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The coronavirus is a pandemic that has invaded more than

170 countries in the world, has killed around 11,000 people

and more than 270,000 infected people and continues to
spread. It originated in China in a village called Wuhan,
apparently after a month of study by a doctor. widely
recognized for having ties to the Ebola cure and other major
diseases in history, they claim to have found the coronavirus
The effects it has had on the economy are very complex, we
can see it with the rise in the dollar, it passed 4000 Colombian
pesos, never before seen in history, all the countries that have
had contagion have had to prohibit entry and exit. of people in
the country as a preventive measure some and others
because they have a very large number of people infected,
this has affected them greatly since the topic of tourism is a
great entry for the economy of the countries, China has been
one of the most affected countries because Production in this
country has decreased as much as possible because the virus
originated there and is the place with the highest number of
infections worldwide.
In Colombia, the preventive measure is just beginning, as
there are not yet a great majority of cases, but it is already
greatly affected economically. In our country, there are too
many people who sustain themselves from jobs in street
vendors, such as selling things on public transport or having
their jobs on public roads, the preventive measure is
quarantine therefore all those who are supported by these
jobs will be greatly affected, such as hairdressers, clothing
stores or things outside what are drugstores, medical centers ,
food production companies or places of sale of food to the
public, the rest of the premises have had to close them, this
will prevent them from producing, but spending on things for
the house if it increases because we will be in it a large
number of days, In addition, President Ivan Duque has
decreed giving companies permission to mass layoffs without
justification on the one hand, it benefits employers but affects
absurdly too many Colombians who are left without jobs and
how to survive.

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