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ТЕСТ: Present Perfect Progressive

1. We ___ in France for 5 years. С have been living

2. Liz ___ to ski for a week now. C has been learning
3. How long ___ Spanish? A have you been learning
4. Your father looks tired. He ___ his car all day B has been repairing
5. The children ___ TV since morning C have been watching
6. How long ___ for us? B has John been waiting
7. I ___ to phone you all day. A have been trying
8. Lena ___ geometry since she was 30 A has been teaching
9. My grandpa ___ all his life. B has been smoking
10. How long ___ to music? For a couple of hours. C have you been listening
11. Sam ___ fish for years. B has been selling
12. I ___ about buying new computer since last week. B have been thinking
13. We ___ the house since morning A have been cleaning
14. Donna ___ for a job for half a year C has been looking
15. The baby ___ for three hours. A has been sleeping
16. How long ___ your homework? B have you been doing
17. I ___ for this company for 5 years C have been working
18. My mother ___ for the last two hours A has been cooking
19. Stella ___ in the park for half an hour. C has been running
20. My parents ___ the walls all day today B have been painting
21. He ___ sick since afternoon B has been feeling
22. How long ___ singing lessons? C have you been taking
23. They ___ billiards for quite a time. A have been playing
24. Margaret ___ in bed since yesterday. B has been staying
25. They ___ to mend the tape recorder for an hour C have been trying

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