o 1 @, = 1, 4A. 3X2H 7 @, = 1,7 dA @ But the total emissive power of the emitter with area dA and temperature ‘T’ is also given by: @, = 5,THAA w Combining equations (i) and (ii) 1, nda = 0, T.dA Lxn=o,T n. 1, = E, E,=% 1, i b Emissive power of a black body is equal to the 7 times the intensity of radiation. Characterisites of a black body 1. Black body is a perfect absorber ~ 2. Black body is a perfect emitter “ 3. Black body’s total intensity of radiation and total emissive power temperature. 4, Black body emits energ, are only functions of its ry according to Jambert’s cosine law. HMT 270 Laws of Black body Radiation he spectral distribution of the set ril ion Law = k's Distribution 3 ee ‘a black body is In 1900, Max Planck showed ¢! given by the equation: radiation intensity of ee . (Evy = fexp(C, /AT)- 1 Where C, = 0.374 * 10-15 J-m*/sec C, = 1.4388 x 107 m-k These curves show the following characteristics of black body @ di) 2. Wein’s Displacement Law : For a black body emissive spectrum, the wave length 4... giving the maximum emissive power at a particular temperature may be found by differentiating the law (E, ), with respect to A and equating it to zero. (E,), = [on = (AE, )y (E,), becomes maximum (if T remains constant) when >"> = ou da| exp(c, /AT)-1| = ° [ex &.)-1f-54.4°9-4.2°fon 3] ae [exp(e, /ar) 1] 2 7 ¢ 1 ey or 5.0.4. exp (=) $5 yh + C0, A FEE exo aplaTion pividing both sides fh 5cA4, we get 7 2 1 1 oo (2) 1+ 5° ¢r wr ep (2) =0 solving this equation by trial and error method, we get ¢ 2 2 AP = AT 74965 5 Ag T = ait = Mex ~7 = “| Thus, 3, Stefan - Boltzman Law : The total emissive power (or hemispherical emissive power) ae Ge ee with this substitution, the new integrations limits are AO HMT 272 . ceries, we obtain ctf fexp(y) + expl-2y) + exp(-3y))}ae.. OY go Expanding [exp(y)-T"' by # — [orterx-ay hy ‘ t The integral is of the form) | L 3! 3! 3! lege r + *648 Ey= Ge” Subtituting the values for constants ¢, = 0.374 x 10" J-m'/sec, c, = 1.4388 x 10? m-k 0374x1078 X6.48xT*= 5.67 x 10*T* » = (14388 x10) > E, = 0,7! w where o, = 5.67 x 10% m —k* Radiation from Non-black surfaces 1. Emissivity (€) : It is a measure of how it emits radi in comparison with a black surface at the same temperature. It is a nes °* 3% E=c€£ E - refers to emissive power of a non-black surface E, - Emissive power of a black surface Emissivity of a material varies with temperature and the wavs » All the real surfaces + It represents a surface. ‘hose absorpily ai Wi the wovelnge of ol Irstates that at any ten ‘a rate 1A, .d ene mR? al form for the commonly encountered tor or Configur’ Shape F: 1 » integral equation spe evaluation of the INKEE! leq J} shave been obtained and presented in graphic sults have bee There geometries 1, Parallel ph ngles in opposite 1o Referring to page No. 77 and 78 of this data hand book tne b a a can be obtained value of shape factor F,, for X= KO cither from graph or from the table. th a common edge : . Perpendicular rectangles Referring to page No. 79 and 80, the value of shape factor ¢ can be obtained from the table oF graph given in the data hand book. 3. When all the radiation emanating from a convex surface | is intercepted by the enclosing surface with respect to the enclosure F,, is unity, 4. Aconcave surface has a shape factor with itself because the radiant energy coming out from one pant of the surface is intercepted by the another part