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Government 2305: Federal Government

Writing Assignment #2

For Writing Assignment #2, you are to create a research analysis essay.
• Review, analyze, and evaluate various U.S. foreign policy issues or topics. Identify and discuss a single U.S. foreign
policy issue or topic that you consider to be an important U.S. foreign policy issue. In addition to an appropriate
introduction, be sure to include some context or background regarding this issue. In addressing this issue, you may
want to address the following questions. What basic approach (interventionism, internationalism, containment, or
isolationism) should the U.S. use regarding this issue? Which specific instrument(s) (diplomacy, United Nations,
IMF, economic aid, sanctions, collective security, soft power, or military force) of foreign policy should the U.S. use
in addressing this issue? Finally, provide some reflection on the possible outcome and/or consequences if the United
States government and/or people of the U.S. choose inaction regarding this issue as well as the possible outcome
and/or benefit should the United States government and/or U.S. people follow your assessment of this issue. Note:
Since this assignment involves a foreign policy issue or topic, you cannot write about an issue that you wrote
about in your Writing Assignment #1.

1. Use at least two (2) outside sources to support your paper
2. Write at least 500 words of text (not counting your Reference or Works Cited page)
3. Adhere to academic-style writing, structure, grammar, and punctuation rules
4. Utilize appropriate in-text source citations
5. Use a properly formatted Reference or Works Cited page
6. See the Writing Assignment Grading Rubric for additional assignment expectations
7. Consult the Grading Breakdown checklist from Writing Assignment #2 for guidance

1. To practice analytical Reading and Critical Thinking skills
2. To practice the process of Researching and Understanding specific issues or topics
3. To enhance your understanding of matters of Social and Personal Responsibility
4. To improve your Communication skills

Academic—members of your GOVT 2305 class


• At least 500 words (not counting your Reference or Works Cited page). A significant number of points will be
deducted from your paper’s grade if it falls short of 500 words.
• You must use appropriate MLA or APA rules and formatting.

Due Dates -- A final version (electronic) of Writing Assignment #2 is due no later than Sunday, May 2, 2021. Any late
paper will automatically lose a minimum of 10 points. Additionally, 2.5 points will be deducted from your paper for each
calendar day that your paper is late. No assignment will be accepted after Wednesday, May 5, 2021.

NOTE 1: Do not use Wikipedia or any other “summary” websites as a source for your paper.
NOTE 2: No more than 20% of your writing assignment’s text should be directly quoted material.
NOTE 3: Submitting a plagiarized paper will result in you receiving a grade of zero for this assignment.
NOTE 4: You must submit an electronic (MS Word) copy of your paper to this class’s Blackboard course site no later
than Sunday, May 2, 2021. Failure to submit an electronic copy of your paper to Blackboard/Turnitin will
result in you receiving a grade of zero for this assignment.

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