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The Life of St.

Alphonsus of Ligouri
Written by: Sem. Dale Andrew S. Aguihap
2nd Year Philosophy | Class of Servites
Alphonsus Maria de Liguori was born in 1696 near Naples, Italy, the son of a captain in the
Royal Navy and a very devoted mother from a noble family in the city. His parents provided him
with an exceptional education in philosophy, literature, and the arts. He was 16 when he was
awarded doctorates of civil and canon law.1
Alphonsus found that he was not happy with his life. He sought to understand God’s will for him
and finally realized he was being called to the life of a priest. He studied theology and was
ordained when he was 29.2
He sought others who were called as he was, and adopted a style of ministry to “mission among
the people,” and so began the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer on November 9, 1732,
commonly known as the Redemptorists.
St. Alphonsus was a brilliant, articulate, pragmatic preacher. He knew how to reach ordinary
people who had limited education and very real needs. They followed this gifted preacher from
church to church and town to town to hear him give a message of hope in Christ for all people.3
Even though he was such a busy priest, Alphonsus took time to write books and hymns. He also
worked to correct a false teaching of his day known as Jansenism that said that people were too
sinful to be worthy of receiving Jesus’ Body and Blood in the Eucharist. Alphonsus taught that
receiving Communion helped us to overcome our sins and to become more holy.
He suffered from physical afflictions that left him in great pain in his later life, and he died at the
age of 91. Alphonsus was canonized a saint in 1839 and in 1871 was named a Doctor of the
Church—a person who made an important contribution to the Church by helping us to
understand what it means to be Catholic.4
Lastly I would like to reflect on the life St. Alphonusus, he was a man of passion and volatility.
He found his balance and security in his devotion to the Blessed Mother. His appeals to Mary
were impassioned, like those of a distressed child calling for his or her mother. He was confident
Mary would hear his prayers, and she was a great spiritual wellspring of his life. He never wrote
a single letter without beginning or ending it with the words “Long live Jesus and Mary.”
To us people, nowadays we must devote ourselves to our Mother, Mary, for her unending love
and to foster their love for the mother of God. For she was a constant helper and guide in all
matters concerning God’s children.


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