of the same surface. The sha factor of a surface with respect to itsle is F,,. For a flat or convex surface, the shape factor with respect to itself is zero (i.e., F,, = 0). This is due to the fact that for any part of flat or convex surface, one cannot see any other partot the same surface. Problem 8.1 : Two parallel rectangular surfaces Im x 2m ave opposite to euch other aa distance of 4m. The surfaces are black and at 100°C and 200°C. Calculate the heat exchanee by radiation between the two surfaces. Solution - ; bd 2 Referring to Page No. 79 in the data hand book for the values of < = > a 1 fo 202 © 7 70.25, Fy = 0.043. =A,.Fy.0. (7-7) (2 x 1) x 0.043 x 5.67 x 10% x (4734 ~ 3734) 149.6 W —— u s u gapiaTioN : Determine the sh 7 problem 8.2: e shape factor from - a small are, Rwhich are parallel to each o wre a dA, (0-4 circular di ther wi . 1 ular dise A, of rat th a distance L between them U solution = Anelemental are dA, is e » iS chosen as the circular ring of ra x such that dA = xd0.dx | as distance r between the two elemental surfaces is given ‘ 8 7 and g, cos @ = dA, (B+)? The shope factor is given by the equation as Lf f£0801.c0sds.dA,.dA, Fagg he cos? or dA, Fy 4, = dA, mr 2 4a, Making the substitution for rand cos @ and integrating, us 1 Electrical Network analogy for Thermal radiation systems In this approach the two terms commonly used are Irradiation and Radiosity. Irradiation (G) : Iis defined as the total radiation incident upon a surface per unit time per unit area. Hvis expressed in wim? . Radiosity (J) : tis defined as the total radiation lea I is expressed in wim’. a surface per unit time and per unit area. AMT NJ=p Grek, Opaque, Non-black surface The radiosity c radiation incident upon it. ie. J=p.Gte.£, For a opaque surface @+p=1 of original emittance from the surface puls the reflected portion of any Ge t=) (Cy Kircheff’s law a= ¢) p=l-a=l-e J=(l-€).G+eg, (J-6.E,) (l-e) The net energy leaving a surface is the difference between the radiosity and irradiation, or G= =J-G or J(\-6)-(J-€.E,) (l-e) J-e.J-J+e8, ESN SHO SIO BIO HI , gaplarion 279 l-e€). ‘phe quantity (==) is known as surface resistance as it is related to surface properties of she radiating body. Consider the exchange of radiant energy between two non-black surfaces | and 2 of the total radiation which leaves surfaces 1, the amount that reaches surface 2 is Q, = similarly, the heat radiated by surface 2 and received by surface 1 is Q, = A,.F; ‘The net interchange of heat between the surfaces, Q,, = Q, - Q, : AL Fyadi — Ay: Pai but A, . F,, = A. F,, (by reciprocity theorem) : Qn =A Fis m2 or ‘This equation can be represented in the form of electrical network as shown in fig. below. 1 : The quantity qj, is called the space resistance because it is due to the distance and 1 Fa : geometry of radiating bodies. ‘Thus, the net heat exchange between two non-black or gray surfaces is given by: (a2) (Qu dna = TEE Ape ALF (Orden = Fora En, Fi) = Fria 6 - TE) where © (Dia = a gray body factor. HMT aces, the surface fesistances 280 when exchange of Beat WRES place etween (wo black sur become zero as €, = = & (F), changes 10.4, Fy then 0 (7-7) (Over = Consider the following cases: radiating bodie: |.» is one because infinite parallel plant all the radiation leaving one plane reaches th 5 are (a) When the In this ease shape factor other A, and 2) Wi Q) ben the radiating bodies are concentric