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AAWC Lesson Reflection

Select (S):

Today is Monday, the 8th of March 2021, I teach an online lesson in Kg1E lesson about letter E.
I focus on matching the learners' needs and work on each different level in the class. I try to
make questions for different levels. In my lesson plan, I focus to Identifies the sounds of the letter
in words and focus on these objects:-

Term 3
listen to and manipulate the beginning phonemes in words.
Listen to and say beginning phonemes in words.
listen to similar beginning phonemes in words.

Describe (D):

I teach an online lesson in Kg1E lesson about patterns. I tried to achieve this in my lesson by
help each learner in the class by matching their needs by gives them this information in some fun
way. In my lesson, I focus on let students practice reading sentences such as:- listen to similar
beginning phonemes in words, and I ask them to repeat the letter When they read the sentence.
also, I teach them how they can write lowercase B by asked students to use their whiteboard and
their marker then turn on their camera to show me their work. then I put different pictures and
complete the sentence for example I can see a ball. last activity I put different pictures then I ask
students to choose the picture that begins with the letter B. Student did an excellent job during
class, Also I receive their works and some student make different homework and ask them to
choose one worksheet to complete it.

Analyze (A):

First, I turned my camera on because I know how it affects students positively and takes their
attention. Students responded to the teacher when they played with something in the class instead
of listened. In today’s lesson, I prefer to have a discussion with students and let them talk. Also,
some students prefer to listen to music so I tried to put some songs that relate to the lesson and
our theme weather and sky. Students know how Alphabet.

Appraise (A):
Students enjoy the lesson and I send them different homework they can choose and one and then
post it on LMS. The home works have some reding, matching, and chooses a picture that starts
with the letter B. I follow Johan Dewey’s believes that children choose what they want to learn.

Transform (T):

I really like the lesson put next time I want to improvest by putting different activities that much
lesson time. Also, I will use different interesting games that help students.

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