cylinders In this case shape f¢ i ne pe factor F, , is 1 because all the radiation leaving one cylind inder reaches the _ (fh, -%) 2 : re, 0 re AVE, Ay Fig Ap-€2 Since F,,=1! oT’ -T) 281 (3) When the radiating bodies are concentric spheres Inthis ease also shape factor Fis 1 because all the radiation leaving one sphere reaches the athe. Since F,,=1 (4) When a small body lies inside a large enclosure: In this case also shape factor F, , is 1 because all radiation leaving one body reaches the other. (Ey - Ex) (Enclosure, 2 A, = - Z Qn Fa, 1 re Ff ALE, ALF An& Since F, y CAUh Q.= Ayre iy AL & ‘small body, 1 Ay HMr 282 Qu = (I-€) Ar, ees ted. since A, >>> Ay therefore > Ay is neglectet 47 OF Avot) = €,.0.4,. (08-7) ne —-1+l ei -nvlem 83: It is desired to calculate the net radiant heat exchange between the floor of : ide wall 3 m x 2m. The emissivity of the floor material is 0.63 ang a furnace 4m x 2m and a si n that of the side wall material is 0.2. If the temperature of the floor and side wall are 600° and 400°C, calculate the net heat exchange between them. (Bangalore university Sep/Oct. - 99) Solution Referring to page No. 79 in the data hand book. yet xX 4 Y=> 2 y=2 From the graph for these values F,, = 0.138 T, = 600+273=873K 00 +2273 = 673 K €, = 063, €,=02 0,= 5.67x10°*(873* - 673") 2 7-063. 1 10> 063 1-02 80.63 8x0138* 6x02 5.67 x10 (5.8084 x 10!! - 2.0514x10!') 0.0734 + 0.9057 + 0.6666 Note : Refer Heat and Mass Transfer Da ta B Subramanyan for solving ee 1 Book by C. P. Kothandaraman and S Qn = oe 2aso2ay 283 0 1.6457 Q,, = 12944 Watts Q,, = 12.944kw 8.4: Two parallel directl red fem opar The ae ra oe et 20 = iM pective emissivities are 0.6 and 0.9, ee If the shape factor 5 ° of one sui it oiher is 0.16, compute the direct radiation heat exchange between a ome (Mangalore Unit F,, = 0.16 (Given) A, =A, = 0.6%2.4= 1.44 m = 273 +30=303 K, D=10cm 273 +80 =353K 5, h=10Wim-K 6.216 A = 1DL=7x Ol x | = 88844 m* Heat loss = convective heat loss + Radiative heat loss Q=9,+9, Q =hxAx(T,-T) +€.A.6.(7$-T,) Q = 10g 0.9314 (353 ~ 303) + 0.5 x 0.0314 5.67 x 10 x (353*- 303") Q=-weees =8=I1S 7OTf 63.F a . Qa 1-634 kw 284 Ey Problem 8.6: Determine the heat lost by radiation per meter length YC if (i) enclosed in a 16 cm diameter red brick duct at a temperat (ii) located in a large room with walls at a temperature of 27°C © (brick conduct) = 0.93 (Mangalore U Solution 2) When evlinder is placed inside a duct: d, = &cm=0.08 m = 16cm=0.16m m md = 7x 0.08 x 1 = 0.2513 m? mx 0.16 x 1 = 0.5026 m* 93 = 273 +300=573K, T,=273+27=300K 0, = 2) ec Ee, Tre eee Ane: ° 5.67 x 10°*(573* - 300") 12> T=079 T 0.25130.79 * 0.2513x1 7 5652.42 56: vs = 10577+3979-10189 * 51857 Q,, = 1090 Watts (ii) When the cylinder is placed inside a large room : | OQ, =4,.€,.0.(T4-T,) | aN Q,, = 0.2513 x 0.79 x 5.67 x 10° (573*— 300°) 1; Q,, = 1122.15 Watts Reduction in heat flow by enclosing in conduit = 1122.15 ~ 1090 = 32.15 Watts/ m length of cylinder lem 8.7 : A liquid at -73°C is placed in the inner container of a vaccum bole Wicd ™ ie considered as a sphere of 12.5 cm diameter. The outer shell of a sphere has a diame’ 15 cm and a temperature of 15°C. Assuming only radiant heat exchange to be i outer shell of the bottle to be maintained at 15°C. Calculate the time requires reach — 18°C. The emissivities of each surface is 0.4. For liquid ) = 0.78 gree. ©. (Mangalore Universi _aDiatiOn 285 ution a T, = 15+273=288k T, = -73 +273 = 200 13 = 200K 2 A= nrtetnn (US) | = 0.0490 m? Ag 4s 2 = 4arta4xax ce 2 a os) = 0.0706 m? ,¢¢) uaamtaq aovds fo ays oy: purg “Byp or x 1701 Sujavy wnranunpy yr paysyod st 24°" — 10 div pmbiy asoys 07 pasn aq oj aav pain” HM Sa2}ouip WI uuu ODE pup uuu Qgz sarayds oUjUaDU0I om + 68 L8z sav NOL! ee , 4 “By UL uUMoYs se wou uaamrag posed i, Platys uonerpes v yrs Afaanoadsay “7 puv 'y sammesaduiar Z wy="y='y vase jo z pur | sound jajjend om JapisuoDd Z ‘squr1 odeio1s o1ua0As9 Jo uoe|sur ay so posn ome Z SS9ULL SPIANYS UOHEpEs aAnoaIyo £194 se aA19s sapis Og UO Z Sway OM Teaw FundoyJa1 A1YBIy YIM parvoo anseid jo siaays F MYL "WaIsKs y]e19AO BY Woy Way Aue BuLAOWIAL KyemI3e IMoWIM ssourrsisax aovjans oy BuIseaIoUL KJortioaIjo Pistys uoneipey —~ Aq sojsuen way uopetpes ayy sonpar SPlalys uonerpey SPPIS Uonepey lz0 = 3 Gelb EL2 + 26782) 01 x LS x B= (ZEZEZ-HL'68z) xOSI CD x0 x xv = CLD x OC1 xy ™G =O ‘Suisn uresy Ovzorest = 28°9 - pLo8z = 789—y = y 24 [IY paprosar aunresoduray mony D:28°9 = 26-7 - bL'6 De@O'Z = £0 x HLG Doh L'6 = O87 - bL'687 7-9) = auowainseow u sour (21) DshL'68Z.10 I pL'z9g = GEIh~s€S9) 5.01 x LOS x HO = (ess ~"“Z) x OST GL = 9). 0°3'V = (ggg — a) x vx y uounipos kq ajdnos0usays Aq 180} way = uonraauod kg ajdnosouioys Ag pauwd jwoH (1) quasaid 1043] 4q paonpar aq 0} st 1021g " & W uonounf 2jdnos0uay, — - \O ona | ro kK) eau ost | 887 NH 3S) ( 9 3 ee) ee | 1 "} ( toy. “Co ( w | BIE) Inve [(-F+2}(-F+ ree (29) eo) T I qT qT i 1 ™E) = "™C'O) sous yo 2) We eas) 0) +(-2-4] CG) (-2-7] ToT :se uanlam aq wed uoReNba aAoge ap *(Ht) pur (11) (1) SuoNENba wor GE- ED + GD) = (AL 5D) + 4aprsuog -wmowry st platys uonetper pur eueyd jojyered om Jo sonnatssruna pue souryd jajyesed 011 ‘yp Jo aimrezadurai ay 20u0 punoy 2q uo aunyeraduray pjatys uorepes “o't Cy Jo onyea Quy, wt tS fg Ip ee Laareaite ce Waania (a-ov (8- ov Eq) = 9) “uraisAs ay) Wouy YW=y aAOWIA 10 J9A1[9p 10U Sop Palys LorReEpLA ay) 224 is ts @ byty =") we (Z- fyov (ye Sacae au, ) I 1 + _ (0) Io) (= lyov “3 si Aarssiuia pjarys uoneipe? 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OM) UIaMIOq JOYsURN aE] (11) sly ‘ GL- uy” 1-70,80 oy 1 w&@ Gu- yo # Pletys Luv mou sareyd ost om uDdaxiog s9jsuEN waxy (1) uonnjog § ay Jo dnaussiua ays oq pynoys N09 q ways uodm1.g safsuou way aonpa1 ‘oud St pjanys wonwipos ys gT-g wage “Sou Og 4q J2ysuen yeay axp aonpas ox pautnba am spraiys uoneipes samy (8667 “ump Mnssaaup, asopsuny) gpuaimu pjany U0 OBO $1 wos aya fo Knarssrua ays fy “sau 91 anjd Wout jaypond a8} om uaaaiog popia “6E+S1 = OCI soo oot Moe “G0-D ' I- au +ST = SIXO8 usoo— uz 1*0 z = 08 v0 80 80 pau $00 80 ug 1 I '5 ' “0 1 =or = _6 hos =o = 3e 962 WH ‘Ayanooyay (p) ‘Aarsstursueay (9) ‘Auandsosqy (q) Aratssturg (e), WI} SUIMO|[OJ MY BUIJOq. “ ‘do19v} UoNLINYUOO UoHeIpeY (q) ‘splarys uoNeIpeA (&) UO dOU BAILA “9 “uOHeIpes Jo MeL SJoyoIy Prod pur aeig “¢ “Aualsstwy pue Jamod aatssturyq (q) “uonerpest pur Ausoipey (e) suasmyog ysInsunsiq “p “uonerpel Jo Apsuaqur oy) soumny-z 07 Tens st zamod aarssiura mor ayp wey MoYg “UoNeIpEY Jo AusuarUT pur samod aarssiwe auyag * “Apoq 4oeIq oas0d v Jo 1dasuos ay UIE ~ “Ausompey pue ramod oaissturg (0) ~Auayssqure sreworysouou pur Anaisstury (q) Apoq vip pue Kpoq youigq (ev) =Buymor{oj oy) uariag ysindunsiq, « 8 - SASIOUAXS 9100 = "Ss Z+'2x0S0 = "5 ozr a —2XSI = og tt 3 x0S0 ing Le nowviay®